More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
Don't be naive ... $15/hr MW will cost jobs and livelihoods.
Well, we're losing jobs and lowering our standard of living as we speak anyway. Either pay your labor or close the doors.

I'm certain those who will lose their jobs and businesses appreciate your cavalier attitude.
Not an attitude, just fact. It's been going on now for almost a half century. Each year, as our population grows, the number of good jobs decrease. We've been in steady economic decline since we started closing our plants and factories back on the 60's. As we lost industries to cheap foreign labor markets, it became harder to find living wage self-supporting jobs that covered all education and skill levels. Now, we're import dependent, no longer produce what we use and consume, and the economy and jobs market reflects the changes. And, there's nothing "cavalier" about it. It's called facing the facts and understanding the situation.
Minimum wage should be lowered to $1.00/hour - then there could be lots of employment. Better yet - why not just bring back slavery?
Given how the right seems to hate wage increases I often think they want that.

Who says we hate wage increases.....I think all those opposed to this hate politicians, with no risk in a business and making it successful or failing, coming in and telling someone how much they have to pay.....I could care less if a business decided to pay all of it's employees 70,000 dollars each, which one business is doing, or if they decide to pay 1 dollar an hour......and then a potential employee can decide where they want to try to get a job......

We can't stand greedy, corrupt politicians setting arbitrary wages that have no bearing on the business or it's needs to stay open.....
Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
You can quote me all you want, it wont change what I said. I have NEVER ever said anything about a worker living alone, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about it wasn't possible to be self-supporting on a minimum wage job. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away any jobs, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away flipping burgers, never. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Dont get mad at me,it's your quote.
I'm not mad at you, nor at anyone else. Yes, it was my quote. But my quote never said anything about a worker living alone, nor did it imply such. You're the one that twisted it to mean something entirely different.

Than your whole premise is down the toilet.
Min wage is a living wage after all. Who Knew....thats right,I did.
The Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Unemployment No Evidence of Harm An Economic Sense

Full time workers in minimum wage jobs are poor, despite their evident willingness to work. Even if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00 an hour from the current $7.25 an hour, as Obama has proposed, these working poor will still be earning well less than poverty line income. And bringing the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will only bring it back to where it was more than a half century ago. Real GDP per capita has more than doubled over this period. Yet minimum wage workers are currently earning 20% less.

Rigorous empirical studies do not show that increasing the minimum wage by an amount such as this will lead to an increase in unemployment of such workers. Nor does one see such an increase in unemployment in a more casual examination of the evidence, such as in the graphs above. While the poor need more assistance than just from this, increasing the minimum wage as Obama has proposed would certainly be an important help.

Ask teenagers about that....they have the highest unemployment since they are the ones who are supposed to be working at minimum wage, not families of 10........

The wage isn't the is not graduating from high school, having kids before you are married and established, and not getting the training and education needed to get a better job....and those have nothing to do with the business....that is bad decision making on the employee....
Why does the minimum wage have to be universal? Every teenager at a part time summer job, every housewife working part time to add a little something to the monthly budget. Are these the workers who desperately need to earn a living wage?

My solution is this: any worker putting in more than a thirty hour week deserves a living wage. A minimum wage of at least $10.10 an hour. These folks are demonstrating their willingness to earn a living and they should not work and remain poor due to low wages?

My solution is this: any worker putting in more than a thirty hour week deserves a living wage. A minimum wage of at least $10.10 an hour.

good for start your own business and do just that, I support you 100%.....just don't use a politician to force other people to do what you think they should do....leave them alone....
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
You can quote me all you want, it wont change what I said. I have NEVER ever said anything about a worker living alone, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about it wasn't possible to be self-supporting on a minimum wage job. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away any jobs, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away flipping burgers, never. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Dont get mad at me,it's your quote.
I'm not mad at you, nor at anyone else. Yes, it was my quote. But my quote never said anything about a worker living alone, nor did it imply such. You're the one that twisted it to mean something entirely different.

Than your whole premise is down the toilet.
Min wage is a living wage after all. Who Knew....thats right,I did.
FYI - I never expressed a "premise". And, nothing that I've said is "down the toilet". What I said was absolutely correct. If you can dispute what I have said, then please do so. But, please do not twist what I have said around to mean something entirely different, nor add what you think I meant by what I have said. Thanks.
How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.

It seems most the jobs being created are of the flipping variety. The good jobs are going to China.

The last time I checked there were over 6'000 homes just in my master planned community alone.
There are 93 master planned communities in the Houston area.

Not a single one of the people living in these master planned communities are on min wage.
Funny how that many people can manage to find jobs that afford them the ability to live in those communities.
FYI - You can NOT compare the Houston area with the entire country, nor with the jobs market everywhere in the U.S.A. Different areas of the country have different economies.

So you admit the conservative economy in Texas is Superior to what liberal seattle employs...
Now that we have that straightened out......
No, I do NOT admit any such thing. I said, " you can NOT compare the economy, nor the labor market, in Houston with the entire country, as to it being booming or not." There are plenty of places in the U.S. that has never recovered, may not recover a long time to come. Yes, there are areas in this country that have bounced back and are doing well, but other areas have NOT. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with either Liberal or conservative. Oh, we don't have anything straight, not by a long shot.

Funny,in the 34 years I've worked in Houston I was out of work one time for about a month.
I'd say thats a pretty good track record for Texas.
Can you say the same about your liberal run states?
Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.
Do you know what negotiations are? Ask for $15 and hope to get 10. Who`s brain dead?
That would be you. 15 bucks an hour is not a reasonable starting point. They should accept a buck and get back to the fry machine and STFU.

There is such a wide range of living costs across the US that no federal MW can justly address the issue. This is a state and local issue.
You are so correct, and I have stated such many times in the past, for years. It's common sense that it cost more to live in New York City that it is to live in Jackson Mississippi. A living wage depends on where one lives.

Why exactly does it cost so much to live in NY?
It seems most the jobs being created are of the flipping variety. The good jobs are going to China.

The last time I checked there were over 6'000 homes just in my master planned community alone.
There are 93 master planned communities in the Houston area.

Not a single one of the people living in these master planned communities are on min wage.
Funny how that many people can manage to find jobs that afford them the ability to live in those communities.
FYI - You can NOT compare the Houston area with the entire country, nor with the jobs market everywhere in the U.S.A. Different areas of the country have different economies.

So you admit the conservative economy in Texas is Superior to what liberal seattle employs...
Now that we have that straightened out......
No, I do NOT admit any such thing. I said, " you can NOT compare the economy, nor the labor market, in Houston with the entire country, as to it being booming or not." There are plenty of places in the U.S. that has never recovered, may not recover a long time to come. Yes, there are areas in this country that have bounced back and are doing well, but other areas have NOT. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with either Liberal or conservative. Oh, we don't have anything straight, not by a long shot.

Funny,in the 34 years I've worked in Houston I was out of work one time for about a month.
I'd say thats a pretty good track record for Texas.
Can you say the same about your liberal run states?
I've never compared your state with where I live. Why would I? Why should I? What difference does it make whether I live in a liberal state or not? How did that come into the conversation? I haven't been talking about Liberal, conservative, nor any other silly ridiculous political labels.
Do you know what negotiations are? Ask for $15 and hope to get 10. Who`s brain dead?
That would be you. 15 bucks an hour is not a reasonable starting point. They should accept a buck and get back to the fry machine and STFU.

There is such a wide range of living costs across the US that no federal MW can justly address the issue. This is a state and local issue.
You are so correct, and I have stated such many times in the past, for years. It's common sense that it cost more to live in New York City that it is to live in Jackson Mississippi. A living wage depends on where one lives.

Why exactly does it cost so much to live in NY?
For the same reason that it doesn't cost so much to live in Jackson Mississippi. Different areas of the country have different economies, thus different standards of living, and cost of living. It depends on a lot of factors.
How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
You can quote me all you want, it wont change what I said. I have NEVER ever said anything about a worker living alone, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about it wasn't possible to be self-supporting on a minimum wage job. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away any jobs, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away flipping burgers, never. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Dont get mad at me,it's your quote.
I'm not mad at you, nor at anyone else. Yes, it was my quote. But my quote never said anything about a worker living alone, nor did it imply such. You're the one that twisted it to mean something entirely different.

Than your whole premise is down the toilet.
Min wage is a living wage after all. Who Knew....thats right,I did.
FYI - I never expressed a "premise". And, nothing that I've said is "down the toilet". What I said was absolutely correct. If you can dispute what I have said, then please do so. But, please do not twist what I have said around to mean something entirely different, nor add what you think I meant by what I have said. Thanks.

I'm not the one crying for fifteen bucks an hour for burger flippers.
And I truly dont see this loss of job opportunities you keep going on about.
A least I've never seen it in Texas. Which I guess would explain all the yankees that come here in droves.

Maybe you should start by looking in the mirror. You are the ones who keep electing the idiots who are destroying your economies.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
The last time I checked there were over 6'000 homes just in my master planned community alone.
There are 93 master planned communities in the Houston area.

Not a single one of the people living in these master planned communities are on min wage.
Funny how that many people can manage to find jobs that afford them the ability to live in those communities.
FYI - You can NOT compare the Houston area with the entire country, nor with the jobs market everywhere in the U.S.A. Different areas of the country have different economies.

So you admit the conservative economy in Texas is Superior to what liberal seattle employs...
Now that we have that straightened out......
No, I do NOT admit any such thing. I said, " you can NOT compare the economy, nor the labor market, in Houston with the entire country, as to it being booming or not." There are plenty of places in the U.S. that has never recovered, may not recover a long time to come. Yes, there are areas in this country that have bounced back and are doing well, but other areas have NOT. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with either Liberal or conservative. Oh, we don't have anything straight, not by a long shot.

Funny,in the 34 years I've worked in Houston I was out of work one time for about a month.
I'd say thats a pretty good track record for Texas.
Can you say the same about your liberal run states?
I've never compared your state with where I live. Why would I? Why should I? What difference does it make whether I live in a liberal state or not? How did that come into the conversation? I haven't been talking about Liberal, conservative, nor any other silly ridiculous political labels.

Your the one complaining about jobs.
I would think you'd be interested in learning how a succesful economy works.
Detroit is not a good role model....
How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".
Do you know what negotiations are? Ask for $15 and hope to get 10. Who`s brain dead?
That would be you. 15 bucks an hour is not a reasonable starting point. They should accept a buck and get back to the fry machine and STFU.

There is such a wide range of living costs across the US that no federal MW can justly address the issue. This is a state and local issue.
You are so correct, and I have stated such many times in the past, for years. It's common sense that it cost more to live in New York City that it is to live in Jackson Mississippi. A living wage depends on where one lives.

Why exactly does it cost so much to live in NY?
For the same reason that it doesn't cost so much to live in Jackson Mississippi. Different areas of the country have different economies, thus different standards of living, and cost of living. It depends on a lot of factors.

Yeah...and those factors would be political in nature.

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