More Lying Biden

Well at least we haven't had our entire economy shut down from a bungled and mismanaged approach to a pandemic under Biden like we did with Trump.
that was a better scenario that we have now. now poor people (you know, the ones democrats care for the most-not) are suffering more now than they were then. Lets not forget Trump wanted to kick covid in the butt early but no, Pelosi and Schumer said it was no big deal. Democrats love kissing China's ass
that was a better scenario that we have now. now poor people (you know, the ones democrats care for the most-not) are suffering more now than they were then. Lets not forget Trump wanted to kick covid in the butt early but no, Pelosi and Schumer said it was no big deal. Democrats love kissing China's ass
Good GOD!
Do you people just live in an alternate "fact" fucking universe???
You are completely re-writing history here 180 degrees from the way it REALLY happened!
Trump is the one who wrecked The U.S. economy with his ridiculous tarriffs on Chinese goods.....meanwhile the nation's largest retailer (Wal Mart) carries about 85% "made in China" goods.
I'll even bet YOUR home (like most others) is full of this cheap, plastic, Chi-Com crap.
So tell me....what are YOU doing to not be "kissing China's ass?"
Are you contributing to China's economy by buying "Made in China" goods?
Or maybe you're actually boycotting Wal-Mart.....even encouraging others to do the same?
Heck. I'll bet you're even picketing in front of your neighborhood Supercenter with signs right?

And as for Trump trying to "kick Covid in the butt early" THAT IS NOT THE WAY IT HAPPENED!
I don't know who filled your head with this horseshit but the historical record says quite the opposite.

You should read this book if you REALLY want the inside story of what Trump was doing and saying behind the scenes in the early days of the pandemic.
It's a good read and to be honest if you haven't read it you really don't know jack-shit about how Trump "handled" the pandemic.

Good GOD!
Do you people just live in an alternate "fact" fucking universe???
You are completely re-writing history here 180 degrees from the way it REALLY happened!
Trump is the one who wrecked The U.S. economy with his ridiculous tarriffs on Chinese goods.....meanwhile the nation's largest retailer (Wal Mart) carries about 85% "made in China" goods.
I'll even bet YOUR home (like most others) is full of this cheap, plastic, Chi-Com crap.
So tell me....what are YOU doing to not be "kissing China's ass?"
Are you contributing to China's economy by buying "Made in China" goods?
Or maybe you're actually boycotting Wal-Mart.....even encouraging others to do the same?
Heck. I'll bet you're even picketing in front of your neighborhood Supercenter with signs right?

And as for Trump trying to "kick Covid in the butt early" THAT IS NOT THE WAY IT HAPPENED!
I don't know who filled your head with this horseshit but the historical record says quite the opposite.

You should read this book if you REALLY want the inside story of what Trump was doing and saying behind the scenes in the early days of the pandemic.
It's a good read and to be honest if you haven't read it you really don't know jack-shit about how Trump "handled" the pandemic.

I haven't been in a Walmart in over 15 years, LOL, you are just a Biden house boy that takes it in all orifices from any democrat activist or politician, come clean, no pun intended

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