More Lying Biden

One of the joys of working from home.

My home office has 2 CPUs and 5 monitors in it. Three for work and two for personal use. I can roll my chair between them. A program is running I roll over and laugh at you rubes, then roll back over when it is done.

Tis a good life! Soon it will be golfing season yet again and you will see much less of me.
Oh bullshit... I worked from my home office for years and I couldn't spend as much time as you do on a message board... dude you are always here... fess up Biden voter... what else are you lying about?...
Oh bullshit... I worked from my home office for years and I couldn't spend as much time as you do on a message board... dude you are always here... fess up Biden voter... what else are you lying about?...

I cannot help it if you suck at your job.
I don't have a job... I'm retired... like you I presume....

Nope, have about a decade till I retire. The pittance I get for my Marine Corps retirement is not enough to keep me in the lifestyle I am accustomed to. So, I will keep working and stocking away money till the wife is ready to lay down the stethoscope
Nope, have about a decade till I retire. The pittance I get for my Marine Corps retirement is not enough to keep me in the lifestyle I am accustomed to. So, I will keep working and stocking away money till the wife is ready to lay down the stethoscope
Dude I nailed you... whatever lib.....
The prices will not come down to the level they were before this. Specifically please, who is hurt the most by these changes?

As for energy, we were energy independent under the administration of President Trump, as much as that pains you. We are not now with gas prices far higher and folks suffering with far higher heating costs. To you, that is somehow an improvement.

Biden's 25 policies caused gas prices to skyrocket.

25 Biden policies raising gas prices and other energy costs - Americans for Prosperity

The first 2 are about protecting our environment and you realize the 1 billion is industry wide. Exxon Mobil had 56 Billion in profits last year alone.

Sad reach by a fuckup organization.
not 5 minutes in to his State of the Union he lies about gas prices and says Americans are taking home more pay. What a fucking asshole!
Last week, I went to Walmart to find a small pot roast. I saw a rib roast that used to cost under $20 for a whopping price of $67.00 at Walmart. Inflation is awful. I decided to eat at Denny's. It's a lot cheaper and the food is excellent.
The democrat media calls Social Security and Medicare "entitlements". That's a lie. I paid into both all my working life and still pay $165 a month for Medicare. Crazy liars.
They are entitlements.

"An “entitlement,” as a type of federal spending, is a government program in which recipients automatically receive benefits that they’re eligible for based on the applicable legislation. Social Security is an entitlement because everyone who meets the eligibility criteria (40 “quarters” of eligible earnings) is entitled to a benefit. No one is dependent on Congress to appropriate spending every year in order to receive their Social Security checks."

not 5 minutes in to his State of the Union he lies about gas prices and says Americans are taking home more pay. What a fucking asshole!
/------/ Just when the market claws its way back a bit, Dementia Joe smacks us with another .5% inflation. Markets take a nose dive. Thanks D Joe.
They are entitlements.

"An “entitlement,” as a type of federal spending, is a government program in which recipients automatically receive benefits that they’re eligible for based on the applicable legislation. Social Security is an entitlement because everyone who meets the eligibility criteria (40 “quarters” of eligible earnings) is entitled to a benefit. No one is dependent on Congress to appropriate spending every year in order to receive their Social Security checks."

I understand that I'm entitled to Social Security and Medicare because I've PAID into both for 55 years. The problem is that the government forcibly took the money from me and now wants to give me crumbs instead of what I should be getting.
Well at least we haven't had our entire economy shut down from a bungled and mismanaged approach to a pandemic under Biden like we did with Trump.
/——/ It was the governors who shut down their state economies. Trump wanted to keep them open, but you already knew that, and just wanted to take a cheap shot. Hey, that’s how you roll.
You, old folks, got a raise in SS pay..
/——/ Hey dumbass, all that does is keep up with the CPI. Let me school you.

What and who are not Included in the CPI​

The CPI does not include investment items, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and life insurance because these items relate to savings, and not to day-to-day consumption expenses. However, rents are included, although that’s misleading. The price for such is likely to drop when there is a high vacancy rate. This occurs when interest rates are low, but house prices are rising.

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