More Obama and ACORN Connections

fake sigs are not processed.. how many real people do they sign up... I dont understand the fake outrage here...

That's not true, when you have registration fraud in large numbers, the potential for vote fraud is going to increase. Now add in 'register & vote absentee'-it would be insane to think there would not be more fraud.

That some of those that most cried 'foul' because their side lost in 2000, to be encouraging fraud in the system is disgusting.
A conscious person today has to wonder what happened to American values since Goldwater / Reagan? Conservative values have turned to love and support of the wealthy and a dislike and fight against those who don't have as much. Sad how social darwinist the republican right has become, today they are worshipers of class.

"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried." Gilbert K. Chesterton
That's not true, when you have registration fraud in large numbers, the potential for vote fraud is going to increase. Now add in 'register & vote absentee'-it would be insane to think there would not be more fraud.

That some of those that most cried 'foul' because their side lost in 2000, to be encouraging fraud in the system is disgusting.

Explain to me what exactly you consider "Large numbers". I would bet that Republicans have removed from the rolls twice that many [cough] erroneously... Not to mention republicans are notorius for throwing out democrats enrollelment forms from poorly targeted registration drives...

I have a feeling that once the democrats gain power they will actually fix all problems with voting process...
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Explain to me what exactly you consider "Large numbers". I would bet that Republicans have removed from the rolls twice that many [cough] erroneously... Not to mention republicans are notorius for throwing out democrats enrollelment forms from poorly targeted registration drives...

I have a feeling that once the democrats gain power they will actually fix all problems with voting process...[/QUOTE]

Yes all dead people will be allowed to vote. Democrats have been pushing for voting rights for the dead, its a worthy cause afterall they don't consume any of the federal budget. They only want to vote in elections......:cuckoo:
Explain to me what exactly you consider "Large numbers". I would bet that Republicans have removed from the rolls twice that many [cough] erroneously... Not to mention republicans are notorius for throwing out democrats enrollelment forms from poorly targeted registration drives...

I have a feeling that once the democrats gain power they will actually fix all problems with voting process..

:eusa_clap: You wrote that with a strait face?
. By the way, I think you mean watch the country meltdown after Nov 5th.

It seems to me that we are going through quite the meltdown right now.
It will be hillarious to witness the KMAN meltdown starting Nov 5th...

We will all fall together when Obama takes presidency. He won't fix the wrongs. Only further advance them. From the bottom-up, i never seen a guy in the 10% bracket hand me a paycheck or give me a job.
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Stop playing with the computer at the state hospital. Voter fraud is a crime and if ACORN ends up at the center of stealing an election, I fear what will follow.

Curious how ACORN could steal the election considering that these are false REGISTRATIONS, not false VOTES?
More than 30,000 Florida felons who by law should have been stripped of their right to vote remain registered to cast ballots in this presidential battleground state, a Sun Sentinel investigation has found

Many are faithful voters, with at least 4,900 turning out in past elections.
Many convicted felons remain on voter rolls, according to Sun Sentinel investigation -- South Florida

Acorn voter fraud: and FOX19 News, weather, traffic, and sports for Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky | Ohio county seeks fraud investigation of ACORN – ACORN Office Raided in Voter-Fraud Probe
In Ohio in the last election, there were four counties where voter registration exceeded the number of voting-age people in the counties.

In Colorado, ACORN registered some individuals 40 separate times. Danforth noted that the ACORN director in Ohio played this down, saying in effect just because you register somebody 35 times doesn’t mean that they get to vote 35 times. “So, a fairly cavalier attitude,” he concluded.

In Nevada, nearly 1,000 felons were illegally registered to vote in 2004.

In Washington state, felony charges were brought against ACORN workers and some went to jail.

On Sept. 18th in The Washington Post, an article pointed out the danger that Election Day could become a real mess because of the applications turned in for registration of people who are not entitled to vote.

In Michigan, ACORN enrolled 200,000 voters and a spokesman for the secretary of state of Michigan has said that there appears to be a sizable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications.

The Clark County, Nev., registrar claims that there has been rampant fraud, and counts roughly 40 percent of registration applications submitted by ACORN from January through July had been rejected or questioned.

In Pennsylvania, official are investigating ACORN for filing fraudulent voter registrations. One ACORN worker is facing 19 counts of perjury for making false statements.

In Wisconsin, more allegations of fraud. Milwaukee election officials recently turned in 32 more voter registration workers to the district attorney’s office for possible prosecution, bringing the total to 39.

The secretary of state of Ohio is, in effect, disenfranchising many who have relied on printed applications for absentee ballots -- claiming that because appropriate boxes not been checked on the card requesting the ballot that the person shouldn’t get the ballot. “So we are concerned that a lot of people who want to vote absentee in Ohio are not going to be able to do so,” concluded Danforth.

Rudman zeroed in on the case of Michigan where “we believe that the Obama campaign has made really false claims about trying to suppress voters there.”

“Our concern is that if this is a close election ... and if one side believes it has been cheated ... it is going to be harder to heal the wounds that are created at election time,” said Danforth. – McCain Fears Voter Fraud
Check this out, the shits fixin to hit the fan hard on OBAMA according to this website...
URGENT: Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors HillBuzz

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