More Obama and ACORN Connections

Former Governor Jim Edgar, Illinois, fought the motor voter law in 1995, believing it might lead to fraud.

As combination lawyer/ community organizer, Barack Obama, sued on behalf of ACORN and won..

Barak was just one of 4 entities involved in the suit, the US Justice dept was one of the others...obama and the US justice dept were on the same side in this suit, which means the repub governor was WRONG and those suing who won the court's decision, were CORRECT, were right.

So to me, this claim or inuendo that obama was doing something illegal or unjust is simply twisting the facts.

Obama, along with William Ayers, the Weather Underground terrorist was on the board of the Woods Fund for Chicago

ACORN was a regular recipient of grants from the Woods Fund to assist in its voter registration/now voter fraud, drives.

supporting voter drives are an important part of furthering our democratic republic...

MOST of the people registered to vote by ACORN ARE LEGITIMATE citizens and future voters.

the temps that ACORN hired that committed these registration frauds should be charged with the crimes they committed.

ALL fraudulent registrations by the ACORN TEMPS were found by ACORN thru their own vetting and were separated and flagged as fraudulent BEFORE they handed them over to the election offices, which by law, they are required to do....turn ALL registrations in to the officials, even if KNOWN to be fraudulent.

Obama was director of ACORN’S controversial voter registration operation, in the state of Illinois.

One of Obama’s early influences was radical organizer Saul Alinsky.

Obama was NEVER in his life, a director of ACORN, a flat out lie!

Obama helped train ACORN leaders. It is believed some of that training was in radical, sometimes illegal, confrontational politics.

as a successful community organizer for a group in south chicago, obama was asked to train people in community organizing.

some of these organizers went on to work for various community organizations, acorn was just one of the many.

Besides being a Marxist-redistributionist, Obama is a smooth talking disciple of the hippie movement, flower children crowd, who, like practically all libs, never directly created a penny of wealth.

not worthy of comment, this is your opinion...other than you might realize if you look at it, the biggest redistribution of wealth has just occured, and it is from the every day middle class john bailing out the wealthiest on wall street.

Obama, exactly like the Clintons, has used government to become a millionaire.

hmmmmm, i thought his and his wife's ivy league educations might have done that.... wonder how their 2 ivy league family holds up to the money of other husband and wife ivy league teams?

Obama adds the following impressive credentials to his list, Chicago politicians, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, ACORN and the like, to become a millionaire, proposing nothing more than taking money from those who earn it to redistribute to the liberal movement's alleged victims.

i think he could have made some better decisions, but do not feel any of this will hurt him.... we all misjudge on things, only to see the mistakes after the fact....what's key is to learn from them.

Now he is telling blatant lies about his present and past association with this fraudulent group-ACORN.

Barack Obama is a fraud.

actually, it is those on the right that are telling blatent lies....but i don't really blame the minions doing this, they are just too believing of the talking heads of their party and maybe a little lazy, not willing to do the legwork that brings truth imo.

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Obama trained Acorn leaders.He's been involved deeply with Acorn since the 70s. He went to OHIO this year, during the election, to meet with Acorn. Hmm.
Obama trained Acorn leaders.He's been involved deeply with Acorn since the 70s. He went to OHIO this year, during the election, to meet with Acorn. Hmm.

ACORN the organization did not commit these recent invalid registrations, the temp employees were responsible.

ACORN is one of eight organizations in the usa commisioned to adovcate homes for the poor...there is nothing wrong with this goal.,,,

Mccain also met with Acorn recently and has been an advocate for its cause....from what it appears?

Obama did not work for acorn in the 70,s or 80's or 90's as a community organizer, he worked for another group on the south side with the same mission...on that drive, the group that obama worked for in the community got 25k new voters registered, while ACORN got only 5k new registrants...
Acorn the organization has a bad track record when it comes to hiring criminals, then. They are involved in voter fraud investigations in 10 states. And these aren't just silly "let's question Palin about ethics violations" by civilians. These are cases which are being prosecuted and investigated criminally. If we take the silly assertion that "organizations" aren't guilty, it's just individual members of those organizations, then we should never hear any more reference of John McCain in association with the activities of "The Keating 5" again.

Acorn is a voter fraud machine. Period. It always has been. The higher-ups lie through their teeth, they do what they can to encourage their workers to fraudulently register and get stupid, dead and otherwise illegal voters into the polls.
ACORN didn't bomb anyone they are proamerican people. I don't really get the ACORN thing, there was a big scandal on voting with BUSH/Gore which proved that the peoples vote doesnt matter anyway, (since gore won popular) its the Electoral Vote that elects the Man in Office of Presidency. Can somebody explain to me specifically how any corruption in Acorn voters registration effects the actual vote for Presidency? I guess I am missing something. I totally get why people would want to know more about Ayers & Rezko, but I don't understand the ACORN thing in reference to Obama and the election.
Because they're registering people who have no right to vote. And somebody goes in and casts ballots for those who are fraudulently registered.

Remember the article and link about the felons being registered? And of the 20,000 polled, around 5,000 voted?
Because they're registering people who have no right to vote. And somebody goes in and casts ballots for those who are fraudulently registered.

Remember the article and link about the felons being registered? And of the 20,000 polled, around 5,000 voted?
out of the 20k, 5000 could slip in and was speculating, this had not happened already and that had nothing to do with ACORN silly!

ACORN identified the illigitimate registrations allie, THEY are the ones that flagged them before turning them over to the election offices allie? what part of that do you not understand? none of those invalid registrants will ever be able to vote allie....they won't be issued a voter registration card.
out of the 20k, 5000 could slip in and was speculating, this had not happened already and that had nothing to do with ACORN silly!

ACORN identified the illigitimate registrations allie, THEY are the ones that flagged them before turning them over to the election offices allie? what part of that do you not understand? none of those invalid registrants will ever be able to vote allie....they won't be issued a voter registration card.

Do you understand what kind of chaos it creates to turn in thousands of these forms, including the ones signed by mickey mouse etc etc. Then whne local officials toss out the BS ones who is it that screams "disenfranchisement " ??? ACORN

These people have one intention and one intention only--elect their own.
I am really waiting for some proof that there was one with Mickey's name on it.

How many times has the right catapulted the propaganda until the urban legend becomes the "truth?"
Because they're registering people who have no right to vote. And somebody goes in and casts ballots for those who are fraudulently registered.

Remember the article and link about the felons being registered? And of the 20,000 polled, around 5,000 voted?

I get that part but what difference does it have on a Presidential Election since that is won through Electoral Votes and not the people?
I am really waiting for some proof that there was one with Mickey's name on it.

How many times has the right catapulted the propaganda until the urban legend becomes the "truth?"

Will this work for you?

The ACORN investigations | Mickey Mouse for Obama? | The Economist

Mickey Mouse for Obama?

Oct 16th 2008 | AUSTIN
From The Economist print edition
A rash of fraudulent registrations

AP Register early, register often

INTEREST in the upcoming election is running high, and officials around the country have reported big surges in voter registration. But some of the new applicants do not pass muster. In Orlando, home to the Magic Kingdom of Disney, Mickey Mouse tried to register. In Indiana there was an application from a sandwich shop called Jimmy Johns. Authorities in Nevada were surprised to receive voter registration forms from the starting line-up of the Dallas Cowboys....

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