More Obamacare wonderfulness.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
Obamacare has cut (depending on what report you read) 20-40% of the money hospitals and doctors recieve for treating medicare and medicaid patients.

Hospitals that take care of a lot of medicare/medicaid patients are suffering a huge loss in income. They have been forced to cut back staff, cut hours, and reduce benefits to healthcare workers.

BUT! Not all hospitals have been suffering from this. those hospitals that don't take care of a lot of patients that don't have private insurance, aren't suffering.

The giant mega hospital corporations, who turn away patients that don't have private insurance, are not harmed.

Yeah, obama REALLY cares about the little guy doesn't he?
Obamacare has cut (depending on what report you read) 20-40% of the money hospitals and doctors recieve for treating medicare and medicaid patients.

Hospitals that take care of a lot of medicare/medicaid patients are suffering a huge loss in income. They have been forced to cut back staff, cut hours, and reduce benefits to healthcare workers.

BUT! Not all hospitals have been suffering from this. those hospitals that don't take care of a lot of patients that don't have private insurance, aren't suffering.

The giant mega hospital corporations, who turn away patients that don't have private insurance, are not harmed.

Yeah, obama REALLY cares about the little guy doesn't he?'s just too bad they won't be able to run unnecessary tests or perform garbage procedures or prescribe unneeded medication to gouge money from the government anymore.

Boo hoo.

The obama death panels will take care of all that.

Yeah..who exactly has died in these death Panels? Eh?

You know, like the people that died when Governor Jan Brewer withheld funding on medical procedures for 2 patients in Arizona?

And you put out threads about that death panel right?

Could you link it please?
Obamacare has cut (depending on what report you read) 20-40% of the money hospitals and doctors recieve for treating medicare and medicaid patients.

Hospitals that take care of a lot of medicare/medicaid patients are suffering a huge loss in income. They have been forced to cut back staff, cut hours, and reduce benefits to healthcare workers.

BUT! Not all hospitals have been suffering from this. those hospitals that don't take care of a lot of patients that don't have private insurance, aren't suffering.

The giant mega hospital corporations, who turn away patients that don't have private insurance, are not harmed.

Yeah, obama REALLY cares about the little guy doesn't he?'s just too bad they won't be able to run unnecessary tests or perform garbage procedures or prescribe unneeded medication to gouge money from the government anymore.

Boo hoo.


Dumbass. If you are sick, and people don't know what's wrong, which tests are unnecessary?

You are OK with the rich getting any test they want but the poor and those on Medicare/Medicaide not? Idiot.
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The obama death panels will take care of all that.

Yeah..who exactly has died in these death Panels? Eh?

You know, like the people that died when Governor Jan Brewer withheld funding on medical procedures for 2 patients in Arizona?

And you put out threads about that death panel right?

Could you link it please?

Typical moron liberal, cannot understand simple concepts like past, present, and future tense.
Cutbacks in area hospitals since Obamacare began 20-40% reduction in medicare/medicaid reemursements:

1. Layoffs
2. Ending Paid Time Off
3. Reduction in call pay by more than half.
4. Reduction in services
5. Reducing hours/week.

Here in Orlando, Florida Hospital (The Seventh Day Adventists Chain of hospitals) and Nemour's Children's (Another chain) are the only ones niot highly affected by the cuts. Of course Florida Hospital sends away those unable to pay, and Nemour's has deep deep pockets.

The Not For Profit hospital my company contracts with is suffering greatly.

Thanks barack hussein obama!
Obamacare like every other policy has both the sides the good and advantageous while the other problematic and compulsion one.

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