More of that Libtard Tolerance Thingy

Here is classic progtardism....


Excellent pic. So....what do us whites use to show our pride in being white??
How do you know it was a liberal. Maybe is was one of Trump's victims from one of his many bankruptcies? You do know how bankruptcy works, right? I'm surprised none of his opponents ever brought that up.
How do you know it was a liberal. Maybe is was one of Trump's victims from one of his many bankruptcies? You do know how bankruptcy works, right? I'm surprised none of his opponents ever brought that up.

He knows because he heard it from his usual source --- the printout results of his rectal exam.
the world is a little more complicated place than this simplistic little game of cowboys and Indians played by those lining up as lib vs con.

I think we need some whole, new language, myself, because this isn't an example of liberalism at all. It is an act of authoritarian leftism, which is what the entire identity politics/multi-cult/politically correct movement is all about.

Just a hint, here, folks, but any political orientation that demands lock-step conformity isn't based on liberalism.
the world is a little more complicated place than this simplistic little game of cowboys and Indians played by those lining up as lib vs con.

I think we need some whole, new language, myself, because this isn't an example of liberalism at all. It is an act of authoritarian leftism, which is what the entire identity politics/multi-cult/politically correct movement is all about.

Just a hint, here, folks, but any political orientation that demands lock-step conformity isn't based on liberalism.

Of course this will sail blissfully over the OP's head, but it's spot-on nailed to the wall correct. :clap2:
the world is a little more complicated place than this simplistic little game of cowboys and Indians played by those lining up as lib vs con.

I think we need some whole, new language, myself, because this isn't an example of liberalism at all. It is an act of authoritarian leftism, which is what the entire identity politics/multi-cult/politically correct movement is all about.

Just a hint, here, folks, but any political orientation that demands lock-step conformity isn't based on liberalism.

Yeah, the classic liberal was against centralized government and the repression of free speech in all its forms.

Abut in the 1972 McGovern campaign, the social Marxist left, aka various minions of the Frankfurt School, took over the Democratic Party with a vengeance. They were banging at the door of the Democrat party structure in 1968, but once Wallace was shot and largely left the conservative wing of the Dems leaderless and rudderless, the social Marxists kicked the door right on in.

And they tried to conceal their take over using the same word 'liberalism' that JFK, FDR, Humphrey and other great classic liberals used before them, only these Marxist pukes were anything but classic liberals. They admired Castro and supported the Sandinistas like the current mayor of New York and believed in a strong socialist state and also in dividing the nations working class population against itself by fanning resentment from past abuses regarding race, gender and religion.

So, no, the word 'liberal' isnt really about liberalism any more. It is about bringing on the crisis that will create the Dictatorship of the Proletariate by preventing effective solutions to normal problems, creating new artificial controversies and suppressing any religious thought that they can that might unite the working class once again. This will allow the corporations to take over completely and set up a stealth dictatorship, and then the liberals see themselves as the natural leadership cadre of the revolution against the corporate crony Republic.
How do you know it was a liberal. Maybe is was one of Trump's victims from one of his many bankruptcies? You do know how bankruptcy works, right? I'm surprised none of his opponents ever brought that up.

He knows because he heard it from his usual source --- the printout results of his rectal exam.
You mean it can read "Rectal"?
How do you know it was a liberal. Maybe is was one of Trump's victims from one of his many bankruptcies? You do know how bankruptcy works, right? I'm surprised none of his opponents ever brought that up.

He knows because he heard it from his usual source --- the printout results of his rectal exam.
You mean it can read "Rectal"?
I'm sure the folks that printed the story can actually read the words in it, too.

They arent libtards, probably.
This thug wanted to break this girls lap top simply because she had a Trump sticker on it.

Student threatens to smash woman's laptop with Trump sticker

Clearly this indicts everyone who disagrees with you.

How so? I 'indict' everyone who thinks that the use of violence to silence opposition is acceptable in political campaigns.

Meanwhile- cute coed.

Yeah, if you go for the skinny bean pole look.

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