More on democrat racism...Bill Whittle..gun control and marriage licenses....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

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Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit. He does not have what we could call an intimate relationship with accuracy. But he does have a nice smile, and for the gullible, that's all they need.
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit.

Translation of your post: Oh crap....the racist, democrat lies are being confronted and do we stop it......
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit. He does not have what we could call an intimate relationship with accuracy. But he does have a nice smile, and for the gullible, that's all they need.
Victors have the spoils of war (carpetbaggers invading the south) and the "privilege" of rewriting history. Thus, the truth becomes "lies" and generations later revisionist lies become "truth." I do not blame you for owning the lies as truth since that's what you were taught from revisionist Yankee wrote history.
This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

Historical facts seemed to not have a place in this video. Educated folks know who was president, when the Depression happened and also why.
Thanks to 2aguy, we see where he gets highly questionable facts, which leads to why he thinks the way he does. :lol:
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit.
Translation of your post: Oh crap....the racist, democrat lies are being confronted and do we stop it......

Fuck you.

On closer inspection that IS the same video Pissyante linked the other day -- apparently he's as gullible as you are.

As I said I only got halfway through the video but it's complete bullshit. Whittle Bill (at 2:42) imagines the Democratic Party actually keeping Lincoln off the ballot and forming the Confederacy BEFORE the election of 1860, which is absolute and easily disprovable horseshit. In fact the Democratic Party's candidate won exactly the same number of Southern electoral votes Lincoln did --- ZERO. And the Confederacy was instituted AFTER the 1860 election. That's a simple matter of historical fact.

Then at 5:10 he's off the rails again claiming another easily disprovable horse turd, that the DP "founded the KKK". Which is more bullshit.

As we in fact know, the KKK was formed (12/24/1865) by Captain John C. Lester, Capt John B. Kennedy, Frank O. McCord, Calvin E. Jones, Richard R. Reed and James R. Crowe - six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation. That Klan was extinguished by 1880 and the revival Klan was put together by William J. Simmons (1915), an Atlanta salesman, also with no known political affiliation.

A few years later Simmons hired some PR people to spread the disease (which generates income) who got the KKK into politics for the first time, electing a Republican governor in Indiana, a Republican governor AND Senator in Colorado, Republican city council in Anaheim and a Republican mayor in Portland Oregon, among others. In other words the KKK, when it dabbled in politics at all, used whatever political party worked at the time, and worked against whatever party opposed it -- as it did when it got a governor removed (Walton, D-OK) for trying to drive the Klan out after the Tulsa Race Riots, and as it did disrupting the party convention in 1924 to keep Oscar Underwood (D-AL) from being nominated for denouncing the Klan.

Now if such a group were a political party's device, why would it be denouncing and driving out its own candidates? Why would such device be working to elect Republicans over its own people?

Whittle Bill's full of shit, and easily demonstrably so.

That's as far as I got on his bullshit video. But I'm sure the second half of it is equally entertaining for a fallacy hunter.

Depending on YouTube for a history lesson.... Gullible's Travels.
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Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit. He does not have what we could call an intimate relationship with accuracy. But he does have a nice smile, and for the gullible, that's all they need.
Victors have the spoils of war (carpetbaggers invading the south) and the "privilege" of rewriting history. Thus, the truth becomes "lies" and generations later revisionist lies become "truth." I do not blame you for owning the lies as truth since that's what you were taught from revisionist Yankee wrote history.

I have no need for lies or myths. I happen to have inherited a large library on this stuff, which work I chose to continue. So I know better than these revisionistas and I'm not at all shy about calling out said bullshit.

Unfortunately my standards of veracity are slightly higher than YouTube. I'm sure that's a lot less work.
Facts you don't support are called highly questionable facts, but no one has proven them untrue.....

More Liberal "logic".
A Conservative argues against obamacare and the typical Lib response is "All Conservatives hate blacks."

Dispute the facts people, arguing personalities only shows you can't support your position.
Whittle Bill's whole schtick here depends on this cockamamie idea that political parties are some sort of fixed ideology that never changes and therefore anything associated with the other "team", even if it was in 1842, puts points up on some imaginary football scoreboard for his "team".

Which as a basis is complete unadulterated monkey poo, but the gullible suck it up like candy.
Whittle Bill's whole schtick here depends on this cockamamie idea that political parties are some sort of fixed ideology that never changes and therefore anything associated with the other "team", even if it was in 1842, puts points up on some imaginary football scoreboard for his "team".

Which as a basis is complete unadulterated monkey poo, but the gullible suck it up like candy.
Rather suck it up like candy than :suck:
Whittle Bill's whole schtick here depends on this cockamamie idea that political parties are some sort of fixed ideology that never changes and therefore anything associated with the other "team", even if it was in 1842, puts points up on some imaginary football scoreboard for his "team".

Which as a basis is complete unadulterated monkey poo, but the gullible suck it up like candy.
Rather suck it up like candy than :suck:

Ingest it however you like but the simple fact is the function of a political party is to get people elected and thus, itself into power. It ain't by any stretch to represent a fixed ideology. The way these two morphed into mirror images of themselves over the years makes that abundantly clear.
This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

Btw --- how the fuck does a history of the 1860s and 1920s -- whether revisionist or not -- qualify as a "current event"?
This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

Btw --- how the fuck does a history of the 1860s and 1920s -- whether revisionist or not -- qualify as a "current event"?

Because if you put the thread in 'History' where it belongs no one will see it.

In 'Current Events' you'll get more views.

But you knew that already.
Whittle Bill's whole schtick here depends on this cockamamie idea that political parties are some sort of fixed ideology that never changes and therefore anything associated with the other "team", even if it was in 1842, puts points up on some imaginary football scoreboard for his "team".

Which as a basis is complete unadulterated monkey poo, but the gullible suck it up like candy.

You democrats just can't face your ugly past. Seems to be why you can't be honest about your ugly present.

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