More on democrat racism...Bill Whittle..gun control and marriage licenses....

This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

The Depression was well underway when FDR was first elected in 1932.

Here....try this book........the author also wrote about FDRs depression.... Coolidge eBook Amity Shlaes Kindle Store

Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, delivers a brilliant and provocative reexamination of America’s thirtieth president, Calvin Coolidge, and the decade of unparalleled growth that the nation enjoyed under his leadership. In this riveting biography, Shlaes traces Coolidge’s improbable rise from a tiny town in New England to a youth so unpopular he was shut out of college fraternities at Amherst College up through Massachusetts politics. After a divisive period of government excess and corruption, Coolidge restored national trust in Washington and achieved what few other peacetime presidents have: He left office with a federal budget smaller than the one he inherited. A man of calm discipline, he lived by example, renting half of a two-family house for his entire political career rather than compromise his political work by taking on debt. Renowned as a throwback, Coolidge was in fact strikingly modern—an advocate of women’s suffrage and a radio pioneer. At once a revision of man and economics, Coolidge gestures to the country we once were and reminds us of qualities we had forgotten and can use today.

The Depression started in 1929. It was Hoover's Depression.
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.
But you can't argue against the points, can you?
Sure you can. They're mostly history and don't really have much of a bearing on current politics. Also,as I said, FDR didn't start the depression.

No one said he did.....we do say his tax policies and his government spending made a bad depression into the Great Depression that would just not go all the others did......
This is a brand new video by Bill Whittle on democrat racism......the interesting points he brings up this time....

The racist democrats created gun control to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed blacks....and they also created marriage licensing to keep blacks from marrying whites.......

He also points out that in the first depression we experienced. in 1920-21, Calvin Coolidge, a Republican President cut the tax rate from the high of 73% and cut government spending in half...and the depression shortly ended.......

FDR...raised taxes over 90% and the Great Depression was born.....

The Depression was well underway when FDR was first elected in 1932.

Here....try this book........the author also wrote about FDRs depression.... Coolidge eBook Amity Shlaes Kindle Store

Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, delivers a brilliant and provocative reexamination of America’s thirtieth president, Calvin Coolidge, and the decade of unparalleled growth that the nation enjoyed under his leadership. In this riveting biography, Shlaes traces Coolidge’s improbable rise from a tiny town in New England to a youth so unpopular he was shut out of college fraternities at Amherst College up through Massachusetts politics. After a divisive period of government excess and corruption, Coolidge restored national trust in Washington and achieved what few other peacetime presidents have: He left office with a federal budget smaller than the one he inherited. A man of calm discipline, he lived by example, renting half of a two-family house for his entire political career rather than compromise his political work by taking on debt. Renowned as a throwback, Coolidge was in fact strikingly modern—an advocate of women’s suffrage and a radio pioneer. At once a revision of man and economics, Coolidge gestures to the country we once were and reminds us of qualities we had forgotten and can use today.

The Depression started in 1929. It was Hoover's Depression.

Dipshit......there was also a depression in 1920.........and we were out of it in about a year
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I just caught an error in the video.....Coolidge wasn't President...harding was during the 1920 depression.....which lasted about a year....

Notice you guys didn't catch that one..........

Coolidge was the Vice President....
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit. He does not have what we could call an intimate relationship with accuracy. But he does have a nice smile, and for the gullible, that's all they need.
Bill would rip you a new asshole in a debate and send you home crying to mommy.

Whittle Bill could turn over his studio to me for rebuttal. I'd destroy him so bad he'd fly off to the Himalayas and become a monk.

This shit is easily disproven. He's counting on the Gullibles to NOT do what he says and look it up, because then his whole sham is revealed. Obviously he's heard the old adage "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And that was before YouTube came along.

Bottom line, I can document my facts; he can't. And he doesn't.

I only went halfway through the video. Apparently it gets even better, where Franklin Roosevelt has some sort of time machine to create the Depression four years before he took office. A neat trick that O'bama recreated in 2008, four months before he took office. Thus spake USMB anyway.
Bill sounds a Whittle crazy to me.

He is. Whittle Bill is the kindly face the Revisionistas use to float historical myth-turds in the toilet bowl of discourse. Pissyante linked one the other day. I only got halfway though the video dissecting the historically blatantly inaccurate bullshit. He does not have what we could call an intimate relationship with accuracy. But he does have a nice smile, and for the gullible, that's all they need.
Bill would rip you a new asshole in a debate and send you home crying to mommy.

Whittle Bill could turn over his studio to me for rebuttal. I'd destroy him so bad he'd fly off to the Himalayas and become a monk.

This shit is easily disproven. He's counting on the Gullibles to NOT do what he says and look it up, because then his whole sham is revealed. Obviously he's heard the old adage "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". And that was before YouTube came along.

Bottom line, I can document my facts; he can't. And he doesn't.

I only went halfway through the video. Apparently it gets even better, where Franklin Roosevelt has some sort of time machine to create the Depression four years before he took office. A neat trick that O'bama recreated in 2008, four months before he took office. Thus spake USMB anyway.

Apparently it gets even better, where Franklin Roosevelt has some sort of time machine to create the Depression four years before he took office.

Check 7:35 where he states Roosevelt did not cause the depression.....try again....
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

Try listening to it again moron......the two events are not connected...listen very really are a dipshit.....

He specifically states before that that they left the union before Lincoln took office....moron.....because they knew the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery....

They left the union before Lincoln took office......
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron.... you don't have to go back to the first page...again...2:37.....try to understand it this time....

He says the 7 states of the deep confederacy....meaning those 7 states became the Confederacy and doesn't say they were confederate when they left.....
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Here you go pogo.....

United States presidential election 1860 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron....


"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".
Exactly how retarded do you have to be to NOT see he's claiming the various Southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy "JUST BEFORE" the election??? He says right there, they "HAD JUST LEFT". What the fuck does "had just left" mean on your planet? Does it perhaps mean "would three months later decide to leave"?

Now here's a followup question: why does he say "entire counties"? It was actually entire states -- because as noted before, the Republican Party was not established in the South and didn't run Lincoln as a candidate. So why is he stopping short at "counties"??

Is he afraid that if he says "states" it will sound too extreme and somebody will look up his bullshit? Or is it because he's so careless with his make-it-up-as-you-go history that he doesn't even know this?

If it's the former, why is he deliberately deceiving people? If it's the latter, why doesn't he do his fucking homework before posting crocks-o-shit on the internets?
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United States presidential election 1860 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the eleven states that would later declare their secession from the Union and be controlled by Confederate armies, ballots for Lincoln were cast only in Virginia,[34][35] where he received only 1.1 per cent of the popular vote.[30][36]

In order to distribute ballots in a state, candidates needed citizens in that state who would pledge to vote for the candidate in the Electoral College. In ten southern slave states, no citizens would publicly pledge such support for Lincoln.

In the four slave states that did not secede (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware), Lincoln came in fourth in every state except Delaware (where he finished third). Within the 15 slave states, Lincoln won only two counties out of 996,[30] both in Missouri.[37] (In the 1856 election, the Republican candidate for president had received no votes at all in 10 of the 14 slave states with a popular vote).
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron....


"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".
Exactly how retarded do you have to be to NOT see he's claiming the various Southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy "JUST BEFORE" the election??? He says right there, they "HAD JUST LEFT". What the fuck does "had just left" mean on your planet?

Retarded like you......the two aren't are hearing it want him to be wrong and it is messing with your hearing...moron....
Here it is again for anyone interested....2:37...

Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron....


"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".
Exactly how retarded do you have to be to NOT see he's claiming the various Southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy "JUST BEFORE" the election??? He says right there, they "HAD JUST LEFT". What the fuck does "had just left" mean on your planet? Does it perhaps mean "would three months later decide to leave"?

Now here's a followup question: why does he say "entire counties"? It was actually entire states. Is he afraid that if he says "states" somebody will look up his bullshit? Or is it because he's so careless with his make-it-up-as-you-go history that he doesn't even know this?

If it's the former, why is he deliberately deceiving people? If it's the latter, why doesn't he do his fucking homework before posting crocks-o-shit on the internets?

Ahhhh....I see what you did not quote the part where he says they left the union before he took office...negating you stupid post.....

So...before he said this...
"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".

He said the 7 states of the deep confederacy left the union before Lincoln took office...the part you didn't quote....
It starts at 2:34....

"The Seven States of the Deep Confederacy had left the Union before Lincoln had even taken office...."

That is the little part you left out.....moron....
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron....


"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".
Exactly how retarded do you have to be to NOT see he's claiming the various Southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy "JUST BEFORE" the election??? He says right there, they "HAD JUST LEFT". What the fuck does "had just left" mean on your planet? Does it perhaps mean "would three months later decide to leave"?

Now here's a followup question: why does he say "entire counties"? It was actually entire states. Is he afraid that if he says "states" somebody will look up his bullshit? Or is it because he's so careless with his make-it-up-as-you-go history that he doesn't even know this?

If it's the former, why is he deliberately deceiving people? If it's the latter, why doesn't he do his fucking homework before posting crocks-o-shit on the internets?

Ahhhh....I see what you did not quote the part where he says they left the union before he took office...negating you stupid post.....

So...before he said this...
"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".

He said the 7 states of the deep confederacy left the union before Lincoln took office...the part you didn't quote....

I didn't quote that part because it's not incorrect. The Confederacy was formed while Buchanan was President. Everybody knows that. You're desperately trying to change the subject because you can't win the one where his history is off by three fucking months.
And why did they not have ballots.......again......if that is true, you should link to that....

United States presidential election 1860 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the eleven states that would later declare their secession from the Union and be controlled by Confederate armies, ballots for Lincoln were cast only in Virginia,[34][35] where he received only 1.1 per cent of the popular vote.[30][36]

In order to distribute ballots in a state, candidates needed citizens in that state who would pledge to vote for the candidate in the Electoral College. In ten southern slave states, no citizens would publicly pledge such support for Lincoln.

In the four slave states that did not secede (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware), Lincoln came in fourth in every state except Delaware (where he finished third). Within the 15 slave states, Lincoln won only two counties out of 996,[30]both in Missouri.[37] (In the 1856 election, the Republican candidate for president had received no votes at all in 10 of the 14 slave states with a popular vote).

So no one in the racist, democrat controlled south would stand as an elector....moron....
Says the 7 states of the deep confederacy left even before lincoln left office....he did not put a timeline of the confederate status....

What in the wide world of fuck to you think "because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America" means as a time marker, moron? He's just moved the 1860 election from November 6 1860 to, at the earliest, February 4th, 1861, which is when the Confederacy formed. THREE MONTHS AFTER the election, not before it.


Fucking MORON.

That's his reasoning for Lincoln getting no votes in the South, which is his point at that part of the video. He never seems to let on that the reason Lincoln got no votes was because it was impossible to cast one, since the Republican Party didn't print any ballots there.

Know who else didn't get any votes in the South? John C. Frémont, 1856. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. Same reason. No ballots printed. Effectively neither was a candidate in the South.

Try again....listen to 2:37.....moron....


"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".
Exactly how retarded do you have to be to NOT see he's claiming the various Southern states had seceded to form the Confederacy "JUST BEFORE" the election??? He says right there, they "HAD JUST LEFT". What the fuck does "had just left" mean on your planet? Does it perhaps mean "would three months later decide to leave"?

Now here's a followup question: why does he say "entire counties"? It was actually entire states. Is he afraid that if he says "states" somebody will look up his bullshit? Or is it because he's so careless with his make-it-up-as-you-go history that he doesn't even know this?

If it's the former, why is he deliberately deceiving people? If it's the latter, why doesn't he do his fucking homework before posting crocks-o-shit on the internets?

Ahhhh....I see what you did not quote the part where he says they left the union before he took office...negating you stupid post.....

So...before he said this...
"Not only did the Republican not carry a single slaveholding state, there were entire counties in the Democratic South where he did not receive a single popular vote. Not even one, not even as a joke or a protest. That's because the slaveholding racist Democratic states and politicians THAT HAD JUST LEFT THE UNION TO FORM THE CONFEDERACY knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America".

He said the 7 states of the deep confederacy left the union before Lincoln took office...the part you didn't quote....

I didn't quote that part because it's not incorrect. The Confederacy was formed while Buchanan was President. Everybody knows that. You're desperately trying to change the subject because you can't win the one where his history is off by three fucking months.

What do you just changed the subject......when you fucking leave out the part where he specifically states the 7 states left the union BEFORE Lincoln took makes your point totally stupid.......which is why you left it out....

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