More on the Santos mess


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

There was a very simple solution to the problem of the liar Santos. McCarthy should have never seated him in the first place, but he did because of his fear of losing a seat to Democrats. Now he is getting to reap what he sowed, and for Democrats it is a complete hoot. Bigly!!!

There was a very simple solution to the problem of the liar Santos. McCarthy should have never seated him in the first place, but he did because of his fear of losing a seat to Democrats. Now he is getting to reap what he sowed, and for Democrats it is a complete hoot. Bigly!!!
Umm Ilan Omar married her brother and lies about it lol
Biden showered with his daughter
Sawall dated a spy
Epstein island was all democrats

There was a very simple solution to the problem of the liar Santos. McCarthy should have never seated him in the first place, but he did because of his fear of losing a seat to Democrats. Now he is getting to reap what he sowed, and for Democrats it is a complete hoot. Bigly!!!
Hey, it sounds like he has passed the qualifications test to become a Dim!
There was a very simple solution to the problem of the liar Santos. McCarthy should have never seated him in the first place, but he did because of his fear of losing a seat to Democrats. Now he is Cartels to invade every Stategetting to reap what he sowed, and for Democrats it 1 dogis a complete hoot. Bigly!!!
Actually it's more of an embarrassment to the Dems, because the Dem politician & MSM are showing they are more concerned by Santos bad check antics & behavior than they are with Biden qid pro quos and compromise to China which helped cause policies to appease China into killing over 108,000 of our citizens through Fentanyl, over 1.2 million in Covid deaths, and allowed cartels to invade all major cities & states. Santos didn't harm one dog, you are equating American citizens as less than dogs. Furthermore Santos nuances in poor behavior are due to the flaws of progressive lifestyle & liberal thinking (even though he is politically conservative), which is problematic for Dems because he messes their narrative while exposing dems own morality flaws in bashing a gay man for his mental glitch instead of seeking to get him help they are baited into showing how they really feel (prejudices) & in hypocracy
Santos made Romney look like a little punk the other night.... and for this I will support Santos....

There was a very simple solution to the problem of the liar Santos. McCarthy should have never seated him in the first place, but he did because of his fear of losing a seat to Democrats. Now he is getting to reap what he sowed, and for Democrats it is a complete hoot. Bigly!!!
The people who voted for Biden are telling Republicans to run off Santos? He's only a small problem for us, moron.

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