George Santos in more trouble.

The future of the planet is a concern for all of us.
American conservatives are not in the game.
That is why they will lose.
If a doctor estimates that you have 6 months to live that is an estimate not a fact. If you live a year that is great. But the doctor was essentially right. You are dead.

And yet you don't believe global warming is real. You green nuts say we're alll gonna die (you already predicted our death and wow, we're not) and yet you wackos OPPOSE the two biggest solutions within our current technology, nuclear power and replacing coal with natural gas. And you give a bye to the two biggest poluters, China and India.

You don't believe global warming is real, it's only a path to socialism, just cut the stupid shit until you're ready to be real.

And even so, yes, our not having southern borders and allowing murder, rape and slavery IS a "big deal." Quoting big deal since those were your words to say those things are not big deals, only your getting socialism is a big deal
And yet you don't believe global warming is real. You green nuts say we're alll gonna die (you already predicted our death and wow, we're not) and yet you wackos OPPOSE the two biggest solutions within our current technology, nuclear power and replacing coal with natural gas. And you give a bye to the two biggest poluters, China and India.

You don't believe global warming is real, it's only a path to socialism, just cut the stupid shit until you're ready to be real.

And even so, yes, our not having southern borders and allowing murder, rape and slavery IS a "big deal." Quoting big deal since those were your words to say those things are not big deals, only your getting socialism is a big deal
They arent big deals. Stop turning southern countries into narco states. nobody will emigrate to America then.
Sure, since you're stupid and admit it, I'll explain whataboutism to you and why it's relevant.

It means YOU don't hold your OWN standard. You're a hypocrite, a liar and a Democrat Party apologist hack. That's why it's relevant. When you can explain why you hold Santos to a standard you don't apply to ...
Yup, you are not holding to your own standard.

We established that.

... let me know
Yup, liar and I have not defended him once here. I have certainly never supported him.

So tell us again why you are abandoning your own standard and then lying about others to pretend you are not?
Yup, you are not holding to your own standard.

We established that.

Yup, liar and I have not defended him once here. I have certainly never supported him.

So tell us again why you are abandoning your own standard and then lying about others to pretend you are not?

"Us?" Who are these people you are speaking for? I've seen plenty of your posts and haven't seen this army of supporters you claim to speak for who hang on your every word. Either name them or speak for yourself
Your deflection is noted
I see you hate it when the truth be told..

It wasnt a mistake she lied.

I see you hate it when the truth be told..

It wasnt a mistake she lied.

Your continued deflection is noted.
Your deflection is noted

LOL, I love Democrats pulling this stupid shit.

Actually, drama queen, the thing is that when Democrats attack other people for what you do, that means you have no standard, it's a hack attack. Think about it. If I am attacking bank robbers, but I rob banks, that means I don't have a standard against robbing banks.

That is the relevancy. Now please take your new found information and stop being such a dumb ass and whining when you are called on being a flagrant hypocrite, which is exactly your problem
LOL, I love Democrats pulling this stupid shit.

Actually, drama queen, the thing is that when Democrats attack other people for what you do, that means you have no standard, it's a hack attack. Think about it.
What is it that I do?

Think about it.
What is it that I do?

Think about it.

It was pretty straight forward. You said pointing out Democrats do what you attacked Santos for was "deflection."

No, it's not. Santos is a liar. Yet Democrats support liars, like Soros. So you don't have that standard.

That is clearly directly relevant.

I explained it as simply as I could. I thought it was clear the first time. If you still don't get it, I think that's a choice at this point
It was pretty straight forward. You said pointing out Democrats do what you attacked Santos for was "deflection."
Because that's exactly what it is. "The other guy does it too" is not an excuse; it's a deflection from you having to acknowledge it.

No, it's not. Santos is a liar. Yet Democrats support liars, like Soros. So you don't have that standard.
Don't even waste my time on your bullshit Soros conspiracies. The only reason Santos is still in Congress is because your party has a razor thin majority in the House and given the Democratic tilt of his seat there's a more than fair chance the Republicans would lose it in a special election, further jeopardizing your majority. If you guys had won the 20 to 30 seat majority you were expected to before Dobbs and Trump's endorsements fucked your election cycle I have little doubt Santos would have been expelled by now or never seated at all.

That is clearly directly relevant.

I explained it as simply as I could. I thought it was clear the first time. If you still don't get it, I think that's a choice at this point
Yes, simple, is the operative word here. You tribal apologists are just that, simple, and you definitely don't get it.
Because that's exactly what it is. "The other guy does it too" is not an excuse; it's a deflection from you having to acknowledge it.

Don't even waste my time on your bullshit Soros conspiracies. The only reason Santos is still in Congress is because your party has a razor thin majority in the House and given the Democratic tilt of his seat there's a more than fair chance the Republicans would lose it in a special election, further jeopardizing your majority. If you guys had won the 20 to 30 seat majority you were expected to before Dobbs and Trump's endorsements fucked your election cycle I have little doubt Santos would have been expelled by now or never seated at all.

Yes, simple, is the operative word here. You tribal apologists are just that, simple, and you definitely don't get it.
Note nowhere did you address my point.

You said:

"it is what it is" - yes, Santos is a liar, nowhere did I disagree
"the other guy did it too" is not an excuse. Agreed, again, this contradicts me nowhere

What you didn't address while you were attacking the points I didn't make was addressing the point I did.

By going after your political enemies with what your side does is hypocrisy. You don't have that standard, you don't apply it to people you like.

You're old enough to understand this, stop wasting everyone's time with bull shit arguments against things no one said
It very much was. You liking the answer is not a requirement.

Have a nice day.

Again attacking a point no one said.

All anyone will say when you're fine with your side doing what you're attacking Republicans for is what a childish, classless corrupt sheep you are. Tells everyone not to take you seriously because you're a shitty human being. And yes, have a nice day!-----
Your deflection is noted
I put up that George just acted like any Democrat and you then DEFLECT with your stupid ass answer. Yeah, Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney. All the Democrats and FBI lied about Russian Collusion, Adam Shitface lies all the time. So you can DEFLECT on MIKEOXENORMOUS.....
I put up that George just acted like any Democrat and you then DEFLECT with your stupid ass answer.

Wrong. You posting that Santos acted like any Democrat IS the deflection.

Learn the definition of words or don't use them.

"The other guys does it too" is not a defense. It's simply a lack of integrity on your part.
"Us?" Who are these people you are speaking for? I've seen plenty of your posts and haven't seen this army of supporters you claim to speak for who hang on your every word. Either name them or speak for yourself
Us, the board.

Can you read? "Tell us again" is pretty fucking obvious. Of course, you know this which is why you are just trying to deflect from the FACT that your double standard has been highlighted and you have no answer for your whataboutism.

So you did do exactly what I expected, shown us all that you have no answer whatsoever, clearly have a double standard and are now running away.

So, show us all again how you have a double standard and are to dishonest to admit it.

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