George Santos in more trouble.

Why are you so intent on covering for George ?
Why are you covering for Joe? Santos lied about his background? Joe has been doing that for years. He does it virtually every time he speaks. The difference is, democrats will reelect Joe, but conservatives wont reelect Santos.

This time his aide is caught impersonating McCarthys aide on fundraising calls.But they wont do anything. They lack the spine to make the right decision.
This is life under corrupt conservatism.
It's a sad state of affairs when the House Speaker feels he has to protect a piece of shit lying scumbag because the GOP majority is so narrow and he is already hostage to nitwit whackjobs like Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho and Lauren Wonton Boebert.

Even though this scumbag groomer Santos directed one of his staff to impersonate McCarthy, the cuck just sits there and takes it up the ass.
Why are you covering for Joe? Santos lied about his background? Joe has been doing that for years. He does it virtually every time he speaks. The difference is, democrats will reelect Joe, but conservatives wont reelect Santos.
Is he your special fwend ?
It's a sad state of affairs when the House Speaker feels he has to protect a piece of shit lying scumbag because the GOP majority is so narrow and he is already hostage to nitwit whackjobs like Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho and Lauren Wonton Boebert.

Even though this scumbag groomer Santos directed one of his staff to impersonate McCarthy, the cuck just sits there and takes it up the ass.
No, you have it all wrong. We just want him for his vote. You ought to know about that. Its why you guys have brain dead retards like Feinstein, Fetterman and Hank Johnson.
This ^ post is a terrible counter debate to my post. You reveal EVERYTHING when you respond with nonsense. It tells everyone who reads this exchange that i am right and you have no defense.
First of all you are a half wit. Santos is as dirty as fuck but the GOP keep him on because they are corrupt. Address that you stupid cu.nt.
No, you have it all wrong. We just want him for his vote. You ought to know about that. Its why you guys have brain dead retards like Feinstein, Fetterman and Hank Johnson.
We now pause for 30 seconds as Mitch McConnell goes brain dead while trying to respond...
First of all you are a half wit. Santos is as dirty as fuck but the GOP keep him on because they are corrupt. Address that you stupid cu.nt.
We wont reelect him. Democrats will happily reelect Biden. Thats the difference between our parties.
We now pause for 30 seconds as Mitch McConnell goes brain dead while trying to respond...
We will kick his ass to the curb in an instant. That dude is serving his last term. We wont ever elect him again. Thats the difference between our parties. You guys keep electing these people. You tell us how awesome it is for stroke victims to be Senators. Thats YOU guys, not us.
We will kick his ass to the curb in an instant. That dude is serving his last term. We wont ever elect him again. Thats the difference between our parties. You guys keep electing these people. You tell us how awesome it is for stroke victims to be Senators. Thats YOU guys, not us.
Well, gosh, boy, we've been hearing about "Moscow Mitch" being kicked to the curb for a really long time now. :lol:

Now you are gonna have to wait 'til 2027 to do it.

Good luck with that.
Or Biden saying he never talked to his son about his overseas business dealings? Like that? Remember how that changed to he never discussed business with Hunter's overseas business partners?
That one made sense. right? Tell me about you calling your dad on speaker phones in business meetings

Why are you so intent on covering for George ?

Sorry, I keep forgetting how stupid leftists are. You need the obvious broken down and explained to you.

My point is criticizing YOU. You claim to care about truth, then are fine with sick fuck Joe Biden. I have no interest in covering for Santos and if you had any willingness to hold your politicians to any standard I would have just agreed with you. See how that works? You don't, do you? Be honest
Sorry, I keep forgetting how stupid leftists are. You need the obvious broken down and explained to you.

My point is criticizing YOU. You claim to care about truth, then are fine with sick fuck Joe Biden. I have no interest in covering for Santos and if you had any willingness to hold your politicians to any standard I would have just agreed with you. See how that works? You don't, do you? Be honest
Biden has saved America. Santos conned some dog owners. I dont think we are on the same page.
We have one thing in common, neither of us has a clue what you're talking about. Try again.

Since you're apparently confused, here's the point I made:

"What has Santos said that's worse than Biden lying to a woman who's husband died in Afghanistan that he knows how it feels because his son came home in a flag draped coffin?"

So? What has Santos done worse than that? And yes, that's all I have, I'm not like you apparently because I can't think of anything worse than that. Since you say you can, do it, what's worse?
Worse? Well, since you are to dense to understand, if the best you can do is some whataboutism bullshit, better worse or the same, you have absolutely nothing.

I have a clue, you are utterly clueless about everything. Try again.
Biden has saved America

Yeah, open borders, prosecuting crime victims rather than criminals, giving our southern border to drug cartels, stealing elections and putting his political opposition in jail, wow I'm feeling "saved."

Dumb ass. I stopped reading here it was so stupid
Yeah, open borders, prosecuting crime victims rather than criminals, giving our southern border to drug cartels, stealing elections and putting his political opposition in jail, wow I'm feeling "saved."

Dumb ass. I stopped reading here it was so stupid
Biden is right on the big issues. Not least climate crisis. You ae lucky to have an adult in charge after the shit show.
Worse? Well, since you are to dense to understand, if the best you can do is some whataboutism bullshit, better worse or the same, you have absolutely nothing.

I have a clue, you are utterly clueless about everything. Try again.

Sure, since you're stupid and admit it, I'll explain whataboutism to you and why it's relevant.

It means YOU don't hold your OWN standard. You're a hypocrite, a liar and a Democrat Party apologist hack. That's why it's relevant. When you can explain why you hold Santos to a standard you don't apply to ...


... let me know
Biden is right on the big issues. Not least climate crisis. You ae lucky to have an adult in charge after the shit show.

We're alll dead, we already passed the deadlines you green nut jobs said we can't live past if we don't implement socialism to fix the crisis.

You also never explained how socialism fixes global warming.

You need to huddle with your moron friends and come up with a clearer story that at least makes some sense.

Obviously you don't care about the violence enabled by old joe since you don't live here, that's why Americans being murdered is not a "big issue" to you
Wouldn't you think left wingers would like a gay republican?

There are a bunch of them on Fox. No, Democrats don't like them any more than they like blacks, women or other groups they claim to support if they aren't Democrats. Want to see a Democrat calling a black racist names? Just find a black who isn't a Democrat. Democrats care about gays supporting Democrats, not Democrats supporting gays
We're alll dead, we already passed the deadlines you green nut jobs said we can't live past if we don't implement socialism to fix the crisis.

You also never explained how socialism fixes global warming.

You need to huddle with your moron friends and come up with a clearer story that at least makes some sense.

Obviously you don't care about the violence enabled by old joe since you don't live here, that's why Americans being murdered is not a "big issue" to you
The future of the planet is a concern for all of us.
American conservatives are not in the game.
That is why they will lose.
If a doctor estimates that you have 6 months to live that is an estimate not a fact. If you live a year that is great. But the doctor was essentially right. You are dead.

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