More overrated: JFK or Reagan?

Both were powerful speakers...
Both were shot

Given Reagans 8 years to Kennedys 3 years, I would have to go with JFK being the more overrated. Reagan had more accomplishments while JFK was more of what might have been


I forgot how reasonable RW can be.

Not that bad of a predition though, only one person has gone out of pattern.

I was asked to choose between the two. I do not refute that both have taken over more legend than fact and both are overrated
I know a retired secret service agent who has absolutely nothing good to say about Reagan. Says that he was a two-faced lying phony who wouldn't give anyone the time of day unless he somehow stood to gain from the relationship. Conversely, he has nothing bad to say about Bush Sr. Says he was a true gentleman who honestly cared about everyone, right down to the indigent pan-handler.

Interesting. I heard the opposite about Reagan. I heard that in person he was the nicest guy in the world who would give you the shirt off his back....

and then sign into law a bill to cut your social security.
Both were powerful speakers...
Both were shot

Given Reagans 8 years to Kennedys 3 years, I would have to go with JFK being the more overrated. Reagan had more accomplishments while JFK was more of what might have been


I forgot how reasonable RW can be.

Not that bad of a predition though, only one person has gone out of pattern.

I was asked to choose between the two. I do not refute that both have taken over more legend than fact and both are overrated


Reagan is the greatest leader of all time and all time to come!! He's so great everyone thinks he invented sliced bread!! :eusa_drool:
I look at it this way...the more time tha tpasses, the more positive things about Reagan, his foresight, his integrity come to the fore.

The more time passes, the fewer positive things about JFK come forward, the more unsavory dealings of his come to the fore, and we see he really had very little integrity whatsoever.

So I'd say Kennedy is overrated. Though most people don't even do that with him anymore. He's sort of fading into the limelight, while Reagan is gaining prestige.

You are right about Kennedy but wrong about Reagan. Reagan destroyed this US economy, and because of his admin, is one of the biggest reasons why there are no factory jobs anymore. The only circles that talk about his integrity, are the ones you run in.

Reagan was also out of touch with the "common" man and definitely seemed to have a dislike for the poor.

One thing about Kennedy's short time in office, though, he instilled an enthusiasm for life, and there was a new vitality in DC which hadn't been there. I was a teenager at the time, and could see the difference from the Eisenhower administration. He also got people moving, and paying more attention to physical fitness. That's really when people started jogging and exercising, and they focused more on physical fitness in the schools. There was a greater emphasis on the arts and literature at the same time.

what on earth do you base that on? Because you sound a bit kooky.
Oh Luissa, please explain how Reagan destroyed the US economy. I'm all ears.

Both were powerful speakers...
Both were shot

Given Reagans 8 years to Kennedys 3 years, I would have to go with JFK being the more overrated. Reagan had more accomplishments while JFK was more of what might have been


I forgot how reasonable RW can be.

Not that bad of a predition though, only one person has gone out of pattern.

I was asked to choose between the two. I do not refute that both have taken over more legend than fact and both are overrated

Given your logic, I see where your conclusion comes from. but the only thing I would say is there is a whole generation of people running around trying to be Reagan... when even Reagan didn't govern the way his rhetoric went.

So in that regard, I want to say Reagan is more overrated. But I also happen to believe that if Kennedy had served two terms and not been assassinated, he would be viewed far more critically, particularly given his upping Vietnam and his failure with the Bay of Pigs.
This is nothing but a rhetorical "Are you a D or are you a R" thread.

I refuse to opine. :eusa_whistle:
JFK was a great man who got us into space, as well as did a great deal of work towards civil rights and equality.

Reagan made us one of the most hated nations, expanded the war on drugs (remember "just say no"), as well as damn near broke the Navy with his 500 ship navy dream.

Reagan stinks on ice.
"1. President Reagan’s economic policies stimulated the economy, creating 17 million new jobs. One-fourth of the new jobs were created in 68 consecutive months. Black unemployment was cut in half.
2. We were given incentives to save our money, to work, and to invest because of Reagan’s tax reforms.

3. The inflation rate decreased to less than 4.4%. Family income rose 12%.

4. We are now experiencing the longest and strongest peacetime prosperity in the history of the nation.

5. We are experiencing the best peacetime relationship with the Soviet Union in our history. We have also seen the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

6. We are now keeping the peace. We drew the line in Grenada, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf, and no countries have fallen to communism during the Reagan era.

7. The U.S. military was refurbished and strengthened.

8. There is now a call for prayer in schools. The Republican adminstration has been lobbying to give this deserved religious freedom.

9. We have seen a return to traditional values. Under Reagan, we have seen a cut in federal funding of abortions; emphasis on a strong family unit; and the development of family-oriented public policy.

10. Educational leaders are now working to sustain moral values and reestablish a clear understanding of right and wrong. The need for values in the curriculum has been trumpeted by the Reagan administration.

11. People from other nations are flocking to America to follow our example. Our principles of civil and economic freedom are now being copied all over the world.

America Just Prior to the Reagan Administration

1. Seven million Americans were unemployed.

2. We were told to live on less, to buckle our belts and to prepare for scarcity.

3. Americans went through two of the worst years of inflation in 60 years. There was a 13% inflation rate. Family income dropped and we had the highest tax bill in our history.

4. We were on the verge of a major recession.

5. With our cold wars during the ’70s, we inspired our enemies not to be afraid of us. The Soviets refused to come to the bargaining table. Cultural exchanges between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. came to a halt.

6. Disarmament was considered a noble goal. We did not know where to draw the line in our negotiations with the Soviets. Three countries fell to communism under the Carter administration: Benin (1977), Nicaragua (1979), and Zimbabwe (1980).

7. Guns and tanks that did not even work were being sent to battle.

8. Young Americans were not allowed to pray in school … even though Congress, every state house, and the Supreme Court begins business with prayer.

9. Progressive values became fashionable. Social policies emulated the values of a small, vocal minority.

10. Education did not sustain moral values. Educational curricula began to promote “alternative lifesyles,” such as homosexuality.

11. America wore a “kick me” sign on its back. We lost our edge in technology and in global markets due to excessive government regulation, and high taxes which devoured capital."

Reagan Administration Accomplishments 1981-1989 — The Forerunner
How many high paying factory jobs have been lost since 1986, Allie?
Who attacked unions? Who held union jobs?
Reagan also stepped up funding for the War on Drugs, look where that got us. :lol:

We now have CEO's that make more 400 times their workers, thanks to Reagan. We attack Unions, while having no problem with a CEO making an inflated salary and flying in their private jets while outsourcing jobs, and laying off AMERICAN workers.
I know a retired secret service agent who has absolutely nothing good to say about Reagan. Says that he was a two-faced lying phony who wouldn't give anyone the time of day unless he somehow stood to gain from the relationship. Conversely, he has nothing bad to say about Bush Sr. Says he was a true gentleman who honestly cared about everyone, right down to the indigent pan-handler.

Interesting. I heard the opposite about Reagan. I heard that in person he was the nicest guy in the world who would give you the shirt off his back....

and then sign into law a bill to cut your social security.

And that's not consistent with the "two-faced phony" allegation how?
Both men were great public speakers that could motivate the public.

Both achieved great things. so this is little more than peoples opinions.

I liked JFK, and the Dems that were around then. You had to admire a group that followed a man that said; "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Now that the dems have devolved into a group that demands the government take care of them and thier health care...

JFK is over hyped, b/c the dems that followed that dream are dead. Many conservatives still like Reaganomics. Fix what went wrong and apply it again, and we will have growth once more.

The only thing that had 'devolved' is conservatives have made a concerted effort to own words and language and use it as a weapon against liberals.

So your definition of 'dems' is the same reflex reaction that Pavlov saw in his dogs.
JFK was a great man who got us into space, as well as did a great deal of work towards civil rights and equality.

Reagan made us one of the most hated nations, expanded the war on drugs (remember "just say no"), as well as damn near broke the Navy with his 500 ship navy dream.

Reagan stinks on ice.

What kind of fucking moron quotes "Just say no." as a bad thing?

Since you must be a total moron, I will inform you that "Just say No" came from Nancy, the First Lady.

This was a fun thread until you opened your mouth and removed all doubt.
Don't you think it is strange before the 80's you could buy a home, and easily pay it off?
How about sending your child to college?
Buying a car?
And before the 80's people did this on one income.

I didn't grow up in Idaho, where I was born thanks to Reagan and the "great" economy in the 80's. The driving force for the economy in the town I was born in, was a factory. When we left in 85's the town was dead and my parents had to take a loss on our house. We then moved to Spokane, which has been on a steady decline since the 80's, thanks to most of the factories closing.
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JFK was a great man who got us into space, as well as did a great deal of work towards civil rights and equality.

Reagan made us one of the most hated nations, expanded the war on drugs (remember "just say no"), as well as damn near broke the Navy with his 500 ship navy dream.

Reagan stinks on ice.

What kind of fucking moron quotes "Just say no." as a bad thing?

Since you must be a total moron, I will inform you that "Just say No" came from Nancy, the First Lady.

This was a fun thread until you opened your mouth and removed all doubt.
Either way, it didn't work.
The moment Nixon started the drug war, and Reagan increased funding the drug problem has just gotten worse. While Reagan was making his speeches on the War on Drugs, crack use was exploding in the US, and CIA agents were helping the heroin industry.
Both men were great public speakers that could motivate the public.

Both achieved great things. so this is little more than peoples opinions.

I liked JFK, and the Dems that were around then. You had to admire a group that followed a man that said; "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Now that the dems have devolved into a group that demands the government take care of them and thier health care...

JFK is over hyped, b/c the dems that followed that dream are dead. Many conservatives still like Reaganomics. Fix what went wrong and apply it again, and we will have growth once more.

The only thing that had 'devolved' is conservatives have made a concerted effort to own words and language and use it as a weapon against liberals.

So your definition of 'dems' is the same reflex reaction that Pavlov saw in his dogs.

OK wizkid, please explain how you went form;

"Don't ask what your country....


Gimmie my free healthcare NOW.

Maybe devolution was too kind of a word.

So, How did you go from greatness like that to beggars?

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