More overrated: JFK or Reagan?

I liked Bush Sr. He seemed genuine and if he had been a better public speaker he would have went two terms. I think JFK and Ronnie were both overrated.
He was never a governor with chief executive experience, though, as so many in the Regressive Party demand of Democratic presidents.

You'll never hear me say lack of experience is a bad quality.
Kennedy is more over-rated, he gave us Israel, first president to give weapons to Israel, oh wait it was the other liberal that gave us Israel, Truman, Kennedy gave us all the dead in Vietnam, it was Kennedy's administration that increased the amount of advisors and came up with the plans for the invasion by American troops, but he was just fighting that problem of Communism, that Roosevelt and Truman gave us.

Kennedy also failed to make peace with Cuba which led to the current poverty and suffering in Cuba. Poor people are so desperate they try and drive 57 chevy trucks across the Gulf to Florida.

Kennedy, very over rated.

Well mdn, thanks for proving your dogma is impenetrable. I gave you quite a few links, but instead of gaining insight into JFK from insiders who were there, you prefer to parrot the dogma of people who weren't there and just want to tear him down. I guess it fits what you want to believe, even if it's not true.
Kennedy is more over-rated, he gave us Israel, first president to give weapons to Israel, oh wait it was the other liberal that gave us Israel, Truman, Kennedy gave us all the dead in Vietnam, it was Kennedy's administration that increased the amount of advisors and came up with the plans for the invasion by American troops, but he was just fighting that problem of Communism, that Roosevelt and Truman gave us.

Kennedy also failed to make peace with Cuba which led to the current poverty and suffering in Cuba. Poor people are so desperate they try and drive 57 chevy trucks across the Gulf to Florida.

Kennedy, very over rated.

Well mdn, thanks for proving your dogma is impenetrable. I gave you quite a few links, but instead of gaining insight into JFK from insiders who were there, you prefer to parrot the dogma of people who weren't there and just want to tear him down. I guess it fits what you want to believe, even if it's not true.
Kinda like you do with Reagan, ya' damn hypocritical fruit loop?

Fuckin' LMAO!

Reagan democrats!......Says it all!
Kennedy is more over-rated, he gave us Israel, first president to give weapons to Israel, oh wait it was the other liberal that gave us Israel, Truman, Kennedy gave us all the dead in Vietnam, it was Kennedy's administration that increased the amount of advisors and came up with the plans for the invasion by American troops, but he was just fighting that problem of Communism, that Roosevelt and Truman gave us.

Kennedy also failed to make peace with Cuba which led to the current poverty and suffering in Cuba. Poor people are so desperate they try and drive 57 chevy trucks across the Gulf to Florida.

Kennedy, very over rated.

Well mdn, thanks for proving your dogma is impenetrable. I gave you quite a few links, but instead of gaining insight into JFK from insiders who were there, you prefer to parrot the dogma of people who weren't there and just want to tear him down. I guess it fits what you want to believe, even if it's not true.
Kinda like you do with Reagan, ya' damn hypocritical fruit loop?

Fuckin' LMAO!

Reagan democrats!......Says it all!

Reagan? Oh, this guy...

"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl

this is the kind of brilliant question that keeps me coming back, like a birdie put.
i'd love to see it as a poll. if that's ok.
I look at it this way...the more time tha tpasses, the more positive things about Reagan, his foresight, his integrity come to the fore.
....If you keep your eyes tightly-SHUT...and, your fingers, crossed. :rolleyes:

"On November 25, 1986, the biggest political and constitutional scandal since Watergate exploded in Washington when President Ronald Reagan told a packed White House news conference that fund$ derived from covert arms deals with the Islamic Republic of Iran had been diverted to buy weapons for the U.S.-backed Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

In the weeks leading up to this shocking admission, news reports had exposed the U.S. role in both the Iran deals and the secret support for the Contras, but Reagan's announcement, in which he named two subordinates -- National Security Advisor John M. Poindexter and NSC staffer Oliver L. North -- as the responsible parties, was the first to link the two operations.

The scandal was almost the undoing of the Teflon President. Of all the revelations that emerged, the most galling for the American public was the president's abandonment of the long-standing policy against dealing with terrorists, which Reagan repeatedly denied doing in spite of overwhelming evidence that made it appear he was simply lying to cover up the story."
1300 men killed by the actions of John F. Kennedy, why did Kennedy allow the Bay of Pigs to happen. Was Kennedy arrogant, the invasion was leaked to the public in newspapers, did Kennedy think Castro could not get a paper translated.

Arrogant or callous indifference to the "Latin" fighters.

Who thinks 1300 men can destroy an army of 200,000

#4: Kennedy's Failure at the Bay of Pigs (Top 10 Mistakes by U.S. Presidents) | Britannica Blog

Somehow, word of the plan leaked to the press. On January 10, 1961, the New York Times ran a front page story under the headline, “U.S. HELPS TRAIN AN ANTI-CASTRO FORCE AT SECRET GUATEMALAN BASE.” The fact that the CIA’s secret mission to overthrow Castro was no longer a secret troubled no one in Washington. On March 11, 1961, Kennedy invited to the White House CIA Director Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the CIA’s chief of operations; JFK wanted to know, in detail, the plans for the invasion of Cuba. Dulles and Bissell explained that after U.S. aircraft had run bombing missions over the Bay of Pigs area, Cubans recruited from exiles living in Miami would take the beach. The CIA men expected that the invasion would inspire anti-Castro Cubans to rise up and overthrow the dictator.

Kennedy didn’t like the idea of beginning the invasion with air strikes. “Too spectacular,” he said. “It sounds like D-Day. You have to reduce the noise level of the this thing.”
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, if JFK had followed the advice of the military brass, Senate and Congressional leaders, and most of his cabinet, much of America would be a smoking hole and there would be no Reagan to rate.
A perfect example, of the opposite, would have been....nearly everyone, around Lyndon Johnson, who kept pushing to get more-deeply-involved in 'Nam....all "disappeared", when everything (they lobbied-for) turned-to-shit.


Motto: Don't let anyone do your thinking, for you.

Ultimately, you're the one who has to live with the outcome....not them.​
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, if JFK had followed the advice of the military brass, Senate and Congressional leaders, and most of his cabinet, much of America would be a smoking hole and there would be no Reagan to rate.
A perfect example, of the opposite, would have been....nearly everyone, around Lyndon Johnson, who kept pushing to get more-deeply-involved in 'Nam....all "disappeared", when everything (they lobbied-for) turned-to-shit.


Motto: Don't let anyone do your thinking, for you.

Ultimately, you're the one who has to live with the outcome....not them.​

It didn't really. All of the defense contractors got exactly what they wanted--a real boost to their bottom line. And they are the people who are really running the wars--the revolving door was in place then and it still is. Vietnam was not about saving the people from communism--just look how corporate America is profiting from the communists in Vietnam. Did anyone ever really care about communism in Southeast Asia?
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, if JFK had followed the advice of the military brass, Senate and Congressional leaders, and most of his cabinet, much of America would be a smoking hole and there would be no Reagan to rate.
A perfect example, of the opposite, would have been....nearly everyone, around Lyndon Johnson, who kept pushing to get more-deeply-involved in 'Nam....all "disappeared", when everything (they lobbied-for) turned-to-shit.


Motto: Don't let anyone do your thinking, for you.

Ultimately, you're the one who has to live with the outcome....not them.​

One of the great ironies of Vietnam began with the request of the French through Admiral Radford for American carrier air support at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 to knock the Viet Minh artillery off the hills surrounding the ville where the French troops were trapped.

Vice-President Nixon was all for it, the Joint Chiefs said that "yeah, we can do it, but do want, too?", but LBJ, the Dem Senate leader convinced the President to say "no". The ironies: Kennedy may have been assassinated by Vietnamese pay master infuriated with the Diem murders; LBJ dragged us deep into the war but could not sustain it for victory; and Nixon had to extricate us.
I look at it this way...the more time tha tpasses, the more positive things about Reagan, his foresight, his integrity come to the fore.

The more time passes, the fewer positive things about JFK come forward, the more unsavory dealings of his come to the fore, and we see he really had very little integrity whatsoever.

So I'd say Kennedy is overrated. Though most people don't even do that with him anymore. He's sort of fading into the limelight, while Reagan is gaining prestige.

You are right about Kennedy but wrong about Reagan. Reagan destroyed this US economy, and because of his admin, is one of the biggest reasons why there are no factory jobs anymore. The only circles that talk about his integrity, are the ones you run in.
His evisceration of our economy was but a small-segment of his accomplishments. :rolleyes:

"Ronald Reagan--the U.S. president from 1981 to 1989--relentlessly drove this planet to the very brink of nuclear world war--while preaching, with a fundamentalist fervor, that a nuclear Armageddon was "winnable."

He rallied vicious legions of fascists, killers, and mindless religious patriots to his cause had them trained, funded and promoted in an unprecedented way.

Everything that opposed the domination by U.S. capitali$m, anything that was progressive (or even just vaguely enlightened) became a target. Christian crusaders, bigots and rightwing death squads were unleashed on the people in countless ways, both open and secret."

Hell....why else do you think Lil' Dumbya TRIED to keep a "lid" on ReRon's & Daddy Bush's (collective) legacies....while he was in-Office???? :confused:
Both men were great public speakers that could motivate the public.

Both achieved great things. so this is little more than peoples opinions.

I liked JFK, and the Dems that were around then. You had to admire a group that followed a man that said; "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Now that the dems have devolved into a group that demands the government take care of them and thier health care...
Yeah....The Marketplace does a much-more-accurate job....for their $tockholder$.

I look at it this way...the more time tha tpasses, the more positive things about Reagan, his foresight, his integrity come to the fore.

The more time passes, the fewer positive things about JFK come forward, the more unsavory dealings of his come to the fore, and we see he really had very little integrity whatsoever.

So I'd say Kennedy is overrated. Though most people don't even do that with him anymore. He's sort of fading into the limelight, while Reagan is gaining prestige.

You are right about Kennedy but wrong about Reagan. Reagan destroyed this US economy, and because of his admin, is one of the biggest reasons why there are no factory jobs anymore. The only circles that talk about his integrity, are the ones you run in.

Reagan was also out of touch with the "common" man and definitely seemed to have a dislike for the poor.

One thing about Kennedy's short time in office, though, he instilled an enthusiasm for life, and there was a new vitality in DC which hadn't been there. I was a teenager at the time, and could see the difference from the Eisenhower administration. He also got people moving, and paying more attention to physical fitness. That's really when people started jogging and exercising, and they focused more on physical fitness in the schools. There was a greater emphasis on the arts and literature at the same time.
....ALL-of-which are considered problematic-areas (presently), regarding spending; i.e. no short-term-profit$!!!!
Stupid OP.

FDR is still the most overrated President ever and as soon as the Marxist are booted out of our educational system he will sink to the bottom where he belongs

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