More PC bullshit from the Race Baiting Idiots.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Race baiters working overtime. Thanks to the inflated rhetoric from the administration and the Al Sharpton's of the world, some see racism everywhere. This is only the beginning and the PC crap will get worse than it already is now.

Clorox had an ad that played on the emojis put out by Apple, who introduced 300 new emojis, including ones for toilets and tubs. They also happened to add different racial emojis. Clorox, thinking of the toilet, tub and sink emojis, asked 'where's the bleach?" As in 'where is the bleach emoji? Of course, the race baiters who are constantly looking to stir the pot, decided that Clorox wanted to bleach the black emojis so they would be white. That is typical of the leap they take at every turn. Clorox actually apologized, likely to avoid getting into a PR nightmare with these idiots who only see the world through race baiting eyes.
The democrats are going to get worse, a LOT worse before 2016.
Wait till fall. i think they will do an all out assault on Christmas.
They have been chipping away for years.
Oh yea, they have a definite agenda and they are slowly trying to turn people against each other. The PC crap has become institutionalized. It's being pushed in schools in hopes the current youth will grow up to hate guns, Christians and Republicans. It's already out of control and the left is so blatant with their hatred.

The radicals are on constant alert and they can turn virtually anything into a case of racism or other form of discrimination. Christmas offends muslims and atheists and they don't want to even hear about it. Of course, they want to refer to it a xmas holiday and make sure there are no religious connections. Obama threatened to put a tax on Christmas trees a few years ago, likely to discourage people from buying them. Some PC controlled apartments banned American flags and yellow ribbons and will probably ban Christmas decorations in the future. They are already calling American flags a sign of hatred for illegal aliens and Christian symbols a sign of intolerance for muslims. Meanwhile, they don't see the torture and murder of Christians as a clear sign of hate and total intolerance by muslims. They don't see illegal aliens flying the Mexican flag and bad mouthing Americans as a clear sign that they can't tolerate us. We're supposed to suck it up and take whatever shit they hand out, but don't criticize them or you are the one in trouble.

They will probably ban the color white and you won't even be allowed to say it without being accused of racism. Maybe even paint the White House a different color.
LOL Too funny how the right is always seeing conspiracy in everything. Fear is their only character trait and the vast left wing conspiracy their worst bogeyman. I've always thought if the right didn't have something to whine about they'd have nothing. Please righties just stay close to mommy, under the covers and make sure Fox is all you watch. You'll be fine. LOL
Hey what do you all think about the new same sex married family emoji's that are also in Apple's latest update?

What about it? Haven't heard a single complaint regarding that.

It's completely stupid for people to bash Clorox for making a joke about there being no bleach emoji. I thought the 'where's the bleach' line was poking fun at the old commercial asking 'where's the beef.' Leave it to some asshole to assume that it must be regarding the racial emojis. I don't believe it's ignorance and believe they start this shit on purpose knowing that idiots will buy into it without looking at the whole story.
Hey what do you all think about the new same sex married family emoji's that are also in Apple's latest update?

What about it? Haven't heard a single complaint regarding that.

It's completely stupid for people to bash Clorox for making a joke about there being no bleach emoji. I thought the 'where's the bleach' line was poking fun at the old commercial asking 'where's the beef.' Leave it to some asshole to assume that it must be regarding the racial emojis. I don't believe it's ignorance and believe they start this shit on purpose knowing that idiots will buy into it without looking at the whole story.
No one is bashing clorox. Stop taking those e-mails you get so seriously. It's probably less than 50 people doing this thing you're terrified of.

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