more people killed by knives than by rifles in the US !

yep more people are killed by knives than rifles [all rifles] that includes AR's ! will the left ban knives ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
Yeah, i know, and what is worse is that to kill someone by a knife you have to get close. That means you actually see the life of the person go out and usually the person killing gets a rush by doing it. As i always said, dont ever bring a knife to a gun fight. You bring the knife, i will respond with the gun.
Honestly, I didn't know the knife was loaded.
you shot him do something about guns.jpg

Gun control has never been about the victims.
yep more people are killed by knives than rifles [all rifles] that includes AR's ! will the left ban knives ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
Yeah, i know, and what is worse is that to kill someone by a knife you have to get close. That means you actually see the life of the person go out and usually the person killing gets a rush by doing it. As i always said, dont ever bring a knife to a gun fight. You bring the knife, i will respond with the gun.

Knife fights are nasty. Usually everyone involved gets cut or stabbed in some way, and there's always a chance of catching blood-borne pathogens. Sometimes I'll carry a .38 snubbie as a secondary gun, but I always carry a spring-assisted folder and pepper spray as my concealed carry law allows. But those are only for a last resort.
How many people die because PROGS are ass-backward retards? Bet your ass in the 100K annually. I say we ban leftists.

The only thing leftists are good for is they provide ongoing examples of what not to do and how not to think. Lok at the last two posts above, for example.
Fucking wimps. I prefer an aluminum ball bat. I like the crunch more than the bang.You take out a fuckers collarbone with a bat and he's finished...but be nice and get both sides so he has even eggs on his shoulders to remember you by.
Been cut a few times..Cant even feel it until the quack begins the Novocaine and sewing. Broken bottles are worse than blades.
I blame this guy............oh wait, he looks Asian.......................(this will cause cries of racism)

Some guy just rammed Capital police with a car, then got out with a knife and tried to attack them.

Guess we need to ban cars along with knives.
yep more people are killed by knives than rifles [all rifles] that includes AR's ! will the left ban knives ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 11

You joke, but some judge in the UK made a ruling a couple years ago that privately owned knives must be sold without a sharp point, and only commercial businesses like restaurants could possess pointy knives. It was a completely bizarre ruling, but it's exactly what you would expect from leftists when gun bans don't stop murders like they promised it would.
yep more people are killed by knives than rifles [all rifles] that includes AR's ! will the left ban knives ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 11
Last year murder in London by knifes was the same as New York's total. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know why power hungry democrats want our guns. It only takes one with a higher IQ than a democRat or one that doesn't shit himself while in the bathroom. The practice of believing the only good democrat is one six feet under by these people believing democRats are not out to turn us into serf will turn us around. Even as much this president has done against us these clowns still don't have a clue and as long as the check comes the first of each month they won't.

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