More political correctness: Calling someone fat might become a "hate crime"

You know what the irony is I'm eating eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits. and drinking coffee as I'm reading this.
in the UK. It's funny, these PC wieners who cry about bullying, who call others bigots, have no problem bullying smokers, hating smokers, and persecuting them.

Calling someone fat could be made a hate crime | Mail Online

What’s funny is this has no relevance with regard to US law.

We trend towards the UK but with a lag time. What's sad is that it will be relevant in regard to our law in a few years.

Only IF we continue to allow ourselves to be led down the path to failure.
Inb4 USMB resident fat fux post about how great this is.

When I was a kid, there was MAYBE one fat kid in every class. Now it's just the opposite. This is a serious health problem, not a "lifestyle" choice.

Is it your assertion that overweight children is a result of genetics, a new syndrome or a new disease?
Please. I am sick and tired of overweight people clamoring for "minority status" so that they can be left alone to stuff their faces.
You know what the irony is I'm eating eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits. and drinking coffee as I'm reading this.

I had pancakes for breakfast. Tonight I will eat a nice juicy steak right off the grill. Side will be potato salad. Top is off with a nice glass of iced tea.
So all the faggotty whiny assed vegan libs can go piss themselves.
Fuck 'em.
All you fat ass tubs of lard need to put down the twinkies and get on a treadmill. I'm so fucking tired of fat asses trying to act as if they are being victimized. A VERY SMALL, very tiny, percent of fat people have a physical ailment or condition. I'd say less than 5% of them.

THE REST???? Undisciplined, disgusting, pathetic fat bastards. I'll ridicule their fat asses forever, because often times only shaming them will get them to STOP eating an entire bag of Ruffles and a liter of cola between meals.

Fatness is like poverty. The more comfortable a person is in either one, they more likely they'll stay there.
Inb4 USMB resident fat fux post about how great this is.

When I was a kid, there was MAYBE one fat kid in every class. Now it's just the opposite. This is a serious health problem, not a "lifestyle" choice.

Is it your assertion that overweight children is a result of genetics, a new syndrome or a new disease?
Please. I am sick and tired of overweight people clamoring for "minority status" so that they can be left alone to stuff their faces.

Fat bastards can NOT claim to be a minority. Take a walk through an American mall or main street. Fat bastards are the majority. Fit people are the minority. We should be the ones bitching. ANd in fact......we are. I'm sick of these fat fucks waddling around town looking for the next thing that offends their wide load.
Inb4 USMB resident fat fux post about how great this is.

When I was a kid, there was MAYBE one fat kid in every class. Now it's just the opposite. This is a serious health problem, not a "lifestyle" choice.

Is it your assertion that overweight children is a result of genetics, a new syndrome or a new disease?
Please. I am sick and tired of overweight people clamoring for "minority status" so that they can be left alone to stuff their faces.

Fat bastards can NOT claim to be a minority. Take a walk through an American mall or main street. Fat bastards are the majority. Fit people are the minority. We should be the ones bitching. ANd in fact......we are. I'm sick of these fat fucks waddling around town looking for the next thing that offends their wide load.

It's really about special privileged status, not being a "minority"

Asians are a minority, yet they don't get special privileges that make them a liberal darling group other than talk about "diversity"
And notice how few fat asians there are? Asians seem to be the racial group that does best for itself. Whites, blacks, hispanics, asians. Which one has fewer fuckups and fat asses?

Politically correct statement by me? Nope. But it's true. Probably has something to do with their culture of humility, humble personal pride, respect for elders and wisdom, personal and national honor, etc, know, all the things America ONCE had overwhelmingly in it's own population.
You know what the irony is I'm eating eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits. and drinking coffee as I'm reading this.

Eggs, bacon, and sausage aren't going to make you fat. They're not necessarily heart healthy, but people still seem to have a misconception that consuming fat content makes one fat. It doesn't. Carbs and sugars are what pack on flab. That's what you need to watch if you want to keep your weight down.
And notice how few fat asians there are? Asians seem to be the racial group that does best for itself. Whites, blacks, hispanics, asians. Which one has fewer fuckups and fat asses?

Politically correct statement by me? Nope. But it's true. Probably has something to do with their culture of humility, humble personal pride, respect for elders and wisdom, personal and national honor, etc, know, all the things America ONCE had overwhelmingly in it's own population.

I'm seeing more fat asians than I have in the past, but its still to a much smaller degree than other groups.

Simpering politically correct sissies are offended by facts.
Calling someone fat might not be acceptable in the UK, but in the US it is part of the war on obesity. We haven't figured out how to promote the dangers of second hand fat yet, but we will.
Calling someone fat might not be acceptable in the UK, but in the US it is part of the war on obesity. We haven't figured out how to promote the dangers of second hand fat yet, but we will.

Second hand fat? :eusa_shhh::lol:
Calling someone fat might not be acceptable in the UK, but in the US it is part of the war on obesity. We haven't figured out how to promote the dangers of second hand fat yet, but we will.

Given nobody has ever died from exposure to smoke in a bar, but a fat ass has a heart attack while driving killing other people isn't very rare.

Chrispie is four times the width of Obama. That makes Chrispie FAT. So arrest me.
just think if the fat person is black,smokes is gay and a Woman....

you could hate them for smoking. all rules are off if one smokes. It's "tolerant" to hate a smoker.

Smokers have a disgusting nicotine stench.

That's an opinion. Unfortunately the Left has found a way to legislate based on opinion.
The dumbing down of this country by catering to the lowest common denominator is an ongoing effort by the Left to destroy this nation.
In my opinion, in the wake of all the stupid "codes" and "ordinances" city govts pass to fill in for HOA's, or HOA's could do it............I propose we BAN OBESITY.

Yep. Study after study has shown that a child raised in an obese family or culture of obesity has a hugely larger chance of become obese. And seeing that obesity is a major health threat these days, I feel that if my neighbors are obese, and my kids see this as being not only acceptable, but immune from criticism, then my kid could one day become obese too.

I say ban obesity.

In fact, the lefty environmental folks could get on board with my plan:

Have massive treadmill factories in every US metro area over 100,000 people. Every citizen over age 16 would be required to log 8 hours a week on a treadmill. These treadmills (100's of them) would be like conveyor belts that turn an axle, like a windmill, and power the electrical grid for the area. 100,000 fucking hamsters to power a giant factory of treadmill-powered windmills. Burn the fat off everyone's asses, create clean green energy. Dont run, you dont get electricity.

We fix obesity and energy problems with 1 stone!
in the UK. It's funny, these PC wieners who cry about bullying, who call others bigots, have no problem bullying smokers, hating smokers, and persecuting them.

Calling someone fat could be made a hate crime | Mail Online

Since this is the UK, I dont give a shit but I find it funny that the righties are here saying OMG PC POLICE

But if a comedian says something about Palin they switch to "You're a misogynist woman hater!"

Funny bunch they are

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