More proof Biden lost

How can Biden supporters vote for Biden if they are in prison? Obviously they can't. With over 5 million Biden supporters ineligible to vote, it's clear Biden didn't have a chance and Trump was the real winner.

---At yearend 2020, an estimated 5,500,600 persons were under the supervision of adult correctional systems in the United States---

You should take your "proof" to court pee wee. What are you afraid of? Ridicule? You're going to get that anyway.
I love these threads. It warms my heart knowing that these morons will go to their grave thinking their god was cheated and knowing that he and they are too impotent to do a damn thing about it.
Most Republican voters do not want to be dragged into the abyss Progs are creating. It is not difficult to spew what we spout because many Republicans elected have their own agendas and not of the people who vote them in. Your installed puppet has the world in disarray, and you do not see it. Lies every day from the whole administration backed up with vicious remarks and jokes from TV media and entertainment shills keeps us moving to larger and larger crisis. I expected a world in decline. It just has happened so fast with potential adversaries testing the waters against our resolve.
More stupidity from........

But, but.........but good poster Roja, do you think Don Trump's confidant and advisor....Mike Lindell, has got it right?
That 300 million of us patriotic Americans should go to jail over our personal election frauds?

I ask because......well, because I am really curious as to who is gonna guard us in prison?
I ask because ....... of that 332 million, about 29 million are under the age of 14.
Which leaves me and poster Roja and LennyPartiv and most everybody else on this forum venue under the vigilant eye of .....of .....well, of children. In prison.

So, per Don Trump's advisor and confident, and the team leader for some posters on this venue......that means 300 million of us are locked up, and the balance of the population (children) are guarding us.

So, Roja and Lenny, who will put in the crops?
Who will be the Uber drivers?
Who is gonna serve you a Bud Light at the Dew Drop Inn.....if everybody is in jail?

Really, trust me......I love this bar.
We've got winners.....
We've got __________.
But, but.........but good poster Roja, do you think Don Trump's confidant and advisor....Mike Lindell, has got it right?
That 300 million of us patriotic Americans should go to jail over our personal election frauds?

I ask because......well, because I am really curious as to who is gonna guard us in prison?
I ask because ....... of that 332 million, about 29 million are under the age of 14.
Which leaves me and poster Roja and LennyPartiv and most everybody else on this forum venue under the vigilant eye of .....of .....well, of children. In prison.

So, per Don Trump's advisor and confident, and the team leader for some posters on this venue......that means 300 million of us are locked up, and the balance of the population (children) are guarding us.

So, Roja and Lenny, who will put in the crops?
Who will be the Uber drivers?
Who is gonna serve you a Bud Light at the Dew Drop Inn.....if everybody is in jail?

Really, trust me......I love this bar.
We've got winners.....
We've got __________.
Mike Lindel? Are you serious? Oh wait, of course you aren't...You're being intentionally facetious....As usual, not a lot here from your typically arrogant posts....
I love these threads. It warms my heart knowing that these morons will go to their grave thinking their god was cheated and knowing that he and they are too impotent to do a damn thing about it.
i can't wait until all this is litigated in court where all bullshit stays at the door
"The courts have been corrupted...."

Well, that's alarming.
But which courts, poster j-mac?
Or which judges? (there are about 49,000 of 'em, you know)
Are they all corrupt?
Even divorce court?
Traffic court?
Bankruptcy court?
My county's circuit court?

And, not unimportantly, poster j-mac.....just how do you know that they all are corrupt?
In short, how did you arrive at your thoughtful considered judgement on the corruption of our judicial system?
I'm surprised the link between the voting machines and Chavez hasn't be investigated.

And you just sit here and take it, whining on the internet but not doing a damn thing to stop it.

How pathetic of you.
Oh? And what exactly am I, one voter supposed to do about a corrupt system, other than cast my vote? Tell me Gator, because obviously you have some insight as to how a single person can change that....
Mike Lindel? Are you serious?
Yupper, my avatar is.

After all, it was Mike Lindell in the Oval Office advising Don Trump on martial law and confiscating voting machines.* It was Mike Lindell as a warm-up act for Don Trump on the stage at the Ellipse on January 6th.

So yeah, THAT Mike Lindell.
The team leader of some posters on this venue and the advisor and confidant to Don Trump.

THAT Mike Lindell.

In photographs captured by Jabin Botsford, a photographer for The Washington Post, Mr. Lindell held notes in his hand as he stood outside the doorway to the West Wing lobby mid-afternoon on Friday. The notes included a mention of Sidney Powell, the lawyer and conspiracy theorist whom Mr. Trump at one point wanted to offer a job in the White House.

They were only partially visible, but there was also a suggestion about invoking the Insurrection Act, by which a president can deploy active military troops into the streets, and “martial law if necessary.” New York Times January 15, 2021.
Oh? And what exactly am I, one voter supposed to do about a corrupt system, other than cast my vote? Tell me Gator, because obviously you have some insight as to how a single person can change that....

Your type has been talking about a civil war for as long as I have been on the internet, yet nothing ever happens.

I can tell you if I believed the things that you claim to think are true of our country, I would be joined up with a group of like minded people starting that civil war.

To think all those things are happening and just accepting it is unthinkable.
Yupper, my avatar is.

After all, it was Mike Lindell in the Oval Office advising Don Trump on martial law and confiscating voting machines.* It was Mike Lindell as a warm-up act for Don Trump on the stage at the Ellipse on January 6th.

So yeah, THAT Mike Lindell.
The team leader of some posters on this venue and the advisor and confidant to Don Trump.

THAT Mike Lindell.

In photographs captured by Jabin Botsford, a photographer for The Washington Post, Mr. Lindell held notes in his hand as he stood outside the doorway to the West Wing lobby mid-afternoon on Friday. The notes included a mention of Sidney Powell, the lawyer and conspiracy theorist whom Mr. Trump at one point wanted to offer a job in the White House.

They were only partially visible, but there was also a suggestion about invoking the Insurrection Act, by which a president can deploy active military troops into the streets, and “martial law if necessary.”
New York Times January 15, 2021.
So a visit to the Oval makes one an advisor now? Boy, you really are stupid.
Your type has been talking about a civil war for as long as I have been on the internet, yet nothing ever happens.

I can tell you if I believed the things that you claim to think are true of our country, I would be joined up with a group of like minded people starting that civil war.

To think all those things are happening and just accepting it is unthinkable.
So, you're pushing for Civil War? Really? I never would have guessed....

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