More republican bullshit: regulations have a very minimal effect on jobs

So why did Reagan's deregulation create 11 million jobs? How come more regulation doesn't kill jobs? Your logic is flawed, Billy!

Remember the Oil Embargo?
Carter deregulated over 70 Industries and the economy still took a VERY long time to recover.
Then Senior Bush flushed it right down the toilet again.

One thing Carter didn't deregulate was government controls on the price of domestic oil, and the federal government took over control of allocating gasoline supplies.

What Carter undid with one hand, he redid in spades with the other.

When Reagan deregulated the price of oil it went to under $10/bbl. The economy boomed as a result.

Reagan also destroyed American Manufacturing.
What Reagan undid with one hand, he redid in spades with the other.
Remember the Oil Embargo?
Carter deregulated over 70 Industries and the economy still took a VERY long time to recover.
Then Senior Bush flushed it right down the toilet again.

One thing Carter didn't deregulate was government controls on the price of domestic oil, and the federal government took over control of allocating gasoline supplies.

What Carter undid with one hand, he redid in spades with the other.

When Reagan deregulated the price of oil it went to under $10/bbl. The economy boomed as a result.

Reagan also destroyed American Manufacturing.
What Reagan undid with one hand, he redid in spades with the other.

Another liberal myth.
The regulation for a business owner to provide a minimum amount of heat during cold weather has bankrupted thousands of businesses.
In 2010, 0.3 percent of the people who lost their jobs in layoffs were let go because of “government regulations/intervention.” By comparison, 25 percent were laid off because of a drop in business demand.

Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect minimal. - The Washington Post

The more facts we learn, the more we realize just how much bullshit republicanism is.

Do you ever think for yourself?
who the hell ever said people lost their jobs because of regulations? THE truth is regulations hurt the poor and middle class because businesses pass the cost of them onto the citizens...
my gawd, at least try and learn something and be honest once in awhile for your stupid rants
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So why did Reagan's deregulation create 11 million jobs? How come more regulation doesn't kill jobs? Your logic is flawed, Billy!

Remember the Oil Embargo?
Carter deregulated over 70 Industries and the economy still took a VERY long time to recover.
Then Senior Bush flushed it right down the toilet again.

So, how does Reagan fit into this? And what does the oil industry have to do with anything?

Weren't you the one who called me "mindless"? Remind me why I should have a civil debate with you again?
So why did Reagan's deregulation create 11 million jobs? How come more regulation doesn't kill jobs? Your logic is flawed, Billy!

Remember the Oil Embargo?
Carter deregulated over 70 Industries and the economy still took a VERY long time to recover.
Then Senior Bush flushed it right down the toilet again.

So, how does Reagan fit into this? And what does the oil industry have to do with anything?

Weren't you the one who called me "mindless"? Remind me why I should have a civil debate with you again?

Reagan eliminated REAL Industry and propped up the phony the phony Financial engline on Wall Street.
It lasted as long as any other false Bubble...about 2 years.

BTW, I'm not the one who brought up Reagan.
The regulation for a business owner to turn off all electrical appliances in off hours has bankrupted thousands of businesses.
Remember the Oil Embargo?
Carter deregulated over 70 Industries and the economy still took a VERY long time to recover.
Then Senior Bush flushed it right down the toilet again.

So, how does Reagan fit into this? And what does the oil industry have to do with anything?

Weren't you the one who called me "mindless"? Remind me why I should have a civil debate with you again?

Reagan eliminated REAL Industry and propped up the phony the phony Financial engline on Wall Street.
It lasted as long as any other false Bubble...about 2 years.

BTW, I'm not the one who brought up Reagan.

No, you neglected to mention Reagan, and brought up HW instead. Why is that? Industry did decline, but he never eliminated it. In fact America was going through major industry shifts during the 1980's, and not necessarily due to any of Reagan's policies.
The overwhelming number of REGULATIONS are common sense and have been in compliance with normal behavior for decades.
Something as common sense as turning off a faucet not in use becomes a REGULATION and Republicans start shitting in their pants.
So, how does Reagan fit into this? And what does the oil industry have to do with anything?

Weren't you the one who called me "mindless"? Remind me why I should have a civil debate with you again?

Reagan eliminated REAL Industry and propped up the phony the phony Financial engline on Wall Street.
It lasted as long as any other false Bubble...about 2 years.

BTW, I'm not the one who brought up Reagan.

No, you neglected to mention Reagan, and brought up HW instead. Why is that? Industry did decline, but he never eliminated it. In fact America was going through major industry shifts during the 1980's, and not necessarily due to any of Reagan's policies.

Is your history THAT bad?
WHAT Industry shifts?
Moving America's manufacturing to Mexico?
And of course you don't remember Senior being inspired by Ronny and forcing Banks to lend hundreds of millions to Mexico; Mexico defaulted on these loans.
Does Oct 1987 ring a bell?
Another kick-ass Republican strategy.
The overwhelming number of REGULATIONS are common sense and have been in compliance with normal behavior for decades.
Something as common sense as turning off a faucet not in use becomes a REGULATION and Republicans start shitting in their pants.

omg, people don't know to turn a faucet off they are as stupid as that post of yours

get a grip, maybe you like and need being told what size soda cups you should drink from by a Nanny government...

but the rest of us like Freedom to make our own choices in life
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Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect minimal. - The Washington Post

The more facts we learn, the more we realize just how much bullshit republicanism is.

You mean a government paid toady says the effect is "minimal." Furthermore, the main objection to government regulations is that they increase cost. After the EPA implements their new rules on coal, the cost of electricity is going to skyrocket.

Regulations are necessary. Mitt Romney himself even said they are. He didn't say that in his liberal days mind you. This was durin the primaries.

Whoop, it's deflection time.
No one is arguing some regulation is necessary. But all regulation kills jobs. Get with the picture, Leroy.
The overwhelming number of REGULATIONS are common sense and have been in compliance with normal behavior for decades.
Something as common sense as turning off a faucet not in use becomes a REGULATION and Republicans start shitting in their pants.

omg, people don't know to turn a faucet off they are as stupid as that post of yours

get a grip, maybe you like and need being told what size soda cups you should drink from by a Nanny government...

but the rest of us like Freedom to make our own choices in life

When I expanded my house I asked just about every contractor which Regulations they considered foolish, overbearing or outright extortion.
One contractor told me he required special insulation for new windows even if the old windows in THE SAME ROOM were grandfathered into the non-insulated years.

The plumbers...not one Regulation bothered then because, as they said, they are professionals and they can't think of ONE Regulation that has stifled business.

The electricians...not one Regulation bothered then because, as they said, they are professionals and they can't think of ONE Regulation that has stifled business.

The guys who constructed the infrastructure of the bathroom...not one Regulation bothered then because, as they said, they are professionals and they can't think of ONE Regulation that has stifled business.

The guys who constructed back patio...not one Regulation bothered then because, as they said, they are professionals and they can't think of ONE Regulation that has stifled business.

Any more bullshit?
You mean a government paid toady says the effect is "minimal." Furthermore, the main objection to government regulations is that they increase cost. After the EPA implements their new rules on coal, the cost of electricity is going to skyrocket.

Regulations are necessary. Mitt Romney himself even said they are. He didn't say that in his liberal days mind you. This was durin the primaries.

Well if Mitt Romney says it's true, then it must be true!

That must be what passes for logic among libturds.

Romney has always been a liberal Republican. He always will be.

He's also a very successful business man asswipe.

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