More republican bullshit: regulations have a very minimal effect on jobs

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

Explain the Burdens...
And PLEASE explain why so many Conservatives in our nation actually make MONEY from these Regulations whilst bitching about them.

But first, explain (as in "Explicit") the Burdens...

If you don't understand why paperwork, reporting, and restrictions on activity constitute burdens then you are literally too fucking stupid to talk to.

Almost everybody I know owns a business.
Their paperwork is not nearly as onerous as you make out.
Then again, maybe all that onerous and expensive paperwork is why they go on so many trips to France and Israel.
Oh, the suffering!
Obviously, YOU have never run a business.
Explain the Burdens...
And PLEASE explain why so many Conservatives in our nation actually make MONEY from these Regulations whilst bitching about them.

But first, explain (as in "Explicit") the Burdens...

If you don't understand why paperwork, reporting, and restrictions on activity constitute burdens then you are literally too fucking stupid to talk to.

Almost everybody I know owns a business.
Their paperwork is not nearly as onerous as you make out.
Then again, maybe all that onerous and expensive paperwork is why they go on so many trips to France and Israel.
Oh, the suffering!
Obviously, YOU have never run a business.
As I said, you are literally too stupid to talk to.
Everyone you know runs a business. What a joke.
Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?
So, here is another news flash, me boy. Regulations have both costs and benefits. I know that is pretty complex information for a con. But it is true. A few years ago, there was enough bashing of federal regs that congress decided it was time to get the costs out to the public. Cause they thought it was a great idea, politically. Now you may wonder, as a con tool, why you did not hear about the results of the study. Simple enough. It was because the results were BAD for cons. Really, Really bad.
So, the study was ordered done by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB is known to be meticulously impartial. By repubs and dems. The most basic parameters were to take the most expensive programs and determine costs and benefits in dollar terms. And determine which programs cost more than they saved. Problem was, the numbers showed that the benefits were something close to 4 or 5 times the cost. Here is a link to the report:

Now I know no con would read this large a report, particularly one with the results this has. But it does show what pretty much every economist not under the pay of the Libertarian mafia already knows. Costs are fairly low compared to the benefits involved.

Without even reading the report I know you are lying.
As I said, I would be shocked if a con tool, like you say, would ever be capable of reading a report from an independent source. Just beyond you. Back to your bat shit crazy con web sites.
If you don't understand why paperwork, reporting, and restrictions on activity constitute burdens then you are literally too fucking stupid to talk to.

Almost everybody I know owns a business.
Their paperwork is not nearly as onerous as you make out.
Then again, maybe all that onerous and expensive paperwork is why they go on so many trips to France and Israel.
Oh, the suffering!
Obviously, YOU have never run a business.
As I said, you are literally too stupid to talk to.
Everyone you know runs a business. What a joke.

In the Long Island suburbs? Yes.
And I said, "Almost everyone", and you changed it to, "Everyone".
But everyone knows you have issues with reading comprehension.
Almost everybody I know owns a business.
Their paperwork is not nearly as onerous as you make out.
Then again, maybe all that onerous and expensive paperwork is why they go on so many trips to France and Israel.
Oh, the suffering!
Obviously, YOU have never run a business.
As I said, you are literally too stupid to talk to.
Everyone you know runs a business. What a joke.

In the Long Island suburbs? Yes.
And I said, "Almost everyone", and you changed it to, "Everyone".
But everyone knows you have issues with reading comprehension.
And major issues with honesty.
Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

Screw family farmers? Yes, that's exactly what all these things do. ALl they do is screw honest business people and make it impossible to work in those fields.
Let me guess, never held a job in your life, amiright?

I've been self-employed all of my life. How do regulations screw honest people? Can you name a regulation that has screwed honest people?
So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

Screw family farmers? Yes, that's exactly what all these things do. ALl they do is screw honest business people and make it impossible to work in those fields.
Let me guess, never held a job in your life, amiright?

I've been self-employed all of my life. How do regulations screw honest people? Can you name a regulation that has screwed honest people?

Supreme Court orders new hearing for California raisin farmers - Los Angeles Times

Cue backtracking and deflection in 3...2...1....
Screw family farmers? Yes, that's exactly what all these things do. ALl they do is screw honest business people and make it impossible to work in those fields.
Let me guess, never held a job in your life, amiright?

I've been self-employed all of my life. How do regulations screw honest people? Can you name a regulation that has screwed honest people?

Supreme Court orders new hearing for California raisin farmers - Los Angeles Times

Cue backtracking and deflection in 3...2...1....

How does this screw honest people?

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