More republican bullshit: regulations have a very minimal effect on jobs

There is a difference between government regulation and government over regulation the normal government regulation probably does have minimal impact when you start adding more and more regulation onto the existing ones I suspect it does have more of a impact.
The regulation for a business owner to provide a clean walking space for employees and customers bankrupted thousands of businesses.

There is no such regulation, numskull.

Ad hominem...I win.
Tell that to OSHA.
They just inspected my workplace and that was one of the violations.
And yes, we had been complaining about that for several years.

It couldn't have bothered you too much. You didn't quit.
Man oh man, he post one article from some no name "economist" says it's affects are minimal

and he just swallows no question asked

that economist should get another profession, because he either a liar or an idiot to spew such garbage......anyone with half a brain should realize overburdening business with regulations hurt jobs and us...Many of government regulations are Un-necessary and frivolous, but it's a way for them to line their pockets of MORE OF OUR MONEY...The greedy bastards
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The overwhelming number of REGULATIONS are common sense and have been in compliance with normal behavior for decades.
Something as common sense as turning off a faucet not in use becomes a REGULATION and Republicans start shitting in their pants.

Is it "common sense" that a 10-year-old kid has to get a government license to run a lemonade stand?
You mean a government paid toady says the effect is "minimal." Furthermore, the main objection to government regulations is that they increase cost. After the EPA implements their new rules on coal, the cost of electricity is going to skyrocket.

Regulations are necessary. Mitt Romney himself even said they are. He didn't say that in his liberal days mind you. This was durin the primaries.

Whoop, it's deflection time.
No one is arguing some regulation is necessary. But all regulation kills jobs. Get with the picture, Leroy.

Actually Briprat is. And no, regulations in reality kill very few jobs if any.
Regulations are necessary. Mitt Romney himself even said they are. He didn't say that in his liberal days mind you. This was durin the primaries.

Well if Mitt Romney says it's true, then it must be true!

That must be what passes for logic among libturds.

Romney has always been a liberal Republican. He always will be.

He's also a very successful business man asswipe.

That doesn't make him an economist, dick head.
Regulations are necessary. Mitt Romney himself even said they are. He didn't say that in his liberal days mind you. This was durin the primaries.

Whoop, it's deflection time.
No one is arguing some regulation is necessary. But all regulation kills jobs. Get with the picture, Leroy.

Actually Briprat is. And no, regulations in reality kill very few jobs if any.

That's right. I'm arguing that all regulations are unnecessary. Tort law can handle any problem caused by bad business practices.
There is a difference between government regulation and government over regulation the normal government regulation probably does have minimal impact when you start adding more and more regulation onto the existing ones I suspect it does have more of a impact.

There's no such thing as "normal government regulation." The history of regulation is that government makes more and more every year.
"Not only should we abolish the EPA so that corporations can dump chemicals into our lakes and streams, but we should also cut the corporate tax rate and reduce the minimum wage so that businesses can make even more money that will then trickle down to the working class.

It works out well for everyone because rich people said so." - Republican logic
That doesn't make him an economist, dick head.

So tell me. Why would a very successful business man come in favor of regulation?

Lots of corporate toadies favor regulation. For one thing, it discourages new competitors from entering the market.

Regulation is great for the big guy and bad for small competitors.
So why does deregulation only lead to record corporate profits and no trickle-down effect?
Breaking News!

Harry Reid says all the horror stories about the publics' encounters with Obamacare are lies.

We can trust Harry.

So tell me. Why would a very successful business man come in favor of regulation?

Lots of corporate toadies favor regulation. For one thing, it discourages new competitors from entering the market.

Regulation is great for the big guy and bad for small competitors.
So why does deregulation only lead to record corporate profits and no trickle-down effect?

Attn: Moron. Check your telephone bill.
"Not only should we abolish the EPA so that corporations can dump chemicals into our lakes and streams, but we should also cut the corporate tax rate and reduce the minimum wage so that businesses can make even more money that will then trickle down to the working class.

It works out well for everyone because rich people said so." - Republican logic

If you haven't noticed, corporations have only ever dumped chemicals into places that no one owns, or that the government owns, whichever way you prefer to look at it. Corporations don't pollute other people's private property because they get sued for it. The solution to pollution is to convert waterways into private property. At least the water rights should be converted to private property. This is done with many streams and rivers in the West, and it works beautifully.

If you believe the minimum wage is the only thing preventing a corporation from paying you nothing, then you're obviously just a numskull who doesn't understand the first thing about economics.
So tell me. Why would a very successful business man come in favor of regulation?

Lots of corporate toadies favor regulation. For one thing, it discourages new competitors from entering the market.

Regulation is great for the big guy and bad for small competitors.
So why does deregulation only lead to record corporate profits and no trickle-down effect?

Have you flown on a plane lately? What do you pay for phone service?
Attn: Moron. Check your telephone bill.

What do you pay for phone service?
Here in NJ I pay $3.74

I pay $24/month for local and long distance within the United State, Canada and the Dominican Republic. I recall when just basic telephone service was more than that, and that was 20 years ago.
I pay $0.00 for local and long distance within the United State, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the $3.74 is for state and federal taxes and local 911 support. I suspect regulations for where you live are under $4 also.
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If you don't like environmental regulations then

1). You think china is a good business model - (the air is toxic in Beijing) but hey peoples health should never stand in the way of profit

2). Take a big drink of water out of west Virginia's water supply near where the chemical spill was.

Now I know some regulations are overbearing but I also believe that if it not were for environmental regulations corporations would willingly pollute any waterway near them in order to cuts costs. Safe drinking water and clean air to breathe way way way are more important than a corporations profits. Only common sense. Let corporations do their work. Heck, cut their tax rates. But if they pollute the groundwater make it a shutdown your operation kinda crime for poisoning drinking water is treasonous.

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