More republican bullshit: regulations have a very minimal effect on jobs

If you don't like environmental regulations then

1). You think china is a good business model - (the air is toxic in Beijing) but hey peoples health should never stand in the way of profit

The Chinese government prevents people from suing the corporations polluting the air and water, so you cast the finger of blame in the wrong direction.

2). Take a big drink of water out of west Virginia's water supply near where the chemical spill was.

Uhmmmm . . . . the EPA regulates what you can put into the water in WV. It doesn't seem to be working, does it?

Now I know some regulations are overbearing but I also believe that if it not were for environmental regulations corporations would willingly pollute any waterway near them in order to cuts costs. Safe drinking water and clean air to breathe way way way are more important than a corporations profits. Only common sense. Let corporations do their work. Heck, cut their tax rates. But if they pollute the groundwater make it a shutdown your operation kinda crime for poisoning drinking water is treasonous.

They wouldn't be dumping anything in the water if the people who owned the water could sue them for it. Unfortunately, no one owns the water.

How predictable: you want to make violating environmental regulations into a capital crime - the sure sign of a numskull.
If you don't like environmental regulations then

1). You think china is a good business model - (the air is toxic in Beijing) but hey peoples health should never stand in the way of profit

2). Take a big drink of water out of west Virginia's water supply near where the chemical spill was.

Now I know some regulations are overbearing but I also believe that if it not were for environmental regulations corporations would willingly pollute any waterway near them in order to cuts costs. Safe drinking water and clean air to breathe way way way are more important than a corporations profits. Only common sense. Let corporations do their work. Heck, cut their tax rates. But if they pollute the groundwater make it a shutdown your operation kinda crime for poisoning drinking water is treasonous.

You're missing the whole point. Profit for corporations comes first. That's what America has become. Their profit center. Contaminated water is a byproduct that trickles down on the rest of us just like Reagan promised.
You haven't posted any facts, only propaganda.

Prove they aren't facts. Go ahead. I'll wait.

I imagine that if we took away your left leaning journalist, Jia Lynn Yang, and replace her with some right leaning journalist we would be having an entirely different discussion, billie. :eusa_whistle:

If what I am saying is a lie, then why has NO ONE picked up on it yet? I'm sure the rightwing has already tried to prove it wrong and obviously failed.
So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.
So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

The facts are what they are.
that is true. Which is why there is never proof of problems with gov regulations. Just stupid statements.
You haven't posted any facts, only propaganda.

Prove they aren't facts. Go ahead. I'll wait.

I imagine that if we took away your left leaning journalist, Jia Lynn Yang, and replace her with some right leaning journalist we would be having an entirely different discussion, billie. :eusa_whistle:
Ah. The famous the news sources are all liberal argument. Sorry me boy. Few are. There are far more right wing sources than left. It is simply that for you cons, anything to the left of FOX or RED STATE are liberal sites.
Which makes it impossible to discuss anything with cons. You are bought and paid for.
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So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?
So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

Explain the Burdens...
And PLEASE explain why so many Conservatives in our nation actually make MONEY from these Regulations whilst bitching about them.

But first, explain (as in "Explicit") the Burdens...
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So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!
Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

NO, screw you and your insane ranting...good grief go out and smell the roses or something...
Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

Explain the Burdens...
And PLEASE explain why so many Conservatives in our nation actually make MONEY from these Regulations whilst bitch about them.

But first, explain (as in "Explicit") the Burdens...

He can't. He's a dumber than a rock Libertarian who worships Mark (laughing all the way to the bank) Levin.
Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

NO, screw you and your insane ranting...good grief go out and smell the roses or something...

Mark Levin won't be proud of your answer. Like he really cares. Go buy another book!
So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

NO, screw you and your insane ranting...good grief go out and smell the roses or something...

Mark Levin won't be proud of your answer. Like he really cares. Go buy another book!

like I said, screw your insane rants...
don't know why people bother with your idiocy
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So you think adding millions in costs to businesses in terms of time and labor in order to follow regulation that you keep adding and changing and making more burdensom, has minimal effects on businesses?

Can you imagine how much more productive we could be in society if we didn't have to spend so much time and money working to meet government regulation and could instead spend that time serving customers, clients, and exploring new ideas and the world in general?

It's time the American people begin working less for the government and more for themselves and their families.

Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?
So, here is another news flash, me boy. Regulations have both costs and benefits. I know that is pretty complex information for a con. But it is true. A few years ago, there was enough bashing of federal regs that congress decided it was time to get the costs out to the public. Cause they thought it was a great idea, politically. Now you may wonder, as a con tool, why you did not hear about the results of the study. Simple enough. It was because the results were BAD for cons. Really, Really bad.
So, the study was ordered done by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB is known to be meticulously impartial. By repubs and dems. The most basic parameters were to take the most expensive programs and determine costs and benefits in dollar terms. And determine which programs cost more than they saved. Problem was, the numbers showed that the benefits were something close to 4 or 5 times the cost. Here is a link to the report:

Now I know no con would read this large a report, particularly one with the results this has. But it does show what pretty much every economist not under the pay of the Libertarian mafia already knows. Costs are fairly low compared to the benefits involved.
Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

Explain the Burdens...
And PLEASE explain why so many Conservatives in our nation actually make MONEY from these Regulations whilst bitching about them.

But first, explain (as in "Explicit") the Burdens...

If you don't understand why paperwork, reporting, and restrictions on activity constitute burdens then you are literally too fucking stupid to talk to.
Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?

So screw safety, screw family farmers, screw workers, screw consumers that have bank accounts. So let me guess; You're a I've got mine and screw everyone else stupid Libertarian sociopath? Got it!

Screw family farmers? Yes, that's exactly what all these things do. ALl they do is screw honest business people and make it impossible to work in those fields.
Let me guess, never held a job in your life, amiright?
Perhaps you can name a 'burdensome' regulation.

I take it that 'American people begin working less for the government' is buzz for taxes. Please post your effective tax for 2013 so we can see.

Every regulation stemming from the Gun Control Act of 1968
Every regulation dealing with agricultural items and farm support
Every regulation that deals with worker safety
Every regulation that deals with the banking system
Every regulation that deals with COBRA, FIRREA or a dozen other gov'tprograms.

Let me guess, you never worked in a business, right?
So, here is another news flash, me boy. Regulations have both costs and benefits. I know that is pretty complex information for a con. But it is true. A few years ago, there was enough bashing of federal regs that congress decided it was time to get the costs out to the public. Cause they thought it was a great idea, politically. Now you may wonder, as a con tool, why you did not hear about the results of the study. Simple enough. It was because the results were BAD for cons. Really, Really bad.
So, the study was ordered done by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB is known to be meticulously impartial. By repubs and dems. The most basic parameters were to take the most expensive programs and determine costs and benefits in dollar terms. And determine which programs cost more than they saved. Problem was, the numbers showed that the benefits were something close to 4 or 5 times the cost. Here is a link to the report:

Now I know no con would read this large a report, particularly one with the results this has. But it does show what pretty much every economist not under the pay of the Libertarian mafia already knows. Costs are fairly low compared to the benefits involved.

Without even reading the report I know you are lying.

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