More Responsible Gun Owners!


Gold Member
Apr 10, 2013
In the first nine months of 2015, 1,700 guns have been stolen in Vegas. As a gun owner, I find this sad and worry-some.

The old saying about fools and their money being soon parted seems to work for firearms as well.
The old saying about fools and their money being soon parted seems to work for firearms as well.
The negligence of others has nothing to do with any firearms I myself may have.
The negligence of others has nothing to do with any firearms I myself may have.

Unless one of those firearms is possessed by a person that kills you or one of your family members. Then of course the added expense to tax payers of trials and police investigations due to the negligence.

Then of course the idiot can take the insurance check and buy another one for a 'do-over.'
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In the first nine months of 2015, 1,700 guns have been stolen in Vegas. As a gun owner, I find this sad and worry-some.

A big part of the problem…criminals….they break into someones home and steal their belongings. What we need is "Comprehensive" criminal reform. We need to make it so that criminals don't steal other peoples property.

See…if you lock your guns in your home…you are responsible. If someone breaks the locks on your home, enters your home without your permission and then takes your stuff….they are a criminal.

So your thread is pretty stupid….but thanks for trying.
In the first nine months of 2015, 1,700 guns have been stolen in Vegas. As a gun owner, I find this sad and worry-some.

Whats sad it that at least 1500 or more should be dead trying


Shows you how well the gun protected their home and car.

See…you guys create the problem…you make it hard to actually carry a gun on your person…therefore you have to leave it at home. Then you make "Gun Free Zones" so in order to go to the food store, or shopping at the mall, you have to leave your gun in your car…..

And then they get stolen and you guys blame the person who acted according to the law……..for the actions of people who broke the law.

Your mental illness has been noted. You condemn the person who responsibly locks up their guns at home…..and say not one word about the criminal who breaks into that home. And you think gun laws will keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

you guys are nuts.
The negligence of others has nothing to do with any firearms I myself may have.

Unless one of those firearms is possessed by a person that kills you or one of your family members. Then of course the added expense to tax payers of trials and police investigations due to the negligence.

Then of course the idiot can take the insurance check and buy another one for a 'do-over.'

Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent crime 2 million times a year. That is lives saved, and criminals stopped. It also means that those criminals who are captured because of the armed civilian can't attack other people…thus saving even more money.

So there is a net positive when law abiding people carry guns for self defense. Of course you guys won't point out that……you have to lie by omission.
Another point to keep in mind. The 2 ways criminals get guns…stealing them and through straw purchasers, people who can pass through all he gun control laws and buy a gun legally. So…..when someone decides to provide a gun to a criminal, by going through the mandated, federal background check, they then buy the gun and let the criminal "steal" it or them. That is probably what you are seeing in this video. This way they get past selling a gun to a felon in a way that will not get them jail time. This is why the anti gun extremist calls for gun show loopholes and universal background checks are so stupid. Research shows that only 1% of illegal guns come from illegal sales at gun shows. The rest…stolen or straw buyers. And in each case, stealing guns and straw buyers will get past "universal" background checks the minute they come on line.

The best gun control we have….catching criminals using guns to commit crimes, and catching felons who merely possess a gun. We can already lock them up without any new gun control laws. This strategy has the added advantage in that it actually targets criminals. It does not target law abiding citizens.

There is also no need to license gun owners or register guns to do this….we can already arrest these people with existing laws.
A big part of the problem…criminals….they break into someones home and steal their belongings. What we need is "Comprehensive" criminal reform. We need to make it so that criminals don't steal other peoples property.

See…if you lock your guns in your home…you are responsible. If someone breaks the locks on your home, enters your home without your permission and then takes your stuff….they are a criminal.

So your thread is pretty stupid….but thanks for trying.

None of the 1700 guns were secured.
See…you guys create the problem…you make it hard to actually carry a gun on your person…therefore you have to leave it at home. Then you make "Gun Free Zones" so in order to go to the food store, or shopping at the mall, you have to leave your gun in your car…..

And then they get stolen and you guys blame the person who acted according to the law……..for the actions of people who broke the law.

Your mental illness has been noted. You condemn the person who responsibly locks up their guns at home…..and say not one word about the criminal who breaks into that home. And you think gun laws will keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

you guys are nuts.

I have a gun safe in my properties. I also have a gun safe in my cars. None of the 1700 in the story were secured.
Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent crime 2 million times a year. That is lives saved, and criminals stopped. It also means that those criminals who are captured because of the armed civilian can't attack other people…thus saving even more money.

So there is a net positive when law abiding people carry guns for self defense. Of course you guys won't point out that……you have to lie by omission.

Stop bloviating. The story is about irresponsible gun owners not securing their guns.
Another point to keep in mind. The 2 ways criminals get guns…stealing them and through straw purchasers, people who can pass through all he gun control laws and buy a gun legally. So…..when someone decides to provide a gun to a criminal, by going through the mandated, federal background check, they then buy the gun and let the criminal "steal" it or them. That is probably what you are seeing in this video. This way they get past selling a gun to a felon in a way that will not get them jail time. This is why the anti gun extremist calls for gun show loopholes and universal background checks are so stupid. Research shows that only 1% of illegal guns come from illegal sales at gun shows. The rest…stolen or straw buyers. And in each case, stealing guns and straw buyers will get past "universal" background checks the minute they come on line.

The best gun control we have….catching criminals using guns to commit crimes, and catching felons who merely possess a gun. We can already lock them up without any new gun control laws. This strategy has the added advantage in that it actually targets criminals. It does not target law abiding citizens.

There is also no need to license gun owners or register guns to do this….we can already arrest these people with existing laws.

More bloviating.

This thread isn't about gun control, it's about responsible gun ownership. Try and get your head around that before you respond again.
The negligence of others has nothing to do with any firearms I myself may have.

Unless one of those firearms is possessed by a person that kills you or one of your family members.

An unlikely scenario.

How about we shoot criminals in the head on conviction and prevent further crime on their part?

You are saying that no gun owners have been shot by their own gun?

I agree, we don't kill enough criminals.

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