More Slings And Arrows For Jews From Progressives


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….with a theological basis.

Progressive….meaning ‘progress’? Seems, instead, they’ve devolved to that ol’ time religion to attack Jews.

1.The Democrat Party et al is well known to be anti-Semitic….here, tons of proof:

Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water ...which includes this warning…

“America’s Democratic Party is failing to purge from its own ranks agitators against the Jews. It’s even elevating them to important committees.

“Some of the most fashionable, high-profile progressives in the country at the moment — the leaders of the Women’s March, groundbreaking politicians celebrated for shattering glass ceilings — are the ones who hold deeply disturbing views …

We are in the early stages of an election where anti-Semitism is likely to emerge as one of the issues…” A Pasionara Against Progressive Anti-Semitism

2. From the Jewish magazine, The Tablet, an erudite explanation of the Progressive Theology (Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews)

The author provides an impassioned attempt to explain Progressives hatred of Israel as in " the early history of Christianity….What we’re seeing right now, then, is the strange spectacle of progressives pursuing the same thorny theology that much of Christendom abandoned long ago, the theology of supersessionism. Also known as replacement theology, this idea developed early on in the history of Christianity, …[if] Christians were God’s new chosen people, what, then, was to be done about the chosen people of old, the Jews? …the Jews had forfeited their right to their special status…

3. …it was Augustine …the early Christian theologian was, as ever, the smartest person around, and he offered his fellow Christians a better alternative. The Jews, he argued, were Christianity’s witnesses: “But the Jews who slew Him,” he wrote, referring, naturally, to Jesus, “are thus by their own Scriptures a testimony to us that we have not forged the prophecies about Christ.” See things this way and the Jews are no longer worthy of eternal servitude. Instead, they become intimates of their Christian brothers and sisters. “For in the Jewish people was figured the Christian people,” Augustine wrote.

4. While the Celts and the Druids and the other tribes who came under the church’s rule could be slaughtered or assimilated or otherwise made to disappear, the Jews continued to pose a special problem: Christian civilization, it seemed, often couldn’t live without them, and even more often couldn’t live with them. And so, the Jews were mocked, discriminated against, relegated to narrow ghettos, forced to convert, tortured by the Inquisition, expelled, accused, despised. But they persisted, because all but the most maniacal bigots understood that they were the children of God, and that their covenant with the Creator, even if you believed it to have expired, was still meaningful enough to respect, however begrudgingly.” Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews

So....according to the most atavistic of Christians.....who were the new 'chosen people'???

“Supersessionism, also called replacement theology or fulfillment theology, is a Christian doctrine which asserts that the New Covenant through Jesus Christsupersedes the Old Covenant, which was made exclusively with the Jewish people.” Supersessionism - Wikipedia

No longer Christian doctrine…..but useful to Progressives.

Next….how and why Christianity gave replacement theology up.
Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.
No one is more hateful towards Jews than American Jewish democrats.

Here is why most of them do vote democrat.

Bottom line is most Jews are not really Jews at all. Most use their religion to garner sympathy or power or both. They are enemies of Israel and many or most Israelis know it.

Israelis call Jews that worked with nazis KAPOS. That is what they essentially are.

Still a group dancing around that golden calf.
No one is more hateful towards Jews than American Jewish democrats.

Here is why most of them do vote democrat.

Bottom line is most Jews are not really Jews at all. Most use their religion to garner sympathy or power or both. They are enemies of Israel and many or most Israelis know it.

Israelis call Jews that worked with nazis KAPOS. That is what they essentially are.

Still a group dancing around that golden calf.

I must admit, I am puzzled by the percentage of Jewish folks who still vote for the anti-Semite party.

New York Times just published an interesting article on anti-Semitic attacks in NYC......

"Contrary to what are surely the prevailing assumptions, anti-Semitic incidents have constituted half of all hate crimes in New York this year, according to the Police Department. To put that figure in context, there have been four times as many crimes motivated by bias against Jews — 142 in all — as there have against blacks. Hate crimes against Jews have outnumbered hate crimes targeted at transgender people by a factor of 20.

If anti-Semitism bypasses consideration as a serious problem in New York, it is to some extent because it refuses to conform to an easy narrative with a single ideological enemy. During the past 22 months, not one person caught or identified as the aggressor in an anti-Semitic hate crime has been associated with a far right-wing group, Mark Molinari, commanding officer of the police department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, told me."
Is It Safe to Be Jewish in New York?

(BTW....there is no 'Far Right' in this country.)

[Democrat] "Man Accused in Hate-Filled Messages in Brooklyn Synagogue Was Former [Democrat] City Council Speaker's Intern"
Man Accused of Hate Graffiti Was Former NYC Speaker's Intern

Did I mention that no self-respecting Jewish person should ever support the Democrats?
Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.

I didn't ask for any Democrat anti-Semites to verify the thanks for your initiative.

You're claiming Jews are special and deserve special treatment? Racist.

No I didn't, and I'm not.

Clean off your specs, ol' timer.

Have someone with a deeper education than you explain the OP to you....any third grader will do.
Then why do the Progressives like Trump and the GOP want to continue to oppress people through the Drug War?
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod to expound.


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