More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

Well I am not a child , but I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago. I also know that Black people did not evolve from apes , by way of mitochondria DNA studies who proved that we all have the same mitochondrial DNA from a Black women in Kenya that lived 150,000 years ago. Maybe whites evolved from apes or Orangutans. She was a human woman, not an Ape.
So then why do scientist say that every human on the Earth today have the same mitochondrial DNA as this black woman that they trace back to Kenya East Africa from over 150,000 years and not that of some Ape or chipanzee?. Shouldn't the Apes and monkeys have evolved with us after all these millions of years. Shouldn't they have the same mitochondrial DNA? Who and what is this missing ancestor. How come science has never identified this primate?.What caused this split.? Your theory of evolution, and natural selection is nothing but theories.Europeans may have evolved from apes, or primates. Black people were created By God.
The creator. White people were also created in Africa by Jacob. But the African sun was to strong for their skin. So they eventually migrated to Europe, where the Suns rays were not as strong. Do some
research Fort Fun Indiana. The White race was a grafted race that was breed by Jacob. Google his name if yo don't believe me.
So then why do scientist say that every human on the Earth today have the same mitochondrial DNA as this black woman that they trace back to Kenya East Africa from over 150,000 years and not that of some Ape or chipanzee?.
Because that is a measure of ...

...Listen up this time....


The most recent common female ancestor of ANY SPECIES will always be a member of that species.
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Because that is a measure of ...

...Listen up this time....


The most recent common female ancestor of ANY SPECIES will always be a member of that species.
I think you should watch the Documentary about this black women that lived over 150,000 years ago that we all share mitochondrial DNA with. It was done by National Geographic. Google it and learn something from it. She wasn't an ape.
So then why do scientist say that every human on the Earth today have the same mitochondrial DNA as this black woman that they trace back to Kenya East Africa from over 150,000 years and not that of some Ape or chipanzee?.
Because that is a measure of ...

...Listen up this time....

I think you should watch the Documentary about this black women that lived over 150,000 years ago. It was done by National Geographic. Google it and learn something from it. She wasn't an ape.
Yes, I literally just introduced to you the concept of the most recent common female ancestor and how she had to be a human.

Do you or you not understand why this is? Think on it.

(But technically, she was an ape, and so are you. So am i. steps)
Virtually without exception, creationers are fundamentalist Christians. There does not exist a more strident, anti-science group outside of Christianity.
I am an exception. ;) I believe in science, but not evolution as it is commonly believed.
Yeah, brokeloser is an additional worthless asshole that should have been gone long ago.
Evolutionary theory does not explain the creation of life, it can not. But most to ascribe to the theory apparently believes it can and does.
Not true at all. People who understand evolution know abiogenesis is a different topic.

But, what is common to both is the concept of "selection".
Shouldn't the Apes and monkeys have evolved with us after all these millions of years.
Exactly like us? Why would they? They evolved away from our most common ancestor, as did humans. They evolved differently because they filled a different niche.

Again, kid's stuff,my man.
Because that is a measure of ...

...Listen up this time....


Yes, I literally just introduced to you the concept of the most recent common female ancestor and how she had to be a human.

Do you or you not understand why this is? Think on it.

(But technically, she was an ape, and so are you. So am i. steps)
We were all created by God, we did not evolve from Apes , that are still in the Jungle and many are vegitarians. You are entitled to your beliefs. I never accepted the theory of evolution. Or natural selection.
We were all created, we did not evolve from Apes , that are still in the Jungle and many are vegitarians.
Yes, fine, believe what you want.

But don't say dumb and wrong stuff about evolution in a science section and think you get a pass, because "BLEEF".
So... Evolutionary Biologists...

i.e., Biologists.... they have a clue?
They are the true believers. :bowdown:

These arguments never end but they are fun. In the end we live by our beliefs and our knowledge. Whatever floats yer boat .:)
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Well I am not a child , but I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago. I also know that Black people did not evolve from apes , by way of mitochondria DNA studies who proved that we all have the same mitochodria DNA from a Black women in Kenya that lived 150,000 years ago. Maybe whites evolved from apes or Orangutans. She was a human woman, not an Ape.
You are a hilarious fool.
Exactly like us? Why would they? They evolved away from our most common ancestor, as did humans. They evolved differently because they filled a different niche.

Again, kid's stuff,my man.
Purchase a Bible and read it. Stop reading books by Charles Darwin. Dr. Robert Leakey said that the first Man and woman came from Africa, after his research in the Oldavi Gourge in Tanzania. Millions of years ago.

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