More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

In the grand scheme of things there is still more evidence of creation than of evolution. :bow3:
In the grander scheme of grand schemes, it hasn't gone unnoticed that the creationers offer no evidence to support their claims to supernatural creation.
Breeding is manipulation. However, a plant is a plant, a moth is a moth, a fruit fly remains a fruit fly, and bacteria stays bacteria. Each kind is unique and bound by God.
Evolutionist always say we evolved from apes! ? Then why are the apes still here? God created man in his image. Just like man can now clone animals, practice in vitro fertilization. I hear white people were grafted by a scientist called Jacob in Africa many thousands of years ago. Google his name.
Evolution is all theory.
Evolutionist always say we evolved from apes! ? Then why are the apes still here?
This is the kind of question a child asks when hearing about evolution for the first time.

Why are you even commenting on evolution? You clearly know less than nothing about it.
This is the kind of question a child asks when hearing about evolution for the first time.

Why are you even commenting on evolution? You clearly know less than nothing about it.
Well I am not a child , but I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago. I also know that Black people did not evolve from apes , by way of mitochondria DNA studies who proved that we all have the same mitochodria DNA from a Black women in Kenya that lived 150,000 years ago. Maybe whites evolved from apes or Orangutans. She was a human woman, not an Ape.
Well I am not a child , but I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago. I also know that Black people did not evolve from apes , by way of mitochondria DNA studies who proved that we all have the same mitochodria DNA from a Black women in Kenya that lived 150,000 years ago. Maybe whites evolved from apes or Orangutans. She was a human woman, not an Ape.
''I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago.''

You read a lot of supermarket tabloids, right?
Well I am not a child
That's right you aren't. So you have NO excuse for being this abjectly ignorant of this topic. Nor should anyone feel compelled to spoonfeed an adult any of the material. Go learn something.

but I know that animals were being grafted and made in ancient Egypt hundreds of thousands of years ago.
No you don't. This is the science section, take this bizarre nonsense to another section.
It is relevant that the idea of evolution by far pre-dated Darwinian theory about evolution. Because it means that people believed evolution was a possible or likely explanation for the existence of species long before the Darwinian idea of speciation via natural selection. Therefore, it is possible to accept one without accepting the other.
If you deny evolution as the origin of species, you reject the theory of evolution.

No way out of it. You must admit it. You don't get to have it both ways.
Hopefully, the above cleared up that erroneous thinking on your part.
You use the term ''apparent design'' but offer nothing to support what that means.
It means the same thing that Richard Dawkins meant when he spoke about it.
Creationists typically appeal to feelings and such subjective measures when making appeals to their proposed supernatural designers, ie. their gods.

Another attribute common among creationists is a profound misunderstanding of the Theory of Evolution. The theory has nothing to do with the beginning of life. The TOE addresses changes in populations over time. Common descent with modification is among the most basic, best supported elements of biological evolution.

Then what theory does address the beginning of life?
If evidence for life on the planet is not naturally occurring then some supernatural forces were seemingly involved. What are those supernatural forces? Another common attribute of creationists is complete rejection of biological evolution in favor of their supernatural designers but they offer nothing to support who those supernatural designers are or how those supernatural designers managed their designs.
Yep. That's what creationists do alright.

Why tell me that?
It is relevant that the idea of evolution by far pre-dated Darwinian theory about evolution.
Which is you changing the topic. So, irrelevant.

You deny evolutionas the origin of species.

Therefore, you deny the entire theory of evolution. Top to bottom.

So you can admit this, or you can lie despite already having shown everyone proof that you are lying. Which would be quite a spectacle.

Those are your choices. Be honest, or lie despite every single person knowing you are lying.
Which is you changing the topic. So, irrelevant.

You deny evolutionas the origin of species.

Therefore, you deny the entire theory of evolution. Top to bottom.

So you can admit this, or you can lie despite already having shown everyone proof that you are lying. Which would be quite a spectacle.

Those are your choices. Be honest, or lie despite every single person knowing you are lying.
Be specific now and cite for us how life came to be?
If you really thought Hollie was my sock you wouldn't have stopped responding to me and only replying (if not answering) her.
Why? If I were offended by sock puppetry, I would stroke out every time I logged onto a political forum.
Because the Fact is you LOST to me and went mum
once I smashed your ID and it's twin 'Apparent design'
, along with 'appeal to authority.
If you had beaten me so soundly, you would simply walk away with your victory.
in fact, after my Sciam fact/theory citation you said:

Which was of course wrong too, and I had to explain that fallacy to you.

But you could NOT justify in your own words 'apparent design' so quote-mined (another fallacy) Evolution believer/'authority' Dawkins. What YOU would have called 'Appeal to Authority' but for my explaining the term!

And you still have not shown anything is "apparently" or "intelligently" "Designed." And the two are the same and bogus Creationism clones.
So you are claiming that the worlds foremost opponent of creationism and intelligent is wrong when he talks about apparent design?
Beyond that you have not really explained or responded to my probing of your idea of how life spread on earth. But I guess it's "apparent design" with an unspecified parent/god even though you believe in one you are not naming to maintain some sci 'credibility.'
You did not "probe" my idea of how life spread on Earth. You copied and pasted some works that you certainly did not read yourself.
Some believe in "god guided evolution" which of course is not evolution (but extended or intermittent creationism) as real evolution is life 'responding' through a multitude of mutations (trial and error) to the ever changing conditions. (and after Billions of things died off what's left looks 'intelligent' for current conditions I suppose), but only after the fact. Had a meteor not hit earth, we might still be in a world of dinosaurs instead of small mammals spreading/being able to mutate into various related larger species.

Who sent the meteor that came right in time for the smart little rodent proto-mammals to be saved from the far less intelligent, but ravenously hunting dinosaurs?

Was that another co-inkie-dink?
Life can come from non-life?
Yes, just as a star can come from a "not star".

We call this: star formation.

Example: planet Earth. Once there was no life on Earth, then there was.

We don't disagree on any of this. Where we diverge is you attributing abiogenesis to the magic trick of a sky daddy.
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Why? If I were offended by sock puppetry, I would stroke out every time I logged onto a political forum.
It was another ridiculous claim by you and false.

If you had beaten me so soundly, you would simply walk away with your victory.
Because you keep trying to foist your BS on others even though I have refuted cleanly.

So you are claiming that the worlds foremost opponent of creationism and intelligent is wrong when he talks about apparent design?
Yes, and I showed how with the twin ID. I was really over then, you had to ignore it.
Unrebutted/untouched by you.
One also has to consider the other 99.9% of Dawkins' work, not quote-mine him.

You did not "probe" my idea of how life spread on Earth. You copied and pasted some works that you certainly did not read yourself.
I answered everything in my own words and showed an understanding of the topic you'll Never have throughout.

Who sent the meteor that came right in time for the smart little rodent proto-mammals to be saved from the far less intelligent, but ravenously hunting dinosaurs? Was that another co-inkie-dink?

Now you're really outing yourself boy.
Oh yeah, 'god sent the meteor.'
And what is that?
An 'intelligent'/'designed' way to work?
Wiping out more than half of 'his creation' because it was imperfect/a Mistake.
Punishing the dinosaurs and much other life for their sins!! LOL
Billions of years wasted, billions of species extinct Instead of more coherent True 'design' to get to where we are now?

You just set your @ss on fire again.

Go back to Creation-con or AIG.
None of them could debate me either.
Seymour Flops again.
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