More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

no licking involved henry ,,,just smart folks who can tell a real ah like trump from someone presidential and with a great knowledge of foreign affairs ......what we have now is a disaster waiting to happen

Please wipe your nose. That Hillary-turd clinging to the left nostril is making your speech difficult to understand.
hey henry, shit for brains Both you and dump have a problem reading Must make you feel proud

Try digging under this wall design

Essentially and basically The country is infected with anger and hate. That is what elected this Orange Anus pervert.

People hated on Trump throughout the campaign,with the rediculous sjw culture of the left these protests weren't a surprise .they did not strengthen their arguments instead they weakened the whole anti trump group.

The only people that think these protests were powerful are anti trumpers.step out of the echo chamber that is encouraging you to partake and embarrass yourself.

Americans that voted and support Trump don't need women's marches and days off work and a protest every weekend. we aren't standing around holding signs and screaming.we dont need to do that .We are living our lives and quietly celebrating Trumps win and all the things he has begun to do.
We are living our lives and quietly celebrating Trumps win and all the things he has begun to do.

and I am living my life resisting the Orange Anus and laughing at the Rubes who voted for Trump

Yeah well Trump did not get the majority of the votes ...he lost the popular vote by 3 million
We are living our lives and quietly celebrating Trumps win and all the things he has begun to do.

and I am living my life resisting the Orange Anus and laughing at the Rubes who voted for Trump

Yeah well Trump did not get the majority of the votes ...he lost the popular vote by 3 million

That's fine laugh away it doesn't affect me whatsoever
The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works.

Even being a anti trump person can you atleast acknowledge that trump appealed to way more people then you predicted.

No gov experience,exposed through media for his stupid locker room talk ,accusers coming out of the wood work just before election,mainstream media is liberal left leaning so any republican candidate would've been subject to their smear campaign.But then here comes this loud outspoken guy not afraid of offending someone,not PC with the sjw crap. And then the ism campaign racist sexist xenophobe.endless Hilary commercial demonizing him any way she could true or false didn't matter to the media as long as it was negative

seems like if a guy was as horrible as you claim he wouldn't have much support at all, wouldn't have won the primary and definetly not the election.

Anti trumpers still 3 months later do not get why he won, do not get why 60 million people saw things differently than you.
And very few it seems are even willing to even consider that perhaps 60 million people voted for him based on reasons that are not racist sexist Xeno etc.

Antis were shocked when he won.They had no idea that so many people would vote for him and had like the major media outlets predicted a landslide win for Hilary and trump votes 10-30 mil less..
The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works...

Most elections work by the one with the most votes wins. The EC allows different voting weight in different states.
The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works...

Most elections work by the one with the most votes wins. The EC allows different voting weight in different states.

Of course there's different voting weight in the EC as states vary in size and population. Yes other countries have a different system but this is the US and this is how it is done here. If people hate the US and the president so much they can move to a country with a president and laws they prefer. I happen to be grateful that I get to live in this great country, but hey if you think America is so bad I'd suggest some world travel to check on that opinion.

cant afford to travel ok well it's 2017 look up countries and compare plenty of information out there.
The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works...

Most elections work by the one with the most votes wins. The EC allows different voting weight in different states.

Of course there's different voting weight in the EC as states vary in size and population. Yes other countries have a different system but this is the US and this is how it is done here. If people hate the US and the president so much they can move to a country with a president and laws they prefer. I happen to be grateful that I get to live in this great country, but hey if you think America is so bad I'd suggest some world travel to check on that opinion.

cant afford to travel ok well it's 2017 look up countries and compare plenty of information out there.
bet slime like you didn't think it was such a great country under obama ,,,,you and the ah trump have that in common
Of course there's different voting weight in the EC as states vary in size and population. Yes other countries have a different system but this is the US and this is how it is done here. If people hate the US and the president so much they can move to a country with a president and laws they prefer.

The EC allows 300,000 people to outvote 700,000 people.
The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works...

Most elections work by the one with the most votes wins. The EC allows different voting weight in different states.

Of course there's different voting weight in the EC as states vary in size and population. Yes other countries have a different system but this is the US and this is how it is done here. If people hate the US and the president so much they can move to a country with a president and laws they prefer. I happen to be grateful that I get to live in this great country, but hey if you think America is so bad I'd suggest some world travel to check on that opinion.

cant afford to travel ok well it's 2017 look up countries and compare plenty of information out there.
Here is what your Beloved Orange Anus said about the Electoral college

The 3 million vote blab is played out yes Hilary had 3 million more votes about 60 to 63. You and I both know that our election system is not a popularity contest that's not how this works...

Most elections work by the one with the most votes wins. The EC allows different voting weight in different states.

Of course there's different voting weight in the EC as states vary in size and population. Yes other countries have a different system but this is the US and this is how it is done here. If people hate the US and the president so much they can move to a country with a president and laws they prefer. I happen to be grateful that I get to live in this great country, but hey if you think America is so bad I'd suggest some world travel to check on that opinion.

cant afford to travel ok well it's 2017 look up countries and compare plenty of information out there.
bet slime like you didn't think it was such a great country under obama ,,,,you and the ah trump have that in common
Trump called us "American carnage" in his Inaugural speech...Orange Anus is anti American
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

How do you know they are "Trump voters"?

How do you know that they aren't?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I believe nothing presented by Democrat media until confirmed by sources I trust.

List these "Democrat media" you refer to.
List these source you trust while you're at it.
Please and thanks.
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

How do you know they are "Trump voters"?

How do you know that they aren't?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I believe nothing presented by Democrat media until confirmed by sources I trust.

List these "Democrat media" you refer to.
List these source you trust while you're at it.
Please and thanks.

You been living in a cave the last 10 or 20 years?
Such as sources offering something beyond a say-so, say verifiable proof confirming that the unknown folks interviewed were indeed Trump supporters as claimed.
By your estimation, does President Trump typically offer such verifiable proof for the claims he makes?
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

How do you know they are "Trump voters"?

How do you know that they aren't?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I believe nothing presented by Democrat media until confirmed by sources I trust.

List these "Democrat media" you refer to.
List these source you trust while you're at it.
Please and thanks.

You been living in a cave the last 10 or 20 years?

Are you unable to and/or unwilling to answer the simple straight-forward question?

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