more technical issues ...

Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Free and open minds understand we're all supposed to get our own vote and we don't need to run in packs.

Free and open minds ????

you're dealing with Trumpbots, remember ?


Indeed he is. The active duty military, ICE officers, Border Patrol officers, and police and law enforcement officers. Trumpbots all.

Well, if you do have a mind open, I'll answer your question.

Putting money into ICE, the Military and Police Agencies means ...... Drum Beat ...... more money for each of these agencies, which translates into hiring more staff, which means more promotions up the line, which means less grunt work and a higher salary and usually enhanced benefits.

Q. Why do you think police and sheriff unions/professional organizations oppose a repeal of the War on Drugs?

A. Because these agencies get money, new vehicles and new weapons via grants and revenue sharing.
Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Free and open minds understand we're all supposed to get our own vote and we don't need to run in packs.

Free and open minds ????

you're dealing with Trumpbots, remember ?


Indeed he is. The active duty military, ICE officers, Border Patrol officers, and police and law enforcement officers. Trumpbots all.

Well, if you do have a mind open, I'll answer your question.

Putting money into ICE, the Military and Police Agencies means ...... Drum Beat ...... more money for each of these agencies, which translates into hiring more staff, which means more promotions up the line, which means less grunt work and a higher salary and usually enhanced benefits.

Q. Why do you think police and sheriff unions/professional organizations oppose a repeal of the War on Drugs?

A. Because these agencies get money, new vehicles and new weapons via grants and revenue sharing.

Are you claiming Hillary doesn't know this? I say one cannot earn the endorsement of BLM and the police at the same time.
TK held Pence accountable, and he needed to interject comments as it appeared Pence spoke in run-on sentences which went on for paragraphs, usually repetitious talking points which lacked substance, and included (and I'm being nice) half-truths (a number of lies to be honest) and an inordinate amount of character assassination. Pence also went beyond the time allotted to him and never responded to TK's creditable criticisms of Trump.
Dude, kaine repeated the same thing over and over. His script wasn't that long..
LOL you are such a hack

Dude? It's Mr. Catcher to you, or Sir, if you prefer.

TK used talking points too, in that you are correct. TK was clearly more polite and mannered. Pence abused the time limit and repeated himself simply to take up time. I found TK to be smarter, better informed, concise and honest; Pence was on script, "don't defend Trump, attack HRC" is what he was told to do, and he did.

I didn't find that smart - it didn't change anyone's opinion - and his response usually included a repetitive attack on HRC, a non sequitur since the questions were on policy not personalities.

The only time I found Pence credible and honest was when he addressed abortion, and on that I found TK's response polite, thoughtful and Constitutional, as he was on the issue of Capital Punishment.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Free and open minds understand we're all supposed to get our own vote and we don't need to run in packs.

Free and open minds ????

you're dealing with Trumpbots, remember ?


Indeed he is. The active duty military, ICE officers, Border Patrol officers, and police and law enforcement officers. Trumpbots all.

Well, if you do have a mind open, I'll answer your question.

Putting money into ICE, the Military and Police Agencies means ...... Drum Beat ...... more money for each of these agencies, which translates into hiring more staff, which means more promotions up the line, which means less grunt work and a higher salary and usually enhanced benefits.

Q. Why do you think police and sheriff unions/professional organizations oppose a repeal of the War on Drugs?

A. Because these agencies get money, new vehicles and new weapons via grants and revenue sharing.

Are you claiming Hillary doesn't know this? I say one cannot earn the endorsement of BLM and the police at the same time.

Huh? Of course anyone who understands public administration and governance understands this, some also understand the COTUS and know that the POTUS can not unilaterally do the things Trump promises.
Isn't the Veep supposed to be the attack dog? They say that Kaine lost the debate, but Pence didn't help Trump! :dunno:

Debate coach: Defending Trump was too much for Pence (Opinion) -

Name the last VEEP debate that helped the top of the ticket. It is a place holder until the next presidential debate. Snoooooooze.......

Sarah Palin! She understood Russia, she could see if from her perch.
TK is an idiot, but then aren't all D pols idiots?
TK held Pence accountable, and he needed to interject comments as it appeared Pence spoke in run-on sentences which went on for paragraphs, usually repetitious talking points which lacked substance, and included (and I'm being nice) half-truths (a number of lies to be honest) and an inordinate amount of character assassination. Pence also went beyond the time allotted to him and never responded to TK's creditable criticisms of Trump.
Dude, kaine repeated the same thing over and over. His script wasn't that long..
LOL you are such a hack

Dude? It's Mr. Catcher to you, or Sir, if you prefer.

TK used talking points too, in that you are correct. TK was clearly more polite and mannered. Pence abused the time limit and repeated himself simply to take up time. I found TK to be smarter, better informed, concise and honest; Pence was on script, "don't defend Trump, attack HRC" is what he was told to do, and he did.

I didn't find that smart - it didn't change anyone's opinion - and his response usually included a repetitive attack on HRC, a non sequitur since the questions were on policy not personalities.

The only time I found Pence credible and honest was when he addressed abortion, and on that I found TK's response polite, thoughtful and Constitutional, as he was on the issue of Capital Punishment.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony
Isn't the Veep supposed to be the attack dog? They say that Kaine lost the debate, but Pence didn't help Trump! :dunno:

Debate coach: Defending Trump was too much for Pence (Opinion) -

Name the last VEEP debate that helped the top of the ticket. It is a place holder until the next presidential debate. Snoooooooze.......


she helped McSame find the door.

In your opinion, the fact is few if any voters vote based on the second name on the ticket. Show me a political expert who disagrees, and I'll show you an expert reduced to occasional cameos on MSNBC. Before the debate 90% of voters wouldn't recognize these guys if they passed them on the street. Now the number is 89%, in my opinion.
TK held Pence accountable, and he needed to interject comments as it appeared Pence spoke in run-on sentences which went on for paragraphs, usually repetitious talking points which lacked substance, and included (and I'm being nice) half-truths (a number of lies to be honest) and an inordinate amount of character assassination. Pence also went beyond the time allotted to him and never responded to TK's creditable criticisms of Trump.
Dude, kaine repeated the same thing over and over. His script wasn't that long..
LOL you are such a hack

Dude? It's Mr. Catcher to you, or Sir, if you prefer.

TK used talking points too, in that you are correct. TK was clearly more polite and mannered. Pence abused the time limit and repeated himself simply to take up time. I found TK to be smarter, better informed, concise and honest; Pence was on script, "don't defend Trump, attack HRC" is what he was told to do, and he did.

I didn't find that smart - it didn't change anyone's opinion - and his response usually included a repetitive attack on HRC, a non sequitur since the questions were on policy not personalities.

The only time I found Pence credible and honest was when he addressed abortion, and on that I found TK's response polite, thoughtful and Constitutional, as he was on the issue of Capital Punishment.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony

More evidence of your dumbness.
Isn't the Veep supposed to be the attack dog? They say that Kaine lost the debate, but Pence didn't help Trump! :dunno:

Debate coach: Defending Trump was too much for Pence (Opinion) -

Name the last VEEP debate that helped the top of the ticket. It is a place holder until the next presidential debate. Snoooooooze.......

Sarah Palin! She understood Russia, she could see if from her perch.
TK is an idiot, but then aren't all D pols idiots?

Idiots do not have TK's resume; for an idiots resume you need to look at Sarah Palin's
Isn't the Veep supposed to be the attack dog? They say that Kaine lost the debate, but Pence didn't help Trump! :dunno:

Debate coach: Defending Trump was too much for Pence (Opinion) -

Name the last VEEP debate that helped the top of the ticket. It is a place holder until the next presidential debate. Snoooooooze.......

Sarah Palin! She understood Russia, she could see if from her perch.
TK is an idiot, but then aren't all D pols idiots?

Idiots do not have TK's resume; for an idiots resume you need to look at Sarah Palin's
Not really. They are both idiots but TK is an anti American scumbag which make him much worse.
Dude, kaine repeated the same thing over and over. His script wasn't that long..
LOL you are such a hack

Dude? It's Mr. Catcher to you, or Sir, if you prefer.

TK used talking points too, in that you are correct. TK was clearly more polite and mannered. Pence abused the time limit and repeated himself simply to take up time. I found TK to be smarter, better informed, concise and honest; Pence was on script, "don't defend Trump, attack HRC" is what he was told to do, and he did.

I didn't find that smart - it didn't change anyone's opinion - and his response usually included a repetitive attack on HRC, a non sequitur since the questions were on policy not personalities.

The only time I found Pence credible and honest was when he addressed abortion, and on that I found TK's response polite, thoughtful and Constitutional, as he was on the issue of Capital Punishment.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony

More evidence of your dumbness.
You being a dumbass reflects on my intelligence?
Please, tell me more
Dude? It's Mr. Catcher to you, or Sir, if you prefer.

TK used talking points too, in that you are correct. TK was clearly more polite and mannered. Pence abused the time limit and repeated himself simply to take up time. I found TK to be smarter, better informed, concise and honest; Pence was on script, "don't defend Trump, attack HRC" is what he was told to do, and he did.

I didn't find that smart - it didn't change anyone's opinion - and his response usually included a repetitive attack on HRC, a non sequitur since the questions were on policy not personalities.

The only time I found Pence credible and honest was when he addressed abortion, and on that I found TK's response polite, thoughtful and Constitutional, as he was on the issue of Capital Punishment.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony

More evidence of your dumbness.
You being a dumbass reflects on my intelligence?
Please, tell me more

Sure, your posts do not reflect sagacious reasoning, are mostly based on emotions created by the words of the conservative media. I equate your contribution to this message board as = to Hannity's contribution to journalism, much (most) of what you offer are neither thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your contribution to the dumbing down of Americans - a goal it seems of the conservative movement - is noteworthy, the only thing you contribute to the debate on critical issues facing all Americans.

"Ain't (fill in the blank) Awful is your genre, and whining never accomplished a thing. Pick a problem and be creative with your own thoughts, suggest solutions and stop blaming the mythical liberal, leftist, Democrat, progressive as the problem.

Look in the mirror and you will see ignorance looking back at you (that is be courageous and try to think beyond those whose efforts are to mislead you). It's funny how so many, imo fools, claim to be iconoclasts when it comes to government in general, yet hold to an extreme dogma which is rigid and myopic.

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony

More evidence of your dumbness.
You being a dumbass reflects on my intelligence?
Please, tell me more

Sure, your posts do not reflect sagacious reasoning, are mostly based on emotions created by the words of the conservative media. I equate your contribution to this message board as = to Hannity's contribution to journalism, much (most) of what you offer are neither thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your contribution to the dumbing down of American's - a goal it seems of the conservative movement - is noteworthy, the only thing you contribute to the debate on critical issues facing all Americans.

"Ain't (fill in the blank) Awful is your genre, and whining never accomplished a thing. Pick a problem and be creative with your own thoughts, suggest solutions and stop blaming the mythical liberal, leftist, Democrat, progressive as the problem. Look in the mirror and you will see ignorance looking back at you.
Hack away!

I take offense had I not known how dumb you truly are.
Sweet sweet irony

More evidence of your dumbness.
You being a dumbass reflects on my intelligence?
Please, tell me more

Sure, your posts do not reflect sagacious reasoning, are mostly based on emotions created by the words of the conservative media. I equate your contribution to this message board as = to Hannity's contribution to journalism, much (most) of what you offer are neither thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your contribution to the dumbing down of Americans - a goal it seems of the conservative movement - is noteworthy, the only thing you contribute to the debate on critical issues facing all Americans.

"Ain't (fill in the blank) Awful is your genre, and whining never accomplished a thing. Pick a problem and be creative with your own thoughts, suggest solutions and stop blaming the mythical liberal, leftist, Democrat, progressive as the problem.

Look in the mirror and you will see ignorance looking back at you (that is be courageous and try to think beyond those whose efforts are to mislead you). It's funny how so many, imo fools, claim to be iconoclasts when it comes to government in general, yet hold to an extreme dogma which is rigid and myopic.

By claiming my response to your question ("Please, tell me more") is "funny" proved my claim.

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