More than 2/3 of Republicans Don't Believe in Evolution

At best, at the very most, human beings evolved from an earlier species of human beings. There has never been a species that evolved from another species.

Oh jeeez.

Name one! What kind of a fish did your ancestors evolve from?

You can't discuss evolution with your "kind". When you bring up clear cases of divergent evolution, like lions and tigers or horses and donkeys, you guys come up with "kinds". You say lions and tigers are a "kind" of cat so that's why they can still breed, even if it's imperfect.

A scientist would say they diverged so far that their genetics don't line up completely and that's why the offspring end up with so many hereditary issues.

We can look at genomes now. It's not like it's a secret. We can tell if they are diverging and how long they've diverged and measure the rate of genetic change.

That ship has sailed on the idea that evolution is still debatable.

Even Pat Robertson, mister nutbag, right wing fruit cake says you can't debate evolution and he wishes his "kind" would stop. It makes them look like "jokes". I don't believe it's just "that" which makes his "kind" look like jokes.
I believe it's proven fact that Republicans and Democrat are by far the stupidest parties in america by % of the voter base.

I believe that democrats evolved from apes.

No way! Most apes are a lot smarter than democrats.

Scared little rw liars are too scared to just discuss the science.

They're also entirely unqualified.

If either [MENTION=29519]Too Tall[/MENTION] or [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] had gotten past the 8th grade, they'd know better than to deny very basic science.

You can discuss a scientific theory all you want too, but it is still just a theory. btw, I have a BSEE degree if you know what that is.
Science study: Republicans struggle with evolution, Democrats struggle with the Earth going around the Sun

Question: Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals.

About 39 percent considered the statement false and 13 percent said that they don’t know.
The Republican and conservative refusal to recognize evolution is well known, but the extent of it may not be. As if the numbers for all adults (48 percent) aren’t depressing enough, only 28 percent of conservative Republicans believe that humans evolved from earlier species. In the next three spots are 32 percent of Republicans believing in evolution, 34 percent of conservative Democrats, and 37 percent of conservatives. (For comparison, 28 percent of fundamentalist Protestants believe in evolution, as do 27 percent of those who believe that the Bible is the literal word of God.)

Prefer to think of it as: 2/3 of Republicans when polled for something on the record, SAY they don't believe in evolution. ;)

Either that, or 2/3 of Republicans are so profoundly stupid they should be impeached.
You can discuss a scientific theory all you want too, but it is still just a theory. btw, I have a BSEE degree if you know what that is.

Just a theory?

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation."

Please, get a refund on your BSEE....
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As do most non-Democrats, I believe in Creation and Evolution.
The Democrats want to force people into one or the other. Don't be fooled by their 'divide and conquer' tactics.

Go into any Black Church and ask the question, 90% would say creation.

The two don't have to be separated, it's a Left Wing conspiracy.
Name just one species that evolved from an entirely different species. Just one. If you go all the way back to single celled amoebas swimming in a biosoup, they would still be human beings, and elephants and birds, and horses. It is easier to believe that humans are the result of an alien spaceship crash landing on earth's surface than it is to believe that one species magically transforms into another species.

One species doesn't "magically transforms into another species", you twit. It's called the theory of evolution for a reason. Species EVOLVE.
I thought everyone knew that birds evolved from dinosaurs! That doesn't make the dinosaur a different species though. It makes those dinosaurs that evolved into birds an earlier version of bird not a separate species.

How are you able to turn on your computer?
Oh jeeez.

Name one! What kind of a fish did your ancestors evolve from?

You can't discuss evolution with your "kind". When you bring up clear cases of divergent evolution, like lions and tigers or horses and donkeys, you guys come up with "kinds". You say lions and tigers are a "kind" of cat so that's why they can still breed, even if it's imperfect.

A scientist would say they diverged so far that their genetics don't line up completely and that's why the offspring end up with so many hereditary issues.

We can look at genomes now. It's not like it's a secret. We can tell if they are diverging and how long they've diverged and measure the rate of genetic change.

That ship has sailed on the idea that evolution is still debatable.

Even Pat Robertson, mister nutbag, right wing fruit cake says you can't debate evolution and he wishes his "kind" would stop. It makes them look like "jokes". I don't believe it's just "that" which makes his "kind" look like jokes.

Have they figured out when evolution stopped?
You can discuss a scientific theory all you want too, but it is still just a theory. btw, I have a BSEE degree if you know what that is.

Just a theory?

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation."

Please, get a refund on your BSEE....

Differences between scientific laws, theories, and hypothesis.
Hypothesis, Theory, or Law?
Name one! What kind of a fish did your ancestors evolve from?

You can't discuss evolution with your "kind". When you bring up clear cases of divergent evolution, like lions and tigers or horses and donkeys, you guys come up with "kinds". You say lions and tigers are a "kind" of cat so that's why they can still breed, even if it's imperfect.

A scientist would say they diverged so far that their genetics don't line up completely and that's why the offspring end up with so many hereditary issues.

We can look at genomes now. It's not like it's a secret. We can tell if they are diverging and how long they've diverged and measure the rate of genetic change.

That ship has sailed on the idea that evolution is still debatable.

Even Pat Robertson, mister nutbag, right wing fruit cake says you can't debate evolution and he wishes his "kind" would stop. It makes them look like "jokes". I don't believe it's just "that" which makes his "kind" look like jokes.

Have they figured out when evolution stopped?

Why do you think that evolution has stopped?

With more people crowding into ever more ecological niches over the past 10,000 years, humans appear to be evolving more rapidly than in the distant past, according to scientists. What's more, as people adapt to different regions, cultures and diets, they are becoming increasingly different from people elsewhere. For example, Europeans have evolved a tolerance for dairy products into adulthood, whereas people in China and most of Africa have not.

A population of tropical butterflies on a South Pacific island evolved resistance to a killer bacteria in the span of a single year — a blink of the eye in evolutionary time. The bacteria infects females and selectively kills males before they hatch. The strategy reduced male Blue Moon butterflies to just 1 percent of the population. But just 10 generations later — a year's time — males made up nearly 40 percent of the population. Scientists said the rebound is due to the evolution of a so-called suppressor gene that keeps the killer bacteria in check.

The seed-crushing bills of little songbirds called finches, which were adapted to various niches throughout the Galapagos Islands, proved integral to the formulation of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. And the birds haven't stopped evolving. For example, the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis), recently downsized its beak to exploit small seeds more efficiently after a larger finch arrived on its island and began competing for food. The smaller beaks on the smaller birds allowed them to thrive, while the big birds ate all the big seeds and nearly went extinct, scientists say.
Name one! What kind of a fish did your ancestors evolve from?

You can't discuss evolution with your "kind". When you bring up clear cases of divergent evolution, like lions and tigers or horses and donkeys, you guys come up with "kinds". You say lions and tigers are a "kind" of cat so that's why they can still breed, even if it's imperfect.

A scientist would say they diverged so far that their genetics don't line up completely and that's why the offspring end up with so many hereditary issues.

We can look at genomes now. It's not like it's a secret. We can tell if they are diverging and how long they've diverged and measure the rate of genetic change.

That ship has sailed on the idea that evolution is still debatable.

Even Pat Robertson, mister nutbag, right wing fruit cake says you can't debate evolution and he wishes his "kind" would stop. It makes them look like "jokes". I don't believe it's just "that" which makes his "kind" look like jokes.

Have they figured out when evolution stopped?

I hope that's not a serious question.

CALVIN: "Do you believe in evolution Hobbes? You know, that humans evolved from apes?"


CALVIN: "Why not?"

HOBBES: "I certainly don't see any difference."

Republicans as a political party have not evolved. In fact, they have moved backward

Why should they believe in it?
Republicans as a political party have not evolved. In fact, they have moved backward

Why should they believe in it?

Democrats have moved us back into the tyrannical government that we fought the Revolutionary War over, they are the ones who are moving backyards.

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