More than 200 Christian Leaders Call for Protection of Mideast Christians

Sure sounds like what the christer's did to the Jews during the inquisition, Karma?

This said No one should be kiiled for their religious belief, but we have to understand the history and how an why we got to this point

Bush the mental defective fundamentalist bible thumper didn't help too much either

"Operation Enduring Freedom" (OEF) was the official name used by the U.S. government for the War in Afghanistan, together with a number of smaller military actions, under the umbrella of the Global "War on Terror".

The operation was originally called "Operation Infinite Justice.

George W. Bush's remark that "this crusade", this war on terrorism, is going to take a while", which prompted widespread criticism. That reference summoned up in the Arab world the Christian struggle from the 11th to 13th centuries to recapture the Holy Land.
Islam and Christianity have been fighting since the 600s A.D.

Islam and Christianity will still be fighting in 2600 A.D.

Islam keeps trying to bully Christianity.

Christianity pushes back, then goes overboard in bitch-slapping Islam.

Then the whole frigging shitty cycle reboots and starts again.

Islam has never experienced a desperately needed Reformation.

Islam is as backwards now in most respects as it was 1300 years ago.

Of the three Religions of the Peoples of the Book, Islam is the Johnny-Come-Lately.

Coming into the world with a huge inferiority complex and a huge chip on its shoulder for not being taken seriously elsewhere.
History continues

The Christian Crusades were against the Muslims an Jews

It started in Europe and the christian hoards took it to Jerusalem

"The Jews of the city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren fled in hope of safety to the Bishop of Ruthard. They put an infinite treasure in his guard and trust having much faith in his protection. He placed the Jews in a very spacious hall in his own house that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong place.
But ... the band held council, and after sunrise attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances, breaking down the bolts in the doors. They killed the Jews, about 700 in number who in vain resisted the force of an attack of so many thousands. They killed the women also and with their sword pierced tender children whatever age and sex...
This is how about 30%-50% of the Jewish community of Europe met its end. Some 10,000 Jews of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000 were slaughtered by Crusaders mobs."

What is happening today does not live in a vacuum

From a Jewish web site

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades
Crusades were more than 600 years ago, and were to repel Muslim invaders of Christian Europe. Irrelevant post.
History continues

The Christian Crusades were against the Muslims an Jews

It started in Europe and the christian hoards took it to Jerusalem

"The Jews of the city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren fled in hope of safety to the Bishop of Ruthard. They put an infinite treasure in his guard and trust having much faith in his protection. He placed the Jews in a very spacious hall in his own house that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong place.
But ... the band held council, and after sunrise attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances, breaking down the bolts in the doors. They killed the Jews, about 700 in number who in vain resisted the force of an attack of so many thousands. They killed the women also and with their sword pierced tender children whatever age and sex...
This is how about 30%-50% of the Jewish community of Europe met its end. Some 10,000 Jews of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000 were slaughtered by Crusaders mobs."

What is happening today does not live in a vacuum

From a Jewish web site

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades

"(This church still stands today, after being rebuilt by the Crusaders; it is a focal point of Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem although Protestant Christian denominations contend that it is not the site of Jesus' burial.)"

"The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.
The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West."
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History continues

The Christian Crusades were against the Muslims an Jews

It started in Europe and the christian hoards took it to Jerusalem

"The Jews of the city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren fled in hope of safety to the Bishop of Ruthard. They put an infinite treasure in his guard and trust having much faith in his protection. He placed the Jews in a very spacious hall in his own house that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong place.
But ... the band held council, and after sunrise attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances, breaking down the bolts in the doors. They killed the Jews, about 700 in number who in vain resisted the force of an attack of so many thousands. They killed the women also and with their sword pierced tender children whatever age and sex...
This is how about 30%-50% of the Jewish community of Europe met its end. Some 10,000 Jews of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000 were slaughtered by Crusaders mobs."

What is happening today does not live in a vacuum

From a Jewish web site

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades

"(This church still stands today, after being rebuilt by the Crusaders; it is a focal point of Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem although Protestant Christian denominations contend that it is not the site of Jesus' burial.)"

"The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.
The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West."
History continues

The Christian Crusades were against the Muslims an Jews

It started in Europe and the christian hoards took it to Jerusalem

"The Jews of the city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren fled in hope of safety to the Bishop of Ruthard. They put an infinite treasure in his guard and trust having much faith in his protection. He placed the Jews in a very spacious hall in his own house that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong place.
But ... the band held council, and after sunrise attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances, breaking down the bolts in the doors. They killed the Jews, about 700 in number who in vain resisted the force of an attack of so many thousands. They killed the women also and with their sword pierced tender children whatever age and sex...
This is how about 30%-50% of the Jewish community of Europe met its end. Some 10,000 Jews of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000 were slaughtered by Crusaders mobs."

What is happening today does not live in a vacuum

From a Jewish web site

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades
Crusades were more than 600 years ago, and were to repel Muslim invaders of Christian Europe. Irrelevant post.

What a goyishe kop
If people are rallying to kill Muslims, they may as well kill Christians/ Catholics, and Jews too. They all worship the same God under different laws and rituals, with different Holy books.

I'm all for worshipping God- as I do proudly- but these religions allow humans manipulate, indoctrinate, and enslave you.
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Sure sounds like what the christer's did to the Jews during the inquisition, Karma?

Muslims are going after both christians and jews, so how is that karma?
It is not the jews going after the christians, or muslims protecting the jews by going after the christians.

And. don't forget, Aris, that the Muslims are even busy murdering other Muslims of different sects. Maybe he thinks that those Muslims who have been killed by other Muslims were really Christians in disguise and that was Karma.
Sure sounds like what the christer's did to the Jews during the inquisition, Karma?

Muslims are going after both christians and jews, so how is that karma?
It is not the jews going after the christians, or muslims protecting the jews by going after the christians.

And. don't forget, Aris, that the Muslims are even busy murdering other Muslims of different sects. Maybe he thinks that those Muslims who have been killed by other Muslims were really Christians in disguise and that was Karma.
That just about sums up Islam's contribution to modern humanity today, intolerance, barbarism, and violence.
What does it say about Palestinian Christians having their homes bulldozes by Israel?
It tells me you're a Hamas terrorist supporter looking to garner support for your cause by making it look like Christians and Muslims are on the same side.

Let me refresh your memory, Muslims are killing Christians. Been listening to the news lately? Here are today's headlines:

Muslim animals sentenced to death a pregnant married Christian woman for marrying a Muslim. She is currently in jail for refusing to be a Muslim, waiting to be executed.

300 Christian girls kidnapped by Muslim animals for wanting to get an education.

These are just a few examples of the savages you support Tinmore, you must be very proud.

That stuff happened in Palestine?
Forget borders, Tinmore. The people here are talking about Christians being brutalized and murdered by your Muslim brothers everywhere and that includes your precious Palestine. You want to bring up the Christians and they being murdered and bulldozed, and when we comment on it you bring up your whiny sniveling with, "What does that have to do with Palestine?", "This is the I/P Forum". So, Yes, Dorothy, this happens in Palestine. Just goes to show you don't give jack shit about the Christians.

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