More than 800,000 refugees RETURNING to Syria as Putin OBLITERATES Islamic State


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
If you can believe the Russians.

More than 800,000 refugees RETURNING to Syria as Putin OBLITERATES Islamic State

Last month Moscow launched a bombing campaign against the twisted State terror group, which controls vast swathes of Syria and has forced thousands of people to flee the country.

Many desperate asylum seekers have made their way to Europe via boats to Greece, with David Cameron agreeing to let 20,000 in Britain over the next five years.

But Russia's bid to wipe out ISIS has been so successful that almost a million Syrians are elected to return to their homeland, Russian politician Dmitry Sablin claimed.
SHHHHH...don't tell obama...he'll want to bring them here to colonize and destabilize the country...maybe create an executive order allowing the u.n to resettle them here....
Good for Putin! Let his military die for those who fight for their right to be free.
That darn Obama here, we thought he donned his Audie Murphy camo and single handedly destroyed ISIL, but wait wasn't it Dick Cheney, no, who was it then? W, nah? It was Vladimir, shirt on, his trusty steed, who came to the help of the American conservative who felt they hadn't blamed Obama for anything in the last five minutes. Actually it was the usual nonsense from the right wing talking heads. Even though they can't answer hard questions, they can still make shat up.

"Like many Americans in 1990–91, the autumn of 2001, and the spring of 2003, daily film clips fed to news outlets of guided bombs hitting targets on the front lines serves to boost the morale of the home audience. The public fascination with precision-guided weapons video, and videos of the first combat use of Tomahawk cruise missiles from Navy ships first took root in Desert Storm, and images of such precision and power left an impression that still lingers in the minds of many Americans. Twenty-six years later the use of combat footage to stir popular passions in Russia is an important secondary effect on which Vladimir Putin is capitalizing." Opinion: Russia’s Desert Storm Moment in Syria - USNI News
Seeing as how 80 percent of Putin's work in Syria has nothing to do with ISIS, the claim he has obliterated ISIS is beyond laughable, and anyone who buys it is quite literally retarded.

Putin is demolishing the opposition to Assad while leaving ISIS virtually unscathed. This way, when all is said and done, Putin will force the world into choosing between keeping Assad in power..."or ISIS".

I can't bleev there are still Gnu Right retards out there like the Putin-fellating tinydancer who thought Putin was going into Syria to fight ISIS.
That darn Obama here, we thought he donned his Audie Murphy camo and single handedly destroyed ISIL, but wait wasn't it Dick Cheney, no, who was it then? W, nah? It was Vladimir, shirt on, his trusty steed, who came to the help of the American conservative who felt they hadn't blamed Obama for anything in the last five minutes. Actually it was the usual nonsense from the right wing talking heads. Even though they can't answer hard questions, they can still make shat up.

Education funding: It prevents nonsensical rambling like this.
I actually found it quite funny when the moonbat messiah was talking shit about the Republicans and the debates. He said some bullshit about the Republicans not being able to handle Putin when Putin fucks him in the ass in every event.

Even more comical is the fact that the moonbat messiah won't even show up on Fox News because he's a fucking pussy but bed wetters will still clap when he calls out Republicrats for not wanting to give credibility to bed wetter journalist by answering their asinine questions.

Seeing as how 80 percent of Putin's work in Syria has nothing to do with ISIS, the claim he has obliterated ISIS is beyond laughable, and anyone who buys it is quite literally retarded.

Putin is demolishing the opposition to Assad while leaving ISIS virtually unscathed. This way, when all is said and done, Putin will force the world into choosing between keeping Assad in power..."or ISIS".

I can't bleev there are still Gnu Right retards out there like the Putin-fellating tinydancer who thought Putin was going into Syria to fight ISIS.

Putin has no option but to fight ISIS and he is doing so. He's also taking out al Nusra but the key here is ISIS because the military commander of ISIS is Chechen.

And Chechen jihadists pledged allegiance to ISIS.

That's a big weebo weebo for Putin. He has to take the fight to Syria. I'm sorry if you have no concept of the politics of that region. You are just ignorant and you really need to get up to speed on the "why" of it.

Chechen terrorism has been semi contained because of Kadyrov BUT with this new development Putin had to step into the Syrian situation after the failure of the west to contain ISIS.

Putin has to protect Russia from more Chechen terrorism. To observe the obvious and post the truth doesn't mean I suck anyone's cock asshole. When the Chechens pledged minimum 15000 fighters to ISIS this was a very serious development that Putin had to address.

And if you want to tell me he has no right to protect the Russian people, seriously grab some vaseline and go fuck yourself.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa
ISIS opens a new front on Putin's doorstep
ISIS got it in for Putin...

Islamic State executes alleged Russian spy in video, threatens 'dog' Putin
Dec. 3, 2015 -- The Islamic State is claiming to have beheaded an alleged Russian spy in an execution video released Wednesday.
In the unverified video filmed in Syria -- titled You Shall be Disappointed and humiliated O Russians -- a man wearing an orange jumpsuit is seen kneeling in front of another man who is standing above him clutching a knife. The man kneeling, the alleged spy who identified himself as Magomed Khasiyev, said he is a Russian national from the Chechen Republic.

The unmasked captor spoke in Russian before executing the prisoner by cutting his throat. The Islamic State has repeatedly threatened Russia after Moscow began airstrikes in Syria in late September. Russian bombardments have targeted opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime, which include the Islamic State and several Syrian rebel groups -- some who are considered moderate allies by Western powers.

Then the video said Russia's bombardments "have done nothing but kill peaceful Muslims." "You will not find peace in your homes," the executioner said in the video, threatening Russia. "We will kill your sons... for each son you killed here. And we will destroy your homes for each home you destroyed here." The executioner also makes a direct threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Putin, you dog, we attacked Assad prior to your arrival as well as the Americans and their allies. We will also attack you," the apparent Islamic State militant says.

Islamic State executes alleged Russian spy in video, threatens 'dog' Putin
ISIS got it in for Putin...

Islamic State executes alleged Russian spy in video, threatens 'dog' Putin
Dec. 3, 2015 -- The Islamic State is claiming to have beheaded an alleged Russian spy in an execution video released Wednesday.
In the unverified video filmed in Syria -- titled You Shall be Disappointed and humiliated O Russians -- a man wearing an orange jumpsuit is seen kneeling in front of another man who is standing above him clutching a knife. The man kneeling, the alleged spy who identified himself as Magomed Khasiyev, said he is a Russian national from the Chechen Republic.

The unmasked captor spoke in Russian before executing the prisoner by cutting his throat. The Islamic State has repeatedly threatened Russia after Moscow began airstrikes in Syria in late September. Russian bombardments have targeted opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime, which include the Islamic State and several Syrian rebel groups -- some who are considered moderate allies by Western powers.

Then the video said Russia's bombardments "have done nothing but kill peaceful Muslims." "You will not find peace in your homes," the executioner said in the video, threatening Russia. "We will kill your sons... for each son you killed here. And we will destroy your homes for each home you destroyed here." The executioner also makes a direct threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Putin, you dog, we attacked Assad prior to your arrival as well as the Americans and their allies. We will also attack you," the apparent Islamic State militant says.

Islamic State executes alleged Russian spy in video, threatens 'dog' Putin

Only another 10 million more to begin their return as well.
You gotta wonder about these ISIS folks. How smart was it to manage the impossible task of uniting the known world in solidarity with the sole purpose of wiping you off the face of the Earth?
Only 1 in 5 refugees that invaded Europe errrrrrrrrrr Merkel invited in are from Syria. All the rest are what's being classified as "economic refugees" that are choosing Sweden and Germany for their generous benefit packages.

Many Syrians desperately want to return home instead of being relocated.

Check this out. My idiotic left wing maniac new Prime Minister swore he was going to get 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by December 31, 2015.

ONE BIG problem.


They don't want to come.

Syrian refugees lukewarm on coming to Canada by December 31, officials say

The officials said the UN had sent more than 41,000 text messages to potential applicants to see if they were interested in coming to Canada. When the UN followed up with phone calls asking if the identified Syrians were interested in coming to Canada by Dec. 31, they found only about 28,000 of those phone numbers worked.

Even then, only 3,049 agreed to meet with UN officials for an interview. And of those, only 1,801 – or less than five per cent of those the UN initially tried to contact – said they wanted to come to Canada. Those refugees have since been referred to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for screening.


More at link:

Syrian refugees lukewarm on coming to Canada by December 31, officials say
You gotta wonder about these ISIS folks. How smart was it to manage the impossible task of uniting the known world in solidarity with the sole purpose of wiping you off the face of the Earth?

We need to contain the abject stupidity of bed wetting libturds all over the world, marginalize them and make them just as repulsive to the cognizant population before we can begin the arduous task of at least making the moors retreat back into the middle eastern shit hole from whence they cam.

In order to wipe them out, we would first have to wipe out our own bed wetters.

I have to admit I'd rather keep some of our bed wetters around for the sake of balance, because if we did decide to "wipe out" the saracens, we would become them.

Just without a false profit, a tendency to fuck sheep and abuse women.

Seeing as how 80 percent of Putin's work in Syria has nothing to do with ISIS, the claim he has obliterated ISIS is beyond laughable, and anyone who buys it is quite literally retarded.

Putin is demolishing the opposition to Assad while leaving ISIS virtually unscathed. This way, when all is said and done, Putin will force the world into choosing between keeping Assad in power..."or ISIS".

I can't bleev there are still Gnu Right retards out there like the Putin-fellating tinydancer who thought Putin was going into Syria to fight ISIS.

You are right, 100% of Russia's work is demolishing Jihadis in general, ISIS included. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Assad given the constraints his Government has to work with. With a large minority of hostile Sunni Islamists in Syria, without Assad all non-Sunnis and secular Sunnis would have been eliminated through genocide or ethnic cleansing.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Assad given the constraints his Government has to work with.


What exactly has the Syrian government done that that is any worse than what the current governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (that leader boils his enemies to death), Chad, etc. are doing? All supported by the U.S.
The Saudi rulers still maintain a barbaric justice system.

They just sentenced a maid to death by stoning for adultery. No different from ISIS except they make their justice system look cleaner. No videos on line.

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