More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
There are literally BILLIONS of people on this planet that want to come to america and go on welfare . And obozo lets them in since he knows that though they will destroy america, they will also vote for the welfare party the rest of their life.

More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps - Patriot Rising

sep 10 2015 More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.

According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) — chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

Middle Eastern refugees used a number of other assistance programs at slightly lower rates. For example, 36.7 percent received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 32.1 percent received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 19.7 percent lived in public housing, 17.3 percent were on General Assistance (GA), and 10.9 percent received Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

The high welfare rates among Middle Eastern refugees comes as the Obama administration considers increasing the number of refugees — who are immediately eligible for public benefits — to the U.S., particularly Syrian refugees.
I once saw a discussion by an Imam about this phenomena and how it helps to enforce the image others have of muslims. It is the same in Europe as well.
There are literally BILLIONS of people on this planet that want to come to america and go on welfare . And obozo lets them in since he knows that though they will destroy america, they will also vote for the welfare party the rest of their life.

More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps - Patriot Rising

sep 10 2015 More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.

According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) — chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

Middle Eastern refugees used a number of other assistance programs at slightly lower rates. For example, 36.7 percent received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 32.1 percent received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 19.7 percent lived in public housing, 17.3 percent were on General Assistance (GA), and 10.9 percent received Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

The high welfare rates among Middle Eastern refugees comes as the Obama administration considers increasing the number of refugees — who are immediately eligible for public benefits — to the U.S., particularly Syrian refugees.
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

Here is your new head gear you stole from Vigilante.

Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
I once saw a discussion by an Imam about this phenomena and how it helps to enforce the image others have of muslims. It is the same in Europe as well.

Arabs are inferior. They're not as bad as blacks or hispanics, but the truth is that whites and asians are simply smarter than all others. Poor nations are poor because they have stupid people who don't produce the engineers and businessmen and scientists that create wealth.
You are a truly sad individual. Enlightenment has failed to find you, and you are so completely unaware.
I once saw a discussion by an Imam about this phenomena and how it helps to enforce the image others have of muslims. It is the same in Europe as well.

Arabs are inferior. They're not as bad as blacks or hispanics, but the truth is that whites and asians are simply smarter than all others. Poor nations are poor because they have stupid people who don't produce the engineers and businessmen and scientists that create wealth.
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.

The British, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, etc., came as free booters, running away from countries that did not like their religious beliefs or political beliefs, some as criminals, some as indentured servants. They were not politicos who said "we can only make it by rugged individualism." Half of the Pilgrims died the first winter, and they learned to work together. Two-thirds of the Jamestown crowd died the first year, some gnawing on the thigh bones of the dead or the almost dead. They had to work together.

And if you small group of freaks on the far right and libertarian wings don't learn to work with the rest of us, we simply ignore you, leave you weeping in your ignorant little enclaves, and forget about you.

You forgot your head gear, ss. You are clearly among the dumbest of the whites, and thus, much dumber than most peoples of color. You just are a step below, shootspeeders.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.

The British, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, etc., came as free booters, running away from countries that did not like their religious beliefs or political beliefs, some as criminals, some as indentured servants. They were not politicos who said "we can only make it by rugged individualism." Half of the Pilgrims died the first winter, and they learned to work together. Two-thirds of the Jamestown crowd died the first year, some gnawing on the thigh bones of the dead or the almost dead. They had to work together.

But they did not get welfare. It simply wasn't available back then. It is now and all of the third world wants to come here and go on it. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
You are a truly sad individual. Enlightenment has failed to find you, and you are so completely unaware.]

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
You keep forgetting your head gear, shootspeeders.

We need to send you to the outback, you are not wothy of being an American. You keep forgetting what it means to be America.


We need to send you to the outback, you are not wothy of being an American. You keep forgetting what it means to be America.

American means taking care of yourself, not being a welfare bum like all you america-hating liberals.

We need to send you to the outback, you are not wothy of being an American. You keep forgetting what it means to be America.

American means taking care of yourself, not being a welfare bum like all you america-hating liberals.

We need to send you to the outback, you are not wothy of being an American. You keep forgetting what it means to be America.

American means taking care of yourself, not being a welfare bum like all you america-hating liberals.
I can buy and sell several dozen of you.

American means being the land of opportunity.

You did not earn it, you were only born here.

<shootsspeeders hat
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
These people are fleeing for their lives. The reason? Their cities, towns and villages are being attacked by either a corrupt regime in Syria or a radical Islamic movement, ISIS.

And all your xenophobic ass can see are people whose motivation is to "get on welfare".

I'm so happy that your narrow, twisted, skewed line of, I guess we'll call it 'thinking' is a distinct minority here.
I do not begrudge those that we have allowed in welfare until they can find work. But I do begrudge those that make it as their continued way of life.
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
These people are fleeing for their lives. The reason? Their cities, towns and villages are being attacked by either a corrupt regime in Syria or a radical Islamic movement, ISIS.

And all your xenophobic ass can see are people whose motivation is to "get on welfare".

I'm so happy that your narrow, twisted, skewed line of, I guess we'll call it 'thinking' is a distinct minority here.
I do not begrudge those that we have allowed in welfare until they can find work. But I do begrudge those that make it as their continued way of life.
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
These people are fleeing for their lives. The reason? Their cities, towns and villages are being attacked by either a corrupt regime in Syria or a radical Islamic movement, ISIS.

And all your xenophobic ass can see are people whose motivation is to "get on welfare".

I'm so happy that your narrow, twisted, skewed line of, I guess we'll call it 'thinking' is a distinct minority here.
That's most prevalent among poor, uneducated rural Whites than any other segment of the population.
Then why does it hold true in the UK, Canada and Australia, as well, that after 5 years of arriving, around 85% still do not work?
I do not begrudge those that we have allowed in welfare until they can find work. But I do begrudge those that make it as their continued way of life.
Of course they are, you fuck.

Many of our ancestors came as criminals and dead beats running away from the Old World. These people are running to save their lives.

I don't know if immigrants 100 years ago were like that or not but what matters is that america was NOT a welfare state back then and if they came here they had to take care of themselves. THINK, you america-hating degenerate.
These people are fleeing for their lives. The reason? Their cities, towns and villages are being attacked by either a corrupt regime in Syria or a radical Islamic movement, ISIS.

And all your xenophobic ass can see are people whose motivation is to "get on welfare".

I'm so happy that your narrow, twisted, skewed line of, I guess we'll call it 'thinking' is a distinct minority here.
That's most prevalent among poor, uneducated rural Whites than any other segment of the population.
These people are fleeing for their lives. The reason? Their cities, towns and villages are being attacked by either a corrupt regime in Syria or a radical Islamic movement, ISIS.

And all your xenophobic ass can see are people whose motivation is to "get on welfare".

That's it exactly. These aren't refugees, just more illiterate losers who want to invade america and live off us. You know it as well as I just like you know they'll all vote for the welfare party.
I do not begrudge those that we have allowed in welfare until they can find work. But I do begrudge those that make it as their continued way of life. ]

Well then you're stupid. You should begrudge everyone on welfare but esp immigrants. They're supposed to save their money so they can come here and have something to live off of till they get settled. THINK

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