More Than One Shooter?

It is possible that there would have been several shooters (in the room) of Paddock especially as people did realize right away that it came from the 32nd floor
Wouldnt one of them have kept shooting when the other ran out of ammo?
If they were several, he had 23 weapons in the room and the theory that Paddock was going from one window to another to shoot is hard to believe, right?
It is possible that there would have been several shooters (in the room) of Paddock especially as people did realize right away that it came from the 32nd floor
Wouldnt one of them have kept shooting when the other ran out of ammo?
If they were several, he had 23 weapons in the room and the theory that Paddock was going from one window to another to shoot is hard to believe, right?
Listening to the shots it sounded like the weapons were jamming and maybe he was trying to unjam them then picked up another weapon and started shooting again. At no time did I hear 2 weapons going at the same time.
It is possible that there would have been several shooters (in the room) of Paddock especially as people did realize right away that it came from the 32nd floor
Wouldnt one of them have kept shooting when the other ran out of ammo?
If they were several, he had 23 weapons in the room and the theory that Paddock was going from one window to another to shoot is hard to believe, right?
Listening to the shots it sounded like the weapons were jamming and maybe he was trying to unjam them then picked up another weapon and started shooting again. At no time did I hear 2 weapons going at the same time.
It is true, and it is strange,that he would have run from one window to another, is it possible that he would shoot and then taking a break and the other would shoot after from the other window?
It is possible that there would have been several shooters (in the room) of Paddock especially as people did realize right away that it came from the 32nd floor
Wouldnt one of them have kept shooting when the other ran out of ammo?
If they were several, he had 23 weapons in the room and the theory that Paddock was going from one window to another to shoot is hard to believe, right?
Listening to the shots it sounded like the weapons were jamming and maybe he was trying to unjam them then picked up another weapon and started shooting again. At no time did I hear 2 weapons going at the same time.
It is true, and it is strange,that he would have run from one window to another, is it possible that he would shoot and then taking a break and the other would shoot after from the other window?
I dont think its strange he moved from one window to the other. He obviously wanted a larger killing field. Its possible but not likely that one would shoot and the other would wait until he was finished to start shooting. Think about that scenario for a minute. Does it look weird to you?
Yeah, if I was a family member, I would demand to see their security video footage and want to know how they could have missed Paddock not bringing all those guns and ammo in.

If it wasn't the gf, then something stinks.

He checked in on Thursday. As the mayor of Las Vegas and many others pointed out, no one pays attention to someone carrying luggage to their room. So he could have very easily carried a couple bags to his room each day, or even multiple times a day without anyone noticing. Also they said it isn't strange for someone to have a lot of luggage, as there a lot of conventions in Vegas and people bring a lot of things. Have you seen the inside of the room he stayed in? It's huge, so a lot of luggage wouldn't be filling it up all that much.
I'm amazed at how ignorant some people are. I cant believe people are honestly wondering how he moved suitcases full of weapons up to his room. I've never had anyone ask to search my luggage when I went to a hotel. Why would someone suspect him of doing anything crazy because he was bringing suitcases to his room? Isnt that something people normally do a thousand times a day at a major hotel like that?
You needn't call folks "ignorant."

I've done a little cursory research into this.

Of course folks can and could do that. I won't argue that. I don't have the facts though.

We are told he was there for three days. However, the sheer amount of ammunition and guns that was found and needed to perpetrate what was done was an obscene amount, and would have weighed A LOT. It would have been hard to have gone unnoticed. We aren't talking about wheeling in a bag of golf clubs or a suit case of business suits.

I have heard so many differing accounts of how many guns were in that room, 10, 17, 23, and even 47? wtf?

This from the same press that gave Hillary Clinton debate questions. Folks just don't trust a press that spins a story and twist facts to suit a narrative. What the hell is truth to them?

Honestly, I don't think we can know the truth as reported by the MSM.
Now, I don't have a TV, so I don't know if this information is making the national news or not.

What I do remember, is that after the OKC bombing, and after the WACO siege, some information that made the local press, never made the nation press, so this could also be the case here.

This is some information that just came to my attention that was released by the local authorities that indicate that the gunman was NOT acting on his own.

Vegas Police Reveal 3 Major Facts: Admit Gunman Had Help—He Left Note—Confirm ‘Mystery Woman’
Vegas Police Reveal 3 Major Facts: Admit Gunman Had Help—He Left Note—Confirm 'Mystery Woman'
When I clicked on that link my virus blocker went nuts. Just thought I'd let you know.

Okay, here's the relevant portion;

As TFTP has reported, many people described the presence of multiple shooters, including the man who stayed in the room directly next to Paddock’s suite. TFTP has also questioned how it was possible to get hundreds of pounds of ammunition and guns into the suite with no one seeing it and on his own. Sheriff Lombardo mentioned possible answers to these questions.

“What we know is Paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring guns and ammo, and living a secret life,” Lombardo said. “Anything that would indicate this individual trigger point, which would cause him to inflict this harm, we’re not there yet.”

Investigators said something may have happened to Paddock between October last year and September this year that compelled him to purchase more weapons and ultimately lead to the massacre, according to CNN. Paddock bought 33 firearms, mostly rifles, during that 13-month period, authorities said.

“Look at this. You look at the weapon obtaining the different amounts of tannerite available, do you think this was all accomplished on his own, face value?”

“You got to make the assumption he had to have help at some point, and we want to ensure that’s the answer. Maybe he’s a super guy, superhero–not a hero, super–I won’t use the word. Maybe he’s super — that was working out this out on his own, but it will be hard for me to believe that.”

“Here’s the reason why, put one and one–two and two together, another residence in Reno with firearms, okay, electronics and everything else associated with larger amounts of ammo, a place in Mesquite, we know he had a girlfriend. Do you think this is all self-facing individual without talking to somebody, it was sequestered amongst himself. Come on focus folks these type of investigations have been occurring in the last few years and we have to investigate that.”

“It’s troublesome this individual was able to move this amount of gear into a hotel room unassisted,” Lombardo said. “It’s troublesome for the amount of stuff he had at both residences unassisted.”

As TFTP previously reported, caught on video after the shooting was an eyewitness report given to a local NBC affiliate in which a woman was described to have warned of the attack. The eyewitness claims to have seen a woman push her way to the first row of the concert roughly 45 minutes before the shooting began and levy threats indicating that everyone would soon be dead.

“So there was a lady who pushed her way forward into the first row and she started messing with another lady. She told us we were all going to die tonight – it was about forty-five minutes before the shots were fired,” the witness states.

Now, several law enforcement officials told NBC News that investigators are trying to identify a mystery woman seen with Stephen Paddock in the days before the Las Vegas massacre. They don’t know if she has any connection to the attack, but they would like to speak with her as they build a timeline of Paddock’s last days, the officials said.

Go to minute 18:00 where the Q&A starts.

And this. . .

New Discoveries in the Las Vegas Gunman’s Room Raise Serious Questions
New Discoveries in the Las Vegas Gunman’s Room Raise Serious Questions

It is possible that there would have been several shooters (in the room) of Paddock especially as people did realize right away that it came from the 32nd floor
Wouldnt one of them have kept shooting when the other ran out of ammo?
If they were several, he had 23 weapons in the room and the theory that Paddock was going from one window to another to shoot is hard to believe, right?
Listening to the shots it sounded like the weapons were jamming and maybe he was trying to unjam them then picked up another weapon and started shooting again. At no time did I hear 2 weapons going at the same time.
It is true, and it is strange,that he would have run from one window to another, is it possible that he would shoot and then taking a break and the other would shoot after from the other window?
I dont think its strange he moved from one window to the other. He obviously wanted a larger killing field. Its possible but not likely that one would shoot and the other would wait until he was finished to start shooting. Think about that scenario for a minute. Does it look weird to you?
Look at the distance beetween the two window , how long it took Paddock to leave a window and get to the other one ?
I came across this video. The source of the video is a Las Vegas Police Officer bodycam.

I did not realize that 32 floors was so close to the ground.

Did you see where the front doors of the Bellagio were blown out and everyone was on lock down during shooting. If you check the altitudes, angles and other buildings in between, its impossible for anything fired from alleged 32 floor Mandalay room to have hit the Bellagio front door, which suggests at least 1 more shooter.
I came across this video. The source of the video is a Las Vegas Police Officer bodycam.

I did not realize that 32 floors was so close to the ground.

Did you see where the front doors of the Bellagio were blown out and everyone was on lock down during shooting. If you check the altitudes, angles and other buildings in between, its impossible for anything fired from alleged 32 floor Mandalay room to have hit the Bellagio front door, which suggests at least 1 more shooter.

yep. It's at the end of this video.

Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown

Julian Assange is now saying that the FBI was in concert with the shooter and supplied him with the gear, this is why they are so tight lipped.
Am I allowed to question what I am being told? No matter the answer. I am questioning. This does not add up

you ESPECIALLY have to ask yourself if there was more than one shooter after we were lied to all these decades about the JFK assassination with that fairy tale lie that oswald was the lone assassin.anybody who STILL believes in that fairy tale invented by the warren commission.well then I got some land in Russia i want to see you as well.:rolleyes:
It's the Gray's, by God, the Gray's.

Do you think Martin Luther King's assassination is funny?
I think that conspiracy theorists like you are extremely funny.

Laugh it up you fucking clown. False flags happen. It's not make believe. In 1953, the british government and the CIA staged a bombing in Iran to overthrow their prime minister who wanted to nationalize their oil industry.

Early 60s, in a plot to oust Fidel Castro, the US military planned to stage terrorist attacks in Cuba including the killings of our own soldiers stationed in Guantanamo in order to trick the American public to support a war there. Luckily the plan was scrapped but it was signed off on by all of the Joint chiefs.
Each of those incidents you list had a goal. What's the goal here?
If one of my family members had been killed, I would own the Mandalay Bay Hotel for letting a freaking terrorist bring all those guns in
How so? There is no requirement for them to check your bags.

I am pretty sure there is a requirement to not let someone kill 59 people out their window
Which that law-abiding, gun-owning citizen had not done...........until he did. Please tell us how the hotel and the authorities would have pre-anticipated him.
If one of my family members had been killed, I would own the Mandalay Bay Hotel for letting a freaking terrorist bring all those guns in

Yeah, if I was a family member, I would demand to see their security video footage and want to know how they could have missed Paddock not bringing all those guns and ammo in.

If it wasn't the gf, then something stinks.

He checked in on Thursday. As the mayor of Las Vegas and many others pointed out, no one pays attention to someone carrying luggage to their room. So he could have very easily carried a couple bags to his room each day, or even multiple times a day without anyone noticing. Also they said it isn't strange for someone to have a lot of luggage, as there a lot of conventions in Vegas and people bring a lot of things. Have you seen the inside of the room he stayed in? It's huge, so a lot of luggage wouldn't be filling it up all that much.
It's like no one here ever heard of a luggage cart.

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