More Truth About Pope Francis

Nothing dirty about this fellow...
The then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was accused of withdrawing the Jesuit order's protection of two priests who were working in slum areas of Buenos Aires in 1976. The two men were later picked up by the security forces, tortured, and imprisoned for five months.

Pope Francis has defended himself by saying that he worked behind the scenes on behalf of the families of the regime's victims...

Of course he did. That is what all the best preachers do, isn't it?

One wonders what he'll get done behind the scenes in the Vatican.
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I wish him luck in healing divisions in latin America or anywhere else.

We all should be working to heal divisions and be seeking reconiliation.
I wish him luck in healing divisions in latin America or anywhere else.

We all should be working to heal divisions and be seeking reconiliation.

Well, it would be helpful if religions stopped being tools of the wealthy... that would probably help a lot.

The best thing that Francis can do for the RCC is to get it out of the bedroom and into the soup kitchen.
I wouldn't label the guy as evil or ill intentioned. He made a judgement call and was wrong.

His stances on birth control are damn near criminal, but then that is true of most of the leaders of the church.
Liberals must destroy the new Pope with smears like they tried to destroy the last Pope with smears. It will work the same way. Not at all.
I wish him luck in healing divisions in latin America or anywhere else.

We all should be working to heal divisions and be seeking reconiliation.

Well, it would be helpful if religions stopped being tools of the wealthy... that would probably help a lot.

The best thing that Francis can do for the RCC is to get it out of the bedroom and into the soup kitchen.

Your perception of religion is incorrect. And there is no reason he can't both promote the standards of the Lord and help the poor.
Nothing dirty about this fellow...
The then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was accused of withdrawing the Jesuit order's protection of two priests who were working in slum areas of Buenos Aires in 1976. The two men were later picked up by the security forces, tortured, and imprisoned for five months.

Pope Francis has defended himself by saying that he worked behind the scenes on behalf of the families of the regime's victims...

Of course he did. That is what all the best preachers do, isn't it?

One wonders what he'll get done behind the scenes in the Vatican.

Of course he did. That is what all the best preachers do, isn't it?

The silence of the Argentine Catholic Church over the horrific human rights abuses during those years has been contrasted with the very different attitude of its Chilean counterpart.

the ones who live to talk about it ... but no, not the best.

One wonders what he'll get done behind the scenes in the Vatican.

Who has faith in something they know nothing about ?
My biggest issue with the Catholic Church is a lack of humility and an issue of excess. The best thing the Pope can do try to turn the church back to basics, shrug off the entitlement mentality some in power have and focus more on community outreach.
My biggest issue with the Catholic Church is a lack of humility and an issue of excess. The best thing the Pope can do try to turn the church back to basics, shrug off the entitlement mentality some in power have and focus more on community outreach.

The best thing He can do is to follow the will of the Lord. I anticipate that the Will of the Lord would reflect a return to humility and doctrinal basics.
My biggest issue with the Catholic Church is a lack of humility and an issue of excess. The best thing the Pope can do try to turn the church back to basics, shrug off the entitlement mentality some in power have and focus more on community outreach.

The best thing He can do is to follow the will of the Lord. I anticipate that the Will of the Lord would reflect a return to humility and doctrinal basics.

"The will of the Lord" is a thousand different things to a million different folks.
We are sick and tired of doctrine and want to get back to the basics.
Love and respect thy neighbor would be a good start.
I'd like to see him donate all the wealth owned by the fucking church to the poor that he cares so much about.
My biggest issue with the Catholic Church is a lack of humility and an issue of excess. The best thing the Pope can do try to turn the church back to basics, shrug off the entitlement mentality some in power have and focus more on community outreach.

The best thing He can do is to follow the will of the Lord. I anticipate that the Will of the Lord would reflect a return to humility and doctrinal basics.

"The will of the Lord" is a thousand different things to a million different folks.
We are sick and tired of doctrine and want to get back to the basics.
Love and respect thy neighbor would be a good start.

Um.. doctrine is the basics.
Apparently this Pope doesn't like to "genuflect"? FFW to 00:51:47

[ame=""]Pope Francis' first Mass as Pontiff - in full - YouTube[/ame]!
I wish him luck in healing divisions in latin America or anywhere else.

We all should be working to heal divisions and be seeking reconiliation.

Well, it would be helpful if religions stopped being tools of the wealthy... that would probably help a lot.

The best thing that Francis can do for the RCC is to get it out of the bedroom and into the soup kitchen.

Your perception of religion is incorrect. And there is no reason he can't both promote the standards of the Lord and help the poor.

But the problem is, your Imaginary Sky Man opinions on sexual conduct don't really reflect what religions do today.

Not even the Mormons.

To wit.

No mention of abortion at all in the Bible.
The accidental killing of a fetus is no more serious than a fine. (As opposed to those serious killin' offenses like picking up sticks on the Sabbath!)
Women who are raped should be stoned to death.
Women who aren't virgins on their wedding night should be stoned to death.
Fathers could sell their daughters into (sexual) slavery.

Long and short. Not even the Catholic Church, as backward ass as it is on human sexuality, tries to push the insane as crap in the bible as how we should do things.

So they try to push what they think modern people will put up with, and even then, only to a degree they think they can guilt people into stuff.
Religion and law both evolved from the desire of tribal peoples to establish rules of conduct. What better method of getting people in line that some super natural ghost no one can disprove? How better to sell the cosmic joker than to claim wealth and grace walk hand in hand? With the advent of agriculture and more folks living in one valley or on one mountain, etc., came more stability and predictability than roaming folks had.

Someone waved a feather over a sick child who lived and ten thousand years later (six thousand for creationists) the world contemplates yet another in a long series sick, twisted old perverts living like kings in a billion dollar palace paid for by the blood of the faithless and the truculent. The idea all that IS NOT to protect and defend status quo is batshit crazy.

Still, I'd take the gig if they called. Am thinking maybe the Rehnquist model robe; something sporty, yet tasteful.
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My biggest issue with the Catholic Church is a lack of humility and an issue of excess. The best thing the Pope can do try to turn the church back to basics, shrug off the entitlement mentality some in power have and focus more on community outreach.

The best thing He can do is to follow the will of the Lord. I anticipate that the Will of the Lord would reflect a return to humility and doctrinal basics.

they have been playing that "broken record" for centuries ... celibacy for one is not the cause of the present scandal but has been an ongoing scandal since its inception. Even with the present revelations to the extent of its depravity the Catholic Church continues to harbor the illicit practice proving again its inability to sustain an advancing path to Remission but chooses instead Biblical interpretations that are the very forbidden fruits that led to mankind's expulsion in the very beginning.

this Pope's path appears no different than that of his predecessors and similarly a crocked road away from Remission and as the same direction taken by Adam and Eve ever further from the Everlasting.

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