More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

If you're a welfare queen with four kids to look after you can't. I'd rather do what we can to break the cycle of poverty giving their kids a leg up than trying retro education while they are incarcerated in fifteen or twenty years. It's a damned sight cheaper to be pro active.

I think you are confusing my position with not wanting people to have these things. I do want everybody to keep up with the times, but my position is that others shouldn't have to pay for it. As I said, work one 8 hour day at a low wage job and you can have the internet. It may not be the best internet, but you'd have it. If you wanted the best internet, that would require two days of work.

It's like Rush Limbaugh used to say all the time "I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body." If you think these technology goodies are going to stop here you don't know Democrats. Eventually they will say the internet is no good without a computer, so government is going to provide free computers on top of free internet. From, there, they will weaken the definition of what poor is to qualify for free computers and internet.

As I stated, it has nothing to do with getting people the internet that believe they absolutely have to have it (which they don't) it has to do with making more government dependents.. This way when they campaign, they will tell voters the evil Republicans want to take away your internet.

Technology is used differently now in education compared to 50 years ago.

Not complicated.

In post 25 I provided a link that 22.5% of all US households do not have the internet. Apparently they are finding ways around it.

I've provided several examples (including personal ones) that clearly demonstrate the internet is not a necessity it's a convenience. You haven't provided one where you can claim it is. But from my link:

Key findings: Number of US households without internet

  • 27.6 million (22.5%) of US households don’t have home internet.
  • Over a quarter million (265,331) households use dial-up internet at home.
  • Utah, Colorado, and California are the most-connected states.
  • Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama are the least-connected states.
We're not talking just a few people here, we're talking about tens of millions of people not on the internet and seemingly doing just fine without it. You won't find that with food. You won't find that with medication. If people don't eat, they all die. For some people like myself that are on life sustaining medications, if we don't get them. we die too. Those are what I consider necessities.
In post 25 I provided a link that 22.5% of all US households do not have the internet. Apparently they are finding ways around it.
That doesn’t mean that they’re ”finding ways around it“.

According to your link, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama are the least-connected states. I wouldn’t exactly look to these states for their achievements in education.

Mississippi and Arkansas have two of the three lowest percentages of college graduates.

Take a look at how 8th graders perform state-wide in math, reading, and science. Mississippi and Alabama, compared to the rest of the country, are terrible.

When you say they’re ”finding ways around it”, I think what you really mean is that they’re doing an incredibly shitty job of it. They have terrible numbers compared to the rest of the country and this is something that would almost certainly improve if they had more access to the internet.

You say they’re doing just fine without it, but they’re not. Mississippi is the state with the highest poverty rate. Arkansas and Alabama aren’t far behind.

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I think you are confusing my position with not wanting people to have these things. I do want everybody to keep up with the times, but my position is that others shouldn't have to pay for it. As I said, work one 8 hour day at a low wage job and you can have the internet. It may not be the best internet, but you'd have it. If you wanted the best internet, that would require two days of work.

It's like Rush Limbaugh used to say all the time "I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body." If you think these technology goodies are going to stop here you don't know Democrats. Eventually they will say the internet is no good without a computer, so government is going to provide free computers on top of free internet. From, there, they will weaken the definition of what poor is to qualify for free computers and internet.

As I stated, it has nothing to do with getting people the internet that believe they absolutely have to have it (which they don't) it has to do with making more government dependents.. This way when they campaign, they will tell voters the evil Republicans want to take away your internet.
And if your mom is a 300lbs lump of shit with four kids that ain't going to happen so do we help break the cycle of poverty providing those basics or dig in our heels and say, no.

I'd rather break that cycle in one generation than extended to another.
You say they’re doing just fine without it, but they’re not. Mississippi is the state with the highest poverty rate. Arkansas and Alabama aren’t far behind.
Those states also have the lowest cost of living in the US. Your money goes much further in them.
Those states also have the lowest cost of living in the US. Your money goes much further in them.
Cost of living isn't what I'm referring to. Consider the percentage of welfare recipients per state.

Alabama and Mississippi are both in the top 5 in percentage of people receiving food stamps. Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas have some of the top percentages of food insecure households.

When he says that these people are doing just fine without the internet, the reality shows that many of the people in these states are struggling. They're struggling with education, poverty, and food compared to the rest of the country. I wouldn't say that they're doing fine at all. I'd say that he's ignoring the problems that these people face.

Without internet access, it will make it difficult for many of these children to succeed in school (as the data already shows), which will significantly hurt their chances of breaking out of this cycle of poverty.
Cost of living isn't what I'm referring to. Consider the percentage of welfare recipients per state.

Alabama and Mississippi are both in the top 5 in percentage of people receiving food stamps. Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas have some of the top percentages of food insecure households.

When he says that these people are doing just fine without the internet, the reality shows that many of the people in these states are struggling. They're struggling with education, poverty, and food compared to the rest of the country. I wouldn't say that they're doing fine.

Without internet access, it will make it difficult for many of these children to succeed in school (as the data already shows), which will significantly hurt their chances of breaking out of this cycle of poverty.
The Federal Poverty level isn't adjusted for the cost of living and nether are eligibility requirements for welfare programs.
Without internet access, it will make it difficult for many of these children to succeed in school (as the data already shows), which will significantly hurt their chances of breaking out of this cycle of poverty.
Which is why I don't object to internet and cell phones being provided.
The Federal Poverty level isn't adjusted for the cost of living and nether are eligibility requirements for welfare programs.
Then let's keep this really simple. Percentages of "food insecure" households by state.

Then let's keep this really simple. Percentages of "food insecure" households by state.

View attachment 643061
"Food insecure" doesn't necessarily mean people are going without or that they are even "hungry" at some point during the day. There are various levels of "food insecurity".

Food Insecurity​

  • Low food security (old label=Food insecurity without hunger): reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.
  • Very low food security (old label=Food insecurity with hunger): reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.
"Food insecure" doesn't necessarily mean people are going without or that they are even "hungry" at some point during the day. There are various levels of "food insecurity".

Interesting. But whatever the case may be, if they're on welfare then they're not doing well financially.
Interesting. But whatever the case may be, if they're on welfare then they're not doing well financially.
They're on welfare again because benefits are not pro rated based on cost of living and if people are eligible they are going to apply.

You can live very well in the south on very little because of the low cost of living.

A home that costs a million dollars in NY or CA can be bought for 40-50k in much of the south.
They're on welfare again because benefits are not pro rated based on cost of living and if people are eligible they are going to apply.

You can live very well in the south on very little because of the low cost of living.

A home that costs a million dollars in NY or CA can be bought for 40-50k in much of the south.
If they're on welfare then they're not doing well financially. If you want to argue otherwise, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Cost of living isn't what I'm referring to. Consider the percentage of welfare recipients per state.

Alabama and Mississippi are both in the top 5 in percentage of people receiving food stamps. Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas have some of the top percentages of food insecure households.

When he says that these people are doing just fine without the internet, the reality shows that many of the people in these states are struggling. They're struggling with education, poverty, and food compared to the rest of the country. I wouldn't say that they're doing fine at all. I'd say that he's ignoring the problems that these people face.

Without internet access, it will make it difficult for many of these children to succeed in school (as the data already shows), which will significantly hurt their chances of breaking out of this cycle of poverty.

The poverty cycle is from poor people making more poor people since it's taxpayers handing people money left and right. Now you want to add internet to that cost?

People who don't have internet at home is because it's not that important to them. I'd be willing to bet most of these households have cable or satellite television, smart phones for the family, eat fast food two or more times a week. Playing lottery tickets (as I have witnessed repeatedly) like that was the last day they will ever going to sell them, have one or more pets that they feed and take to the vet all the time.

If you have more than one child you can't afford to take care of it likely means you never had the money to do so. It's irresponsibility. Our federal government was never designed to be a charity, it was created to govern. If states believe their residents need free this or free that, it's up to the states to make those decisions--not the federal government now 30 trillion in the hole and will grow dramatically if Democrats get their spending bills passed.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Imagine the financial state of our federal government if we only heeded to Madison's words long ago. Now we are spending nearly 14 billion dollars for internet service? Ridiculous.
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