More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

And that's fine and dandy. The world is changing. I'm on Facebook, have an Apple computer, an 80" high def television, of course internet, cable and smart phone which I have a remote start application that allows me to start my car anywhere in the continental US. Does that mean I have to have this stuff? No, I have it for convenience like everybody else. If all these things were somehow taken away from me, I would live another week, month, or year.

When we start calling conveniences necessities, then what else could we consider necessities? People need shelter. They need a reliable automobile to get to work and take the kids to school. We certainly can't have these people board to death in the winter with no cable or video games. So what else should the taxpayer also provide?

I know you can't be honest about leftists intent, but the truth of the matter is they want as many people depending on the federal government as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat votes. That's what this is really all about.
If you were a school kid trying to do homework assignments and research papers or someone trying to find a job however you'd find those pretty well essential things to have.
Republicans should push for eye scans and fingerprints that match the birth records of eligible voters. :muahaha:
I'd be good with "Real ID Compliant" photo ID and thumbprint verified by facial recognition software and a finger print reader.

Pretty simple stuff in the modern world.
Yea I’m sure access to the internet wouldn’t help them at all. I’m sure they like not having access to the internet.


That’s the problem with conservatives. They come up with bizarre nonsense that’s not grounded in reality.
That's the problem with broad brushing. A lot of conservatives like myself recognize that phone and internet are pretty well essential in the modern world for most people.
If you were a school kid trying to do homework assignments and research papers or someone trying to find a job however you'd find those pretty well essential things to have.

You mean like the dozens of times I did so when I was younger before the internet?
That's the problem with broad brushing. A lot of conservatives like myself recognize that phone and internet are pretty well essential in the modern world for most people.
Well I’m glad you don’t make up stupid nonsense unlike other conservatives.
I'd be good with "Real ID Compliant" photo ID and thumbprint verified by facial recognition software and a finger print reader.

Pretty simple stuff in the modern world.

It is but that would require everybody to vote in person and we can't even get that. The left is now talking about 100 million people getting this new strain of virus if "we don't take action" now. by taking action go back to what won them the last election.
It is but that would require everybody to vote in person and we can't even get that. The left is now talking about 100 million people getting this new strain of virus if "we don't take action" now. by taking action go back to what won them the last election.
Sure we can, it starts with US getting very active and involved at the state level.
And that's your problem. Schooling has changed dramatically since we were in school and programming is designed around kids having access to the internet to even do their homework.

My little brother was here over the holidays with his kids and they all had to go to school via internet every day and a couple of them extra for tutoring. That's just how the system is designed now.
Right, because school is exactly the same as it was when you were there 50 years ago.


What's different about it? When we were kids we went to the library, read or took out books, got out of the house for a while. Now all libraries have internet access and you don't even have to do all that, just get there.

Anybody can have the internet. It takes working one full 8 our day at McDonald's to pay for it for the month. I think most if not all Americans could handle that.
" He did it first" didn't work in Jr High or on the football field and it doesn't work here.
While you’re up on your high horse, let me know when you‘re ready to address all the other insults that get flung around here.

You’re going to be busy a while.
What's different about it? When we were kids we went to the library, read or took out books, got out of the house for a while. Now all libraries have internet access and you don't even have to do all that, just get there.

Anybody can have the internet. It takes working one full 8 our day working at McDonald's to pay for it for the month. I think most if not all Americans could handle that.
If you're a welfare queen with four kids to look after you can't. I'd rather do what we can to break the cycle of poverty giving their kids a leg up than trying retro education while they are incarcerated in fifteen or twenty years. It's a damned sight cheaper to be pro active.

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