More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

If we're going to provide any freebies for the welfare class cell phones and internet service should be high on the list. Kids need the internet for school, most places today require you to fill out job applications or send in resume's online and of course you need email to communicate in the modern world.

In the modern world those two things become more essential every day.

And those things are already provided at no cost at your local library. The problem is it's not convenient and you actually have to take some physical effort to use this technology.
Does anybody from the Amish or Quaker communities need the internet?
The Amish aside, people growing up in this time need the internet to be functioning members of society. That’s just the way it is. Ignoring this will put people further behind like your old stubborn uncles.
And those things are already provided at no cost at your local library. The problem is it's not convenient and you actually have to take some physical effort to use this technology.
I didn't realize local libraries provided cell phones. When did that start?

There's not enough computer resources at libraries for kids to all be doing their homework at the Library and most of them have strict time limits for computer use.

Just not a practical option especially since one might have to travel miles to get to a public library.
The Amish aside, people growing up in this time need the internet to be functioning members of society. That’s just the way it is. Ignoring this will put people further behind like your old stubborn uncles.

They're not behind at all. They buy food, pay bills, maintain their house and property like they always have.

If my Uncles didn't have food, they would die like the Amish or anybody else. If they didn't have sufficient shelter, they may freeze to death in our brutal winters up north. But without technology they get along just fine. Since food is a necessity and if the only place they would be able to get it was at their local library, they would find a way to get there.

So we are not talking actual necessity, we are talking about convenience. I don't believe taxpayers should be on the hook to provide conveniences like I don't believe we should be paying for personal investments like college. If you want it, pay for it like I do.

A couple of months ago I lost my cable and internet for 24 hours. I thought it was the end of the Fn world. Then I asked myself, WTF did I do before I had cable and internet? After all, it was winter and global warming nowhere in sight. Long story short, by the end of that 24 hour period, my apartment was never cleaner.
I didn't realize local libraries provided cell phones. When did that start?

There's not enough computer resources at libraries for kids to all be doing their homework at the Library and most of them have strict time limits for computer use.

Just not a practical option especially since one might have to travel miles to get to a public library.

Well if it's a necessity that shouldn't be a problem, should it? I never said libraries had cell phones, I said they have computers and internet access which is the topic of the OP.

25% of our population never had internet access and they do just fine. Would it be nice to have? Yes it would. Should taxpayers be funding it? No we shouldn't.

They're not behind at all. They buy food, pay bills, maintain their house and property like they always have.
Read what I wrote again.

“The Amish aside, people growing up in this time need the internet to be functioning members of society.”

I wouldn’t say that your old uncles are growing up. They’re, what, 80 years old? 90? I’d say that they’re stubbornly hanging onto their stupid and simple ways until they eventually die off. They lived most of their lives without the internet and they didn’t need to change or adapt. But people growing up NOW need it in order to be productive members of society.

The world that your 90-year-old uncles grew up in is vastly different than the world that a 10-year-old is growing up in now.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 internet companies have agreed to provide discounted service to people with low incomes, a program that could effectively make tens of millions of households eligible for free service through an already existing federal subsidy.

The $1 trillion infrastructure package passed by Congress last year included $14.2 billion funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides $30 monthly subsidies ($75 in tribal areas) on internet service for millions of lower-income households.

With the new commitment from the internet providers, some 48 million households will be eligible for $30 monthly plans for 100 megabits per second, or higher speed, service — making internet service fully paid for with the government subsidy if they sign up with one of the providers participating in the program.

Biden, during his White House run and the push for the infrastructure bill, made expanding high-speed internet access in rural and low-income areas a priority. He has repeatedly spoken out about low-income families that struggled finding reliable Wi-Fi, so their children could take part in remote schooling and complete homework assignments early in the coronavirus pandemic.

So I guess free education, free food, free housing, free school lunches, free medical care, free daycare isn't enough. Now this country at 30 trillion in debt is going to provide lowlifes with high speed internet service thanks to idiots that voted for this moron. This cost is about twice as much as Trump asked for to secure our border which is totally out of control today, and will be much worse by the end of the month according to the Border Patrol.

Oh, and the subsidies will not be enough. The providers will likely increase rates on working people to help pay for their philanthropy.
So you call everyone who is poor in America 'lowlifes'?

Why don't you go and find one of 40,000 homeless veterans and tell him he is a 'lowlife'?

So you call everyone who is poor in America 'lowlifes'?

Why don't you go and find one of 40,000 homeless veterans and tell him he is a 'lowlife'?


You can't have high speed internet if you're homeless dummy. We're talking about people physically and mentally capable of working that take dope so they have to work Walmart and McDonald's jobs, usually part-time so they can apply for more government goodies.
Read what I wrote again.

“The Amish aside, people growing up in this time need the internet to be functioning members of society.”

I wouldn’t say that your old uncles are growing up. They’re, what, 80 years old? 90? I’d say that they’re stubbornly hanging onto their stupid and simple ways until they eventually die off. They lived most of their lives without the internet and they didn’t need to change or adapt. But people growing up NOW need it in order to be productive members of society.

The world that your 90-year-old uncles grew up in is vastly different than the world that a 10-year-old is growing up in now.

People growing up today can do the same things older people have done all their lives including how they do it today. Hell, for anything regarding the apartments I still write checks because my bank gives me copies of the cashed checks and it's much easier for me the next year for figuring out taxes.

Yes the world is different, but it doesn't mean you need to be different as well.
Yes the world is different, but it doesn't mean you need to be different as well.
Times are different. People need to adapt accordingly to grow up in the world today. Otherwise they’re just going to fall further and further behind. The world today is far different than it was 70 years ago when your uncles were growing up.

That’s just being realistic about what it takes to be a contributing member of society growing up in this time.
Does anybody from the Amish or Quaker communities need the internet?
Times are different. People need to adapt accordingly to grow up in the world today. Otherwise they’re just going to fall further and further behind. The world today is far different than it was 70 years ago when your uncles were growing up.

That’s just being realistic about what it takes to be a contributing member of society growing up in this time.

And that's fine and dandy. The world is changing. I'm on Facebook, have an Apple computer, an 80" high def television, of course internet, cable and smart phone which I have a remote start application that allows me to start my car anywhere in the continental US. Does that mean I have to have this stuff? No, I have it for convenience like everybody else. If all these things were somehow taken away from me, I would live another week, month, or year.

When we start calling conveniences necessities, then what else could we consider necessities? People need shelter. They need a reliable automobile to get to work and take the kids to school. We certainly can't have these people board to death in the winter with no cable or video games. So what else should the taxpayer also provide?

I know you can't be honest about leftists intent, but the truth of the matter is they want as many people depending on the federal government as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat votes. That's what this is really all about.
And that's fine and dandy. The world is changing. I'm on Facebook, have an Apple computer, an 80" high def television, of course internet, cable and smart phone which I have a remote start application that allows me to start my car anywhere in the continental US. Does that mean I have to have this stuff? No, I have it for convenience like everybody else. If all these things were somehow taken away from me, I would live another week, month, or year.

When we start calling conveniences necessities, then what else could we consider necessities? People need shelter. They need a reliable automobile to get to work and take the kids to school. We certainly can't have these people board to death in the winter with no cable or video games. So what else should the taxpayer also provide?

I know you can't be honest about leftists intent, but the truth of the matter is they want as many people depending on the federal government as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat votes. That's what this is really all about.
Once again, people need the internet to be functioning members of society growing up in this time. Whether you want to call that a “necessity” or not is irrelevant.

These people are going to get nowhere in life if all they have is a shed to live in and some pointy sticks to hunt lizards. I’m not talking about sustaining life - I’m talking about being a contributing member of society.

That’s the problem with conservatives. They don’t read.
Once again, people need the internet to be functioning members of society growing up in this time. Whether you want to call that a “necessity” or not is irrelevant.

These people are going to get nowhere in life if all they have is a shed to live in and some pointy sticks to hunt lizards. I’m not talking about sustaining life - I’m talking about being a contributing member of society.

That’s the problem with conservatives. They don’t read.

The claim it's going to help people out in the sticks is putting lipstick on a pig. People know quite well the limitations of living out in the middle of nowhere. They like it this way. It's why they moved out there in the first place.

Take note of the term "underprivileged." So what is underprivileged? It's lower income city voters who almost always vote Democrat. Hey voters, more free shit from the party you support! Remember us next election! That's besides the fact anybody out in the sticks DOES have access to the internet through their dish system.

I can only imagine the outrage by you and your comrades if Republicans were in charge and wanted to buy the highest quality firearm at the expense of the taxpayers to any citizen that wanted them claiming firearms are a necessity in our changing country for self-defense.
The claim it's going to help people out in the sticks is putting lipstick on a pig. People know quite well the limitations of living out in the middle of nowhere. They like it this way. It's why they moved out there in the first place.
Yea I’m sure access to the internet wouldn’t help them at all. I’m sure they like not having access to the internet.


That’s the problem with conservatives. They come up with bizarre nonsense that’s not grounded in reality.
A person can't get by without internet or at least phone hook up anymore. Good on Biden for looking out for the least among us.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 internet companies have agreed to provide discounted service to people with low incomes, a program that could effectively make tens of millions of households eligible for free service through an already existing federal subsidy.

The $1 trillion infrastructure package passed by Congress last year included $14.2 billion funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides $30 monthly subsidies ($75 in tribal areas) on internet service for millions of lower-income households.

With the new commitment from the internet providers, some 48 million households will be eligible for $30 monthly plans for 100 megabits per second, or higher speed, service — making internet service fully paid for with the government subsidy if they sign up with one of the providers participating in the program.

Biden, during his White House run and the push for the infrastructure bill, made expanding high-speed internet access in rural and low-income areas a priority. He has repeatedly spoken out about low-income families that struggled finding reliable Wi-Fi, so their children could take part in remote schooling and complete homework assignments early in the coronavirus pandemic.

So I guess free education, free food, free housing, free school lunches, free medical care, free daycare isn't enough. Now this country at 30 trillion in debt is going to provide lowlifes with high speed internet service thanks to idiots that voted for this moron. This cost is about twice as much as Trump asked for to secure our border which is totally out of control today, and will be much worse by the end of the month according to the Border Patrol.

Oh, and the subsidies will not be enough. The providers will likely increase rates on working people to help pay for their philanthropy.
Republicans should push for eye scans and fingerprints that match the birth records of eligible voters. :muahaha:

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