More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

The poverty cycle is from poor people making more poor people since it's taxpayers handing people money left and right. Now you want to add internet to that cost?
Yes. I think it would be an investment to help break that poverty cycle. It certainly wouldnā€™t work for all but it would help for many.

I think your belief that people donā€™t need the internet in this year is just ridiculous. Try getting a new job without the internet. Try getting an education without the internet. Your ridiculous notion that people donā€™t need it because you didnā€™t need it ā€œBack in my dayā€¦ā€ is because youā€˜re oblivious to how much the world has changed around you in the last 50 years.

You say that people donā€™t need the internet to get a good education and then point to states like Alabama and Mississippi to back up your claims. Alabama and Mississippi. If you actually look at their data, you would understand that this claim is beyond ridiculous.

Many states recently had to resort to remote learning. Kinda hard to do that without the internet.
Yes. I think it would be an investment to help break that poverty cycle. It certainly wouldnā€™t work for all but it would help for many.

I think your belief that people donā€™t need the internet in this year is just ridiculous. Try getting a new job without the internet. Try getting an education without the internet. Your ridiculous notion that people donā€™t need it because you didnā€™t need it ā€œBack in my dayā€¦ā€ is because youā€˜re oblivious to how much the world has changed around you in the last 50 years.

You say that people donā€™t need the internet to get a good education and then point to states like Alabama and Mississippi to back up your claims. Alabama and Mississippi. If you actually look at their data, you would understand that this claim is beyond ridiculous.

Many states recently had to resort to remote learning. Kinda hard to do that without the internet.

And yet those that didn't have the internet did just fine. Most areas got rid of remote learning half way through the year, and many never had it. But don't stop electing the party in bed with the teachers union so they get paid to not work, instead, pay them to stay home, not do their job, and use that as a reason to put this country more into debt by providing free internet.

It's always about the kids with the left, isn't it? Whenever it comes to government goodies, just bring up the kids.

Do you want to do something to help the kids? Really? Then quit voting for a party that's allowing invaders into this country; the same people bringing in dangerous narcotics responsible for killing kids either through ODs or getting them involved in drug wars on our streets like what takes place very day in Chicago. The same people that hold our American children back in school because their kids don't know the language. That's what you do for the kids instead of making sure they have internet access most of only will use it to listen to videos or watch sports replays of the week.
And yet those that didn't have the internet did just fine.
Their achievement scores show otherwise.

ā€œDid just fineā€ in your alternate reality is what most reasonable people would describe as ā€œfailing miserablyā€. I posted the data and you didnā€™t bother to address it.

Facts donā€™t agree with your feelings.
Their achievement scores show otherwise.

ā€œDid just fineā€ in your alternate reality is what most reasonable people would describe as ā€œfailing miserablyā€. I posted the data and you didnā€™t bother to address it.

Facts donā€™t agree with your feelings.

Is that so? Then maybe you can explain why in Commiefornia (one of the most connected states in the country) over 70% of black males in school can't pass state reading levels?

People in the south are just fine being left alone. They like it that way. It's why they live there and all the internet connections in the world won't change the way they live. As I stated repeatedly, everybody has access to the internet. Just pay for it like you do any other utility bill. Go to your local library. Use a friends or family members internet. It's nothing more than a sleezy way for Democrats to buy votes.
Is that so? Then maybe you can explain why in Commiefornia (one of the most connected states in the country) over 70% of black males in school can't pass state reading levels?

People in the south are just fine being left alone. They like it that way.
Because California has many more students who donā€™t speak English. Duh. The education challenges are vastly different in California compared to Mississippi.

Yea Iā€™m sure people in Alabama and Mississippi just love living in poverty and having some of the highest rates of welfare recipients. Iā€™m sure they love having some of the lowest academic achievement levels in the country. They like it. :rolleyes:
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) ā€” The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 internet companies have agreed to provide discounted service to people with low incomes, a program that could effectively make tens of millions of households eligible for free service through an already existing federal subsidy.

The $1 trillion infrastructure package passed by Congress last year included $14.2 billion funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides $30 monthly subsidies ($75 in tribal areas) on internet service for millions of lower-income households.

With the new commitment from the internet providers, some 48 million households will be eligible for $30 monthly plans for 100 megabits per second, or higher speed, service ā€” making internet service fully paid for with the government subsidy if they sign up with one of the providers participating in the program.

Biden, during his White House run and the push for the infrastructure bill, made expanding high-speed internet access in rural and low-income areas a priority. He has repeatedly spoken out about low-income families that struggled finding reliable Wi-Fi, so their children could take part in remote schooling and complete homework assignments early in the coronavirus pandemic.

So I guess free education, free food, free housing, free school lunches, free medical care, free daycare isn't enough. Now this country at 30 trillion in debt is going to provide lowlifes with high speed internet service thanks to idiots that voted for this moron. This cost is about twice as much as Trump asked for to secure our border which is totally out of control today, and will be much worse by the end of the month according to the Border Patrol.

Oh, and the subsidies will not be enough. The providers will likely increase rates on working people to help pay for their philanthropy.
I thought the same thing. Just another handout to help you stay home so you don't have to work.
Because California has many more students who donā€™t speak English. Duh. The education challenges are vastly different in California compared to Mississippi.

Yea Iā€™m sure people in Alabama and Mississippi just love living in poverty and having some of the highest rates of welfare recipients. Iā€™m sure they love having some of the lowest academic achievement levels in the country. They like it. :rolleyes:

Yes they do. Poverty is the difference between income and spending, not necessarily how much a person makes in a year. Watch HGTV sometime. Notice what kind of house you get for 800K in a commie state and what you can get for 800K in Montana. In Montana, you get a house twice the size of a mansion in commie states with multiple acres of property. In commie states, you're lucky to get a remodeled two bedroom townhouse with barely enough backyard for your dog to piss in, and if you are really lucky, a small one car garage. Other than that most people have to hope for a parking space on the street.

People don't need education to takeover a farm that's been in the family for generations. Many blue collar jobs still exist that automation took over in the northeast and west coast because labor got so expensive.

Why not? After all, Al Gore claimed he created it. :eusa_shhh:
Let`s see what Al Gore really said.
"During my service in the U.S. Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet". You`re lying Ray.
Kind of stinks of them trying to get poor people to vote for them with free shit.

I mean I work full time, pay my bills, pay my taxes, don't get in trouble and so on. I'm not rich, I'm a middle class person that breaks even. Why do I have to pay full price for internet that goes up in price every god damn year while some schlub gets it free that just sits on their ass?
Let`s see what Al Gore really said.
"During my service in the U.S. Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet". You`re lying Ray.

I am? WTF else does "in creating the internet" mean?
People don't need education to takeover a farm that's been in the family for generations. Many blue collar jobs still exist that automation took over in the northeast and west coast because labor got so expensive.
Must be nice for the people who have a family farm. For the others, not so much.

It might be a little challenging to get a good high-paying blue collar job without money, a high school diploma, or access to the internet.

Yea Iā€™m sure they just love living in poverty, having minimal skills, having no education and no access to the internet.
Must be nice for the people who have a family farm. For the others, not so much.

It might be a little challenging to get a good high-paying blue collar job without money, a high school diploma, or access to the internet.

Yea Iā€™m sure they just love living in poverty, having minimal skills, having no education and no access to the internet.

Primary education is funded by local taxpayers down there and everyplace else. You can go to school at no charge and graduate. That has nothing to do with the internet unless you can show me where kids who don't have access to it are failing for that reason. The reason you can't is because schools accommodate such children given the fact (as my link shows) 22.5% of households don't have internet.

If you make $20.00 an hour in my state you can afford an apartment, buy a house, live reasonably comfortabe. If you have a job making $20.00 an hour in NYC, you're lucky to find a spot to sleep in under a bridge.

My father has a 9th grade education because he had to quit school to support his family. He's one of the smartest men I know. With his lack of education he advanced to staff sergeant in the United States Marines, and later made a career as a bricklayer, and was even a supervisor on several of those industrial jobs. He retired at the age of 62. Because of hard work and investments, he's still doing great at the age of 91.
Primary education is funded by local taxpayers down there and everyplace else. You can go to school at no charge and graduate. That has nothing to do with the internet unless you can show me where kids who don't have access to it are failing for that reason.
Sure, right after you show me that the people without internet access are doing just as well academically as the people who do have internet access. My link showed that the least connected states also have some of the worst academic achievement levels so good luck with that.

You keep bringing up your neighbor, your uncles, and your dad as though that has any relevance to anything. Education is far different than it was 80 years ago. It doesnā€™t matter that you walked to and from school uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes on and fought off a mountain lion before chopping down firewood back in your day. Today, the internet and technology are highly connected to education and life in general. Failure to recognize this is just plain ignorant.
Yea Iā€™m sure access to the internet wouldnā€™t help them at all. Iā€™m sure they like not having access to the internet.


Thatā€™s the problem with conservatives. They come up with bizarre nonsense thatā€™s not grounded in reality.
Do you simply not grasp that you don't get to decide what other people need?

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