More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

If only you had given a shit about the debt and our spending from 2017 to 2021....but alas twas not to be

I'm concerned about all spending, but the spending that took place under Trump was to help the economy FOR ALL PEOPLE and rebuild our military for the protection of ALL OUR PEOPLE, not pandering to one of his support bases to buy votes.
Sounds good to me.

You’re ignorant about how much the internet is incorporated in education.

You’re ignorant in thinking that people are ”doing just fine“ without the internet.

You think this way because you’re ignorant about how much the world has changed in the last 50 years. “Back in my day…”

So you believe that anybody without internet has no alternative means of learning, and then call me ignorant? You are telling me that nearly a quarter of our households are doing miserably because they don't have internet at home, and call me ignorant? You are also telling me that people who really want something that's reasonably affordable can't get it without taxpayers paying for it, and call me ignorant?

I'll tell you what's ignorant, and that is ignoring what the real goal here is for the Communist Party, as I explained, to make as many people dependent on government as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
There is a difference between need and want. How does my mother and next door neighbor survive without the internet? How do people out in the sticks do it? Does anybody from the Amish or Quaker communities need the internet? Two of my Uncles don't even have smart phones yet alone the internet.

All you really "need" is food and shelter, and some even do without sufficient shelter.
you are so dumb. this for rural as much as anywhere. and this stops cable rape of customers...oops brainwashed functionally dumb. Try reality sometime.
Saying that the internet is heavily incorporated in education is different than saying there are no alternate means of education.

If I have to explain this to you then you probably shouldn’t try to paraphrase my statements.

Not paraphrasing anything. What else could you possibly mean that the internet is so "incorporated' in our education system? To me it means you seem to think education is impossible without it.
What it does is target democrat voters clustered mostly in blue cities with free money and free access.
Well minorities have the lowest percentage with AVAILABLE internet duh. You're also a total racist. Sorry about the news. lol. You love some one worse off than you! lol....We're trying to help this poor GOP screwed country...
Not paraphrasing anything. What else could you possibly mean that the internet is so "incorporated' in our education system? To me it means you seem to think education is impossible without it.
I didn’t say or imply “impossible“.

What I meant is exactly what I said. The internet is used a lot in education. Education isn’t impossible without internet access, it’s just significantly more difficult.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand? Why do you try to change my words instead of addressing what I actually said?
you can't read either...later shyttehead lol...I said it is rural just as much ay caramba

And you think people buy your lie you're a retired school teacher? How many retarded retired school teachers are out there anyway? In the very first paragraph of the OP:

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 internet companies have agreed to provide discounted service to people with low incomes, a program that could effectively make tens of millions of households eligible for free service through an already existing federal subsidy.

Now where do people with most low incomes reside at? That's right, in all those lower income cities like here in Cleveland, Detroit, Baltimore...... all heavily Democrat areas that vote no less than 95% Democrat politicians.

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