More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

I very much doubt this is true. My quick web search put the number of Africans taken to the US as 10 times the number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims in North Africa.
Wrong less then 400000 black slaves were delivered to North America while North Africa took a million plus European slaves.

But it is NOT true that more Europeans were taken to Africa then Blacks taken out of Africa.
1 in 3 girls are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
1 in 5 boys are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
There isn't enough outrage to stop that. That doesn't mean that someone found to have done that long ago is blameless.
What exactly is your point? How does slavery today justify the slaves owned in this country in the past?
Be specific and link to a post where someone JUSTIFIED it?
What is so fascinating to see is how leftists try to spin the fact that slavery was global. All races and ethnic groups enslaved others and were enslaved. 500,000 Chinese slaves died building the Great Wall of China, and they just tossed their bodies in the construction area and covered them up.

Slavery was widespread all over the Americas before Columbus and post Columbus every territory, colony and future country had slavery. Canada didn't have that much due to climate. There is nothing unique about the USA in this matter, it was 100% normal back then. Slaves in the colonies/USA were treated much better, had better living conditions, food, and long lives compared to what happened on the big corporate type plantations in the Caribbean and parts of S. America.
That's a fucking lie.

The Moors took more white slaves than Europe ever took from Africa.

Tens of millions of white Europeans were slaves dragged off by raiding Muslims. Why do you think Jefferson sent US Marines to crush the Barbary Pirates? To end the slaving raids off the East Coast of America.

You of the fascist left always try to rewrite history to further your evil goals.
Your link doesn't work....:heehee:
A few things;

The ONLY race that matters to the Wokesters who rule America with an iron fist is the black race.

Success is one thing, Cosby was the cultural norm - he defined the mainstream. He was father figure to little white kids as well as black kids.

This is why Cosby had to be utterly destroyed. Cosby wasn't a "black actor," he was a "beloved actor."

We had as close to full integration as possible in the 1980s. No one gave a shit about race.

As I said, the left wouldn't stand for it.

I have to help your post......make it more accurate...

The ONLY race that matters to the Wokesters who rule America with an iron fist is the black race.

1) They only matter a few weeks every 2 years just before the election.

2) As more illegal aliens from Mexico flood the country, the democrat party cares less and less about even pretending to care for those few weeks......
While it may be true that Anthony Johnson was the first documented slave owner in
Colonial Northampton, that is not a photo of him. Photography had not been invented in his lifetime. I believe that to be a picture of a back congressman after the civil war during reconstruction. I'm to lazy to use google to look him up, but i've done it before.
The photo is actually of Lewis Hayden, an escaped slave who helped other slaves escape. There is no known photograph of Anthony Johnson.

Wrong less then 400000 black slaves were delivered to North America while North Africa took a million plus European slaves.

But it is NOT true that more Europeans were taken to Africa then Blacks taken out of Africa.
So what is the point? Any slaves taken from or to anywhere were wrong. Slavery isn't graded on a curve. If somebody robs 5 banks in another town, that doesn't make it OK for you to rob 1 bank in your town.
Be specific and link to a post where someone JUSTIFIED it?
If you're not trying to justify or minimize the wrong of slavery that we, as a country participated in, then what is the point of mentioning how many of which race were captured? We had vastly more black slaves.
So what is the point? Any slaves taken from or to anywhere were wrong. Slavery isn't graded on a curve. If somebody robs 5 banks in another town, that doesn't make it OK for you to rob 1 bank in your town.
No one claimed it did, however LOTS of you liberals and several of the black posters on this site do claim the US is worse then anyone else cause they had slavery. This proves you wrong.
No one claimed it did, however LOTS of you liberals and several of the black posters on this site do claim the US is worse then anyone else cause they had slavery. This proves you wrong.
You're the one always whining "whatabout" We, as a country had slaves, and black folks are still suffering from the lingering results of that. That was wrong. You don't get that?
You're the one always whining "whatabout" We, as a country had slaves, and black folks are still suffering from the lingering results of that. That was wrong. You don't get that?
I get it meanwhile while you claim I am defending that for pointing out the fact we were far from the worst offender you openly defend the democratic party of the past for their support of slavery racism jim crow and other onerous laws and conditions imposed on blacks in this country.
Idiot. Most Salvadorans don't prefer to be called "Central American,"

Then you are in their from to think North Americans and perhaps more near to the edge of the world.

they prefer to be called "Salvadoran."

And the expression "Americans" includes Salvadorans.

Same goes for most people in Mexico

Mexicans are also Americans. The Tump-wall between Mexico and the USA is a racist wall between Americans - more concrete between South-Americans including Central America and North-Americans excluding Canada.

and in central and south America. Stay in your lane, chump.

¿lane? ... ¿chump? ... Fahrspur ... Trottel ...

Got your message. Politeness is not a strength of the people of the USA - but if I remember well this was not so some decades ago, grandchild.
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But it is NOT true that more Europeans were taken to Africa then Blacks taken out of Africa.

Are you really sure about this? How many black slaves were sold from the Arabs to the Brits (and some few others) who brought them to their colonies? How many "Slavs" (Europeans) - this word is the root for the word "slave" - were brought to Byzantium - also from the Vikings - and landed in the Orient in the world of the Arabs and others? How many pilgrims, travellers and sailors were brought to Algier or came over North Africa into the Orient? And how many Europeans land today there as slaves - specially women?

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