More winning. Federal death penalty to be reinstated


So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea
So do yourself and us a big favor, leave and move your sorry ass there.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.

Clearly the death penalty is a failure if the goal is to be a deterrent. At the same time I can’t get worked up about condemned killers being put to death.

The reason it's not a deterrent is because of how it's carried out. Trust me, if we executed people within six months of their sentence, all appeals exhausted, had the execution on television, and used hanging instead of medication, it would cut down our murder rate by about 90%.
Televised killing. You’re sad
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.
How exactly is that winning? I’d think the conservatives would be for states rights for this issue... no? This is sounding awfully similar to the abortion issue but you’re taking the opposite side.

Abortion is killing a human being that did nothing wrong. Executing a criminal is getting rid of somebody that brought death and harm to other people.

I believe this decision is for criminals that committed federal crimes, not state crimes. States still have the right to not use capital punishment.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.

Clearly the death penalty is a failure if the goal is to be a deterrent. At the same time I can’t get worked up about condemned killers being put to death.

The reason it's not a deterrent is because of how it's carried out. Trust me, if we executed people within six months of their sentence, all appeals exhausted, had the execution on television, and used hanging instead of medication, it would cut down our murder rate by about 90%.
Televised killing. You’re sad

It's sad doing something that will work? Sad is doing things that don't work and allowing murders to continue.

So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea

So are you trying to make a point or something?
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea
So do yourself and us a big favor, leave and move your sorry ass there.
Why don’t you move to a Muslim country?
Then you can watch heads being chopped off

So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea

So are you trying to make a point or something?
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

Well.....the Holy Bible does teach us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The thing that gets me is you liberals and your judges made our prisons a lowlife playground, offering very little deterrent. We have the highest percentage of our population behind bars compared to others around the world. Our prisoners are fed well, have entertainment like football fields, pool rooms, and workout rooms. They are allowed to have an account where family and friends donate money to, and even a little room in case one of these murderers decide to bring their wife in and start a family from prison.

We have the same perks in the outside world. We call them Get Away Weekends and we have to pay for them ourselves.

So I will be for the death penalty until we can turn our prisons back to what they were like in the vintage movie Cool Hand Luke.

So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea
So do yourself and us a big favor, leave and move your sorry ass there.
Why don’t you move to a Muslim country?
Then you can watch heads being chopped off

Says the poster that voted for a guy with a Muslim name twice, and kisses his ass repeatedly here on USMB.

Many years ago a middle-east family opened a store very near my home. One night I went there to pickup some beer, and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what happened?

Some drunk came in, took four packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. The clerk was amazed that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call, and they will kick him out of the store.

After he moved here, his grandmother was interested in his new life in the USA, so he sent her a copy of our local newspaper.

She wrote back with great concern stating that our little suburb had more theft in one week than the entire middle-east has in a years time. I asked him if this was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, most of the markets were outdoors, and vendors would setup picnic tables and umbrellas for customers to rest. If a woman lay her purse on a table and left, it would likely be there the next day.

He said you see, if you got caught stealing, the police cut off your hand, and not in a hospital either. Get caught stealing again, the other hand was cutoff. A third time is your last time.

So they solved a problem that's been ongoing in our country my entire life and still is.
It only took the feds about 7 years from the time of arrest to execute McVeigh and it's been way over ten years for most condemned federal felons. I hope the Jihad Major Nadal is on the list.
It only took the feds about 7 years from the time of arrest to execute McVeigh and it's been way over ten years for most condemned federal felons. I hope the Jihad Major Nadal is on the list.

I always believed that execution should be the will of the survivors more than the government. I mean if something terrible happened to a member of my immediate family, I would count the days until the SOB was killed. I also think we should allow the family to pick a member that twists the petcock that drains the deadly fluid into the SOB.

I also think that if something terrible happened, it would kill me to look at my paycheck every two weeks, and know that part of my taxes are going to feed, clothe, and give medical care to this MF'r. It would be like torture because I couldn't get to him myself and do it the right way.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.
How exactly is that winning? I’d think the conservatives would be for states rights for this issue... no? This is sounding awfully similar to the abortion issue but you’re taking the opposite side.

These are people convicted on federal charges, States have nothing to do with it.

Trump the Barbarian

The vast majority of violence in this country is done by repeat offenders… How do you get rid of that problem... you execute the motherfuckers.

Just like rehab, rehabilitation just does not work... lol

The only supposedly civilized nation in the world that still uses capital punishment

We are looked at by the world as nothing but barbarians


World map of the use of capital punishment as of 26 March 2018[citation needed]
Retentionist countries: 56
Abolitionist in practice countries (have not executed anyone during the last 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions): 29
Abolitionist countries except for crimes committed under exceptional circumstances (such as crimes committed in wartime): 7
Abolitionist countries: 106

60% of the world's population still lives under the threat of capitaql punishment.
It only took the feds about 7 years from the time of arrest to execute McVeigh and it's been way over ten years for most condemned federal felons. I hope the Jihad Major Nadal is on the list.

Nadal is outside of the decision as his death sentence was due to a Courts Martial. His case is still going through the military appelate system.
The one thing about the death penalty - the individual will never commit another crime.

So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.

Not to take this off topic but there sure has been a lot of promotion of the international law of applying for asylum in the first safe country you reach.

This is a question, not an accusation. Would this be an international law you would support?

People are such hypocrites overall.
That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

156 people who were sent to death Row were exonerated and released. We now think that four people who've been executed were probably innocent.


So why should we care about what other countries do? We are not other countries. You on the left seem to love how "other countries" do things, but never move to one of these wonderful places. Why not? Oh, that's right, they won't allow you to.
Umm...let’s see who our company is

The Islamic World, China, India, North Korea,Central Africa.......USA

Who has abandoned the death penalty......the rest of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, South Korea

So are you trying to make a point or something?
Yup...we are among the barbarians

Why? Just look at the states that still execute
Bible Thumpers

Well.....the Holy Bible does teach us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

There are many things taught in the Old Testament that went away after the events of the New Testament.

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