Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

1. Any immoral act affects, weakens, damages ALL of society.
2. Gay sex is the biggest purveyor of HIV.
3. Billions in tax dollars and a burden on our medical system has been caused by easily-preventable AIDs.
4. Gay marriages are less stable than hetero marriages. Those with children are much less stable, and lesbian 'marriages' are much less stable.

So there you go.
1. You mean adultery and divorce?
2. Gay women have the lowest purveyors of HIV. You have more chance.
3. And not Lung Cancer? Let's keep smokers from marrying then.
4. Simply a lie.
1. You mean adultery and divorce?
2. Gay women have the lowest purveyors of HIV. You have more chance.
3. And not Lung Cancer? Let's keep smokers from marrying then.
4. Simply a lie.

lesbians have more STDs than normies and I am pretty sure that includes HIV

those of us who stay celibate for years on end .. we have a pretty good rate vis a vis STDs..
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

There is nothing deceptive about "Respect for Marriage" marriage is marriage. Why are you so threatened by it? How has it effected you?

You might want to note that while you rail against the Mormons, you seem to fail to realize that they still prohibit gay marriae within their church.

They did, however, realize that it makes good political and public relations sense to butt the hell out of the business of oter people who do not share their religion or values. That is more....much more...than cn be said for your Catholic Church.
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it seems gays are more into sex than heteros

and you wonder if they molest the children they adopt.. (or are raising from some prior herero relationship)
And you know exactly? What are you not telling us.? Where are the statistis that show that gay people molest kids that they adopt. And don't boter with ny anecdotal horror stories. Statistics!
You are expressing an opinion that it is immoral. That does not make it so and in fact for many people regardless of sexual orientation, it is not ommoral. Damage to society? EXACTLY how? Follow the links below

But married gay men have fewer instances of HIV

Yes, mostly because for decades, gay men have been marginalized and deamonize, and forced to exist in the shadows. Relationships were relegated to bath housed and dark theaters. It was difficult or impossible for them to have stable, on going relationships that were out in the open, so they were forced to have anonymous sex with multiple partners

Hogwash! Plain and simple

So there YOU go
Comparing states' divorce rates and using them to make a case of gay marriage stability is invalid, considering gay marriage represent only a small fraction of all marriages.
And you know exactly? What are you not telling us.? Where are the statistis that show that gay people molest kids that they adopt. And don't boter with ny anecdotal horror stories. Statistics!
why do you hold other people to account but not yourself?

oh, that's right.. you're a lib.. forgot momentarily

well, there is the fact that gays parade their perversities in public... drag shows, etc..

Why do we not have pride parades for straight people?

lesbians have more STDs than normies and I am pretty sure that includes HIV

those of us who stay celibate for years on end .. we have a pretty good rate vis a vis STDs..

I'm pretty sure you're celibate because nobody would have you.
I'm pretty sure you're celibate because nobody would have you.
That's part of it.

I am glad no one wants me (that I know of).. makes life less hell-like..

all my relationships b4 were hellish.. so i figured I wasn't missing anything..

couldn't care less if some loser doesn't want me.. Jesus does :)

and I'm not going to let someone butt in between us (unless God has other plans but it doesn't look like He wants me to lose my celibacy OR my mind.. (much less my sou)

He's like that, ya know.. :)
More children have two legal parents and enjoy the security, financial benefits, legal protections and social status that goes with marriage. Having larger numbers of stable families with chidren who fell secure and protected benefits everyone in the long run
How does being married to a person of the same sex beneficial? How is having two parents of the same sex beneficial? The question I am focused on is how does atypical behavior benefit any institution? For example, some high schools are considering abolish honors classes because not all students can make the grade required to be in an honors class. Another example is biological males being allowed to compete in female competitions.

Is it better that anything qualifies as marriage; any sex qualifies as female, all students be treated as average, whether they are below average or above average? What are the benefits of all of this?
and you wonder if they molest the children they adopt..
NO! The great majority of adults do not molest children! I, for one, am not suggesting that children are in sexual danger for having parents of the same sex. I am simply asking what the benefit is of having both parents of the same sex. People can start with, "If a child has two male parents, the benefit of not having a female parent is...." or, "If a child has two female parents, the benefit of not having a male parent is...."
That's part of it.

I am glad no one wants me (that I know of).. makes life less hell-like..

all my relationships b4 were hellish.. so i figured I wasn't missing anything..

couldn't care less if some loser doesn't want me.. Jesus does :)

and I'm not going to let someone butt in between us (unless God has other plans but it doesn't look like He wants me to lose my celibacy OR my mind.. (much less my sou)

He's like that, ya know.. :)

Fair enough
There's only 1 reason homo's want to adopt children and it ain't good. ..
I vehemently disagree with this. It would be like saying, "There is only one reason a heterosexual couple wants to have babies and it ain't good...."

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