Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

....... :link:... but not from some demented feminist lesbian source. .. :eusa_naughty:
Everytime.....I give links.....but I don't mind giving links again.

You axed me how gay marriage is immoral. Marriage implies sex.
Marriage is much ore than sex. People have sex without marriage all of the time. People get married for many reasons other than sex, They do no have to marry for sex. All of that applis equally to gay and straight people
As I said, immoral behavior harms us all, and I listed the ways. Mormons saying it's unacceptable for Mormons, but OK for others is the same argument baby-killers like Biden use. And so I would ask if you feel the same about rape. Is rape not OK for you, but perfectly fine for other men?

If something is immoral for some, it is immoral for all. I get really tired of the equivocation.
Religions can make their own Catholics being against divorce. But the Catholic Church cannot tell American citizens they cannot divorce.
As I said, immoral behavior harms us all, and I listed the ways. Mormons saying it's unacceptable for Mormons, but OK for others is the same argument baby-killers like Biden use. And so I would ask if you feel the same about rape. Is rape not OK for you, but perfectly fine for other men?

If something is immoral for some, it is immoral for all. I get really tired of the equivocation.
false analogy logical fallacy. Same sex marriage and homoseexuality has nothing to do with abortion or rape.
Those statistics were only for 8 poverty stricken 3rd world countries.
What does that have to do with the U.S. and homo pretend marriage? the US. Interesting that the ones that girls need to watch out for the MOST are HETERO male members of their own family.
No. If you are a public servant, you serve the public without discriminating.
so u think the baker should be forced to participate in promoting values he is dead set against (his faith is against)?

If I recall, he was willing to bake a normal cake for the perverts but that was not good enough. They wanted 2 people of the same gender on the top of the cake. the baker had a lot of courage bc a lot of Christians would have hated doing it but do it anyway just to "keep peace" yet Jesus said He came not to bring peace but a sword, that children will be against parent and vice versa bc of Him..
so u think the baker should be forced to participate in promoting values he is dead set against (his faith is against)?

If I recall, he was willing to bake a normal cake for the perverts but that was not good enough. They wanted 2 people of the same gender on the top of the cake. the baker had a lot of courage bc a lot of Christians would have hated doing it but do it anyway just to "keep peace" yet Jesus said He came not to bring peace but a sword, that children will be against parent and vice versa bc of Him..
He refused to make a cake from his inventory book. As for the figurines, if it's a single topper with 2 people, he could have said he does not carry 2 males. If it's 2 separate figurines, he just sells them 2. It's already established he has no problem selling goods in inventory. Where he failed was refusing the service of baking a cake selected from his hook to be ready at a certain time.
He refused to make a cake from his inventory book. As for the figurines, if it's a single topper with 2 people, he could have said he does not carry 2 males. If it's 2 separate figurines, he just sells them 2. It's already established he has no problem selling goods in inventory. Where he failed was refusing the service of baking a cake selected from his hook to be ready at a certain time.
that's not w hat I have heard

and i doubt the scotus would take a case such as u describe..
It seems to be the other way around con-sidering how much so-called straight males focus on gay men and gay sex..................very very few gay men are focused on straight men and straight sex.
Plutocrats Hide Their Fairy Sons in Armoires

Notice how the weak and comprised Cuntservatives never come right back at you with your same projective accusation in reverse. But there is much evidence for it. Why was Rock Hudson so good at portraying an ultra-hetero? Because that is what he really wished he could have become. And Lenny Bernstein could be pretty macho when he conducted. Also, his West Side Story portrayed deep love and at the same time, a John Wayne toughness.
Religions can make their own Catholics being against divorce. But the Catholic Church cannot tell American citizens they cannot divorce.

Nor did they go around picketing restaurants that served meat on Friday. Just as the Jews don't attack food stores that sell pork products, not even if they are owned by Jews.
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

The Church of Jesus Christ does not endorse the practice of same sex marriage but it does respect the free agency of mankind to choose to sin. The article posted says the following regarding the Church's endorsement of The Respect for Marriage Act:

The nearly 17-million member, Utah-based faith said in a statement that church doctrine would continue to consider same-sex relationships to be against God’s commandments. Yet it said it would support rights for same-sex couples as long as they didn’t infringe upon religious groups’ right to believe as they choose.

“We believe this approach is the way forward. As we work together to preserve the principles and practices of religious freedom together with the rights of LGBTQ individuals much can be accomplished to heal relationships and foster greater understanding,” the church said in a statement posted on its website.

Here it states that the doctrine of the Church still upholds that same-sex marriage or relationships are against the commandments of God. If same sex marriage were acceptable to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints then they would allow performing of such marriages in their temples. Same sex marriage is against the commandments of God and His will. It is not allowed to be practiced in our temples or by our clergy. If that were to happen, then I believe you would see a mass exodus from the church.

The scriptures clearly teach that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God. The leaders of the church seem to see this as an issue of free will and that the right to believe and practice what you believe should be respected as long as it does not infringe on another group of people right to believe as they choose. I think the worry with church leaders is the protection of our right to our free expression of religion. Personally I find siding with the LGBTQ to further erode God's will that we follow his commandments. There was a big issue over Christian cake makers who found making a cake which promoted homosexual beliefs to be offensive and they refused to make the cake. Homosexuals sought to take away the cake makers rights to make a cake for whomever they chose and also live according to the dictates of their own conscience. Perhaps the leaders of the church feel that if they show homosexuals the respect to live how they choose that they might return the favor and not attack the rights of those who practice religion to do so according to how they believe, I don't know. Definitely very close to walking a thin line if I do say so myself. But as far as I know, the church has not embraced the practice of homosexual relations in the church and if they were to do so, they would be in direct opposition to God.
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

Thanks for the information; it"s great news. All I heard was the Catholic bishops ( some of whom are no doubt pedophiles ) bashing it. I expected it from them and maybe the Baptists but most churches have finally grown up and are accepting it as it always should have been accepted.
Thanks for the information; it"s great news. All I heard was the Catholic bishops ( some of whom are no doubt pedophiles ) bashing it. I expected it from them and maybe the Baptists but most churches have finally grown up and are accepting it as it always should have been accepted.
Actually, the boy pedos, if there were any, would be all for the gay agenda, as they are gay by definition. So your comment is the opposite of what makes sense.
The Church of Jesus Christ does not endorse the practice of same sex marriage but it does respect the free agency of mankind to choose to sin. The article posted says the following regarding the Church's endorsement of The Respect for Marriage Act:

Here it states that the doctrine of the Church still upholds that same-sex marriage or relationships are against the commandments of God. If same sex marriage were acceptable to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints then they would allow performing of such marriages in their temples. Same sex marriage is against the commandments of God and His will. It is not allowed to be practiced in our temples or by our clergy. If that were to happen, then I believe you would see a mass exodus from the church.

The scriptures clearly teach that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God. The leaders of the church seem to see this as an issue of free will and that the right to believe and practice what you believe should be respected as long as it does not infringe on another group of people right to believe as they choose. I think the worry with church leaders is the protection of our right to our free expression of religion. Personally I find siding with the LGBTQ to further erode God's will that we follow his commandments. There was a big issue over Christian cake makers who found making a cake which promoted homosexual beliefs to be offensive and they refused to make the cake. Homosexuals sought to take away the cake makers rights to make a cake for whomever they chose and also live according to the dictates of their own conscience. Perhaps the leaders of the church feel that if they show homosexuals the respect to live how they choose that they might return the favor and not attack the rights of those who practice religion to do so according to how they believe, I don't know. Definitely very close to walking a thin line if I do say so myself. But as far as I know, the church has not embraced the practice of homosexual relations in the church and if they were to do so, they would be in direct opposition to God.
It's the same thing. If you say gay marriage is OK for others, but not for you, that's double-speak hypocrisy. It's the same as the pro-abortion people saying "I oppose abortion for myself, but I support others aborting". That's ridiculous. And proof that it's ridiculous is to substitute the word "rape" for abortion. Would you say "I personally oppose rape, but I respect the choice of other men to rape"? Of course you wouldn't. If something is wrong, it's wrong for all.

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