Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

Please explain, EXACTLY how the same sex couple down the street or in the next town-who are just living their live s, raising a family, going to workm paying taxes and doing all the same things as everyone else- damages traditional families. Bullet points would be appreciated
You could argue the same about transgender and drag queens. We've been going down this slippy slope for awhile l now and you're a frog in a hot kettle who is blind as to how the culture is dying.

They ain't married.
You could argue the same about transgender and drag queens. We've been going down this slippy slope for awhile l now and you're a frog in a hot kettle who is blind as to how the culture is dying.

They ain't married.
Ah yes! The age old slippery slope logical fallacy. And yes I could argue the same about transgender and drag queens. ( which are not the same thing by the way) Please do tell, how is the "culture dying"? Maybe there are aspects of the culture that need to die. Like the bigotry that is driven by fear and ignorance. But what will really bring down a society is stagnation and an inability to move forward, to evolve and to become more inclusive and rational. It is people like you who are killing the culture , but fortunatly , as we go forward there are fewer and fewer of you to stand in the way of progress. You will soon go the way of the dinosaur.

PS They are indeed married. Deal with it!
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I agree. We already have have in our constitution the freedom to worship how where or what we may. I think the real issue is if they grant a right to have freedom of same-sex marriage, will a conflict ensue between two rights that seem to oppose each other and which right will win out when in conflict.
Yo! Hello there!! That right has alredy been granted. Years ago. Where have you been. The only conflicts have been those that have been manufactured by those who claim that religious freedom means the freedom to discriminate against those who they disapprove of. Religous people who just practice the own religion in accordance with their faith as provided for in the constitution, and do not interfear in the lives of others have not had any problems/ The Mormons finally get that now. Others not so much yet.
inability to move forward, to evolve and to become more inclusive and rational. It is people like you who are killing the culture , but fortunatly , as we go forward there are fewer and fewer of you to stand in the way of progress.
So how is homo's having pretend marriages somehow moving forward and a sign of progress and evolving? ... :cuckoo:
I want a secular religion. If the gov't was actually atheist it would be against all religion. It isn't. In fact, it protects religious freedom.
What's a "secular religion" except Atheism.

That government hardly protects religious freedom. Government is continually opposed to the Constitution. As soon as the majority of the population is against the Second, or the First, government WILL take away those rights.
The only conflicts have been those that have been manufactured by those who claim that religious freedom means the freedom to discriminate against those who they disapprove of.
Definition of blue:
  • Color of a pure sky
  • Dejected, depressed
Definition of marriage:
  • The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments,
  • The legal union of a couple as spouses.
The government sees marriage as the union between any two couples. That is their usage of the term 'marriage'. Shrug. Many view marriage by the first definition. The two are as different as the usage of blue as a color and blue as a mood.

Therefore, marriage in the eyes of the government differs from marriage in the eyes of some religions. If we can live with the varying definitions of 'blue' we can also live with the varying definitions of 'marriage'.

Government says it is okay to call oneself by either gender. If it okay for the government for an individual to call gender as s/he sees it, then it also okay then it is okay for the rest of us to call gender as we see it. In other words, some might call me female and others might call me male. No one person--including self--gets to tell others how to identify anyone, including self telling others what to call them.
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

Mormon scriptures of Korihor the Apostate reveal the problem today of wanting to say we have freedom not to believe but we cannot oppose the majority belief. This is just no common among the CoJC, but Catholics, Pentecostals, fundamentalists, evangelicals, and other far right Christian groups.

Understand that certain Prog religious and non-religious groupings have the same failings.

Mormon Parallels entry 153 . . .

. . . in the days of the Book of Mormon. We see this same mixed feeling in the account of the antichrist Korihor (Alma 30), who was in fact an outright atheist. The text states repeatedly that Nephite law during the reign of the judges stipulated absolute freedom of religious belief, in order to ensure the equality of all citizens (verses 7, 9, 11, 12). Yet the text is not absolutely happy about this equanimity: "And this Anti-Christ, whose name was Korihor, (and the law could have no hold upon him) began to preach unto the people that there should be no Christ." (Alma 30:12)

Korihor enjoys his right to be bad until he makes the mistake of going over to the land of Jershon to corrupt some former Lamanites who, if converted Christians, are not so liberal with freedom of conscience. Notably, like many Americans of Joseph Smith's day, the narrator does not really like the law which protects the freedom not to believe: "But behold they were more wise than many of the Nephites; for they took him, and bound him, and carried him before Ammon, who was a high priest over that people." (v. 20) From there, Korihor's civil rights go downhill as he is bounced from one authority to the next, and finally sent back bound before Alma himself, chief judge and governor "over all the land," v. 29. Alma does not release Korihor in conformity with the previously-emphasized law of religious freedom, but goads the prisoner until he demands a supernatural sign, just like Nehor had done centuries earlier. The pesky law is no longer a problem: Korihor is stricken miraculously dumb, and finally trampled to death by apostates who have seceded from the Nephites (verses 50-59).
What's a "secular religion" except Atheism.

That government hardly protects religious freedom. Government is continually opposed to the Constitution. As soon as the majority of the population is against the Second, or the First, government WILL take away those rights.
I've been through this with Winterborn. He thinks there is a difference between a secular government and an atheist government. So all I had to do was ask him what the secular position is on abortion. He couldn't answer.
So how is homo's having pretend marriages somehow moving forward and a sign of progress and evolving? ... :cuckoo:
Common decency and respect for others is a sign of civilization. Losing that means we're de-evolving, becoming less civilized. Understanding that and all it represents means we're evolving, becoming more human and less judgmental. That is progress.
Anybody tells you that a secular stance and an atheist stance is always the same thing is an idiot.

The founders, all of whom except maybe one had some belief in deity, create a secular Constitution.

I've been through this with Winterborn. He thinks there is a difference between a secular government and an atheist government. So all I had to do was ask him what the secular position is on abortion. He couldn't answer.
Common decency and respect for others is a sign of civilization. Losing that means we're de-evolving, becoming less civilized. Understanding that and all it represents means we're evolving, becoming more human and less judgmental. That is progress.

So, your definition of “common decency” necessarily requires one to embrace and support immoral sexual perversion, and mockery of one of society's most essential institutions?

That sound very Orwellian, to me.
So, your definition of “common decency” necessarily requires one to embrace and support immoral sexual perversion, and mockery of one of society's most essential institutions?

That sound very Orwellian, to me.
The fact that you condemn others for their
Sexual orientation as perverted while you practice yours is proof you're not civilized. No one respects marriage more than gay couples who waited 50 years or more to be married. That's a tribute to the value of marriage, not a mockery. What you're saying is an insult to all married couples.
The fact that you condemn others for their
Sexual orientation as perverted while you practice yours is proof you're not civilized. No one respects marriage more than gay couples who waited 50 years or more to be married. That's a tribute to the value of marriage, not a mockery. What you're saying is an insult to all married couples.

No, it is an insult to all genuine married couples to lump us together with immoral perverts that make a mockery of marriage.
No, it is an insult to all genuine married couples to lump us together with immoral perverts that make a mockery of marriage.
You obviously do not know what a perversion is. Sexual orientations occur before puberty, they are normal and happen in 3 forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. Perversions occur after puberty and are abnormal, such as pedophilia, beastiality, necrophilia, etc. I am an elderly homosexual man, I am noal. I don't know much about you but I do know hatred like yours isn't normal.
Heterosexual marriage is a cornerstone of civilization. There is NO OTHER institution that has a similar record. Children need a male and female parent. Other "arrangements," while occasionally successful in raising offspring, cannot come anywhere near the success record of heterosexual couples.

Virtually every state was prepared to give homosexual couples equal legal benefits with traditional marriage, but the Gay Mafia insisted that these arrangements be given equal status with traditional marriage, which is bullshit.

It wouldn't hurt others if people wanted to "marry" their adult children, siblings, or household pets, or if they wanted to marry a group of other people. Should those all be allowed as well?

The family paradigm that has succeeded for thousands of years should not be discarded or denigrated by polluting the mix with perverse couplings that have been universally condemned for all of recorded history.
Heterosexual marriage is a cornerstone of civilization. There is NO OTHER institution that has a similar record. Children need a male and female parent. Other "arrangements," while occasionally successful in raising offspring, cannot come anywhere near the success record of heterosexual couples.

Virtually every state was prepared to give homosexual couples equal legal benefits with traditional marriage, but the Gay Mafia insisted that these arrangements be given equal status with traditional marriage, which is bullshit.

It wouldn't hurt others if people wanted to "marry" their adult children, siblings, or household pets, or if they wanted to marry a group of other people. Should those all be allowed as well?

The family paradigm that has succeeded for thousands of years should not be discarded or denigrated by polluting the mix with perverse couplings that have been universally condemned for all of recorded history.
Idiots have often used that crazy logic, it didn't work then and it doesn't work now.
You obviously do not know what a perversion is. Sexual orientations occur before puberty, they are normal and happen in 3 forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. Perversions occur after puberty and are abnormal, such as pedophilia, beastiality, necrophilia, etc. I am an elderly homosexual man, I am noal. I don't know much about you but I do know hatred like yours isn't normal.

It takes a truly extreme fucked-up sort of pervert to speak of young children in terms of fucked-up sexual perversions, the way you do.

It is certainly not at all normal to think or speak of children in such disgusting terms.
Bob and DGS49 clearly do not not know the sociological history of sexuality, association, and marriage in humankind through the ages. Keep their children away from your children, or they may get together, and you may have children like Bob and DGS49.

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