Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

1. Any immoral act affects, weakens, damages ALL of society.
2. Gay sex is the biggest purveyor of HIV.
3. Billions in tax dollars and a burden on our medical system has been caused by easily-preventable AIDs.
4. Gay marriages are less stable than hetero marriages. Those with children are much less stable, and lesbian 'marriages' are much less stable.

So there you go.
The existence of gay people is proof that God made a mistake.
Arlette, the logic of your statement does not hold up. God allows free will, and that allows humans to make their own choices, for better or not. If you don't believe in God, fine, but that does not mean God does not exist.
I was talking about transexuality, which apparently is non-binary.

About 2/3ds of women, I once read, who explore homosexuality later become heteronormative in behavior and marry men.

All can believe whatever they want, but I think some of the statements are overreaching.
Correct, it's one's nature, just like heterosexuality or bisexuality.
I really don't care how the Mormons or any other church deals with homosexuality. I'm only concerned how our laws deal with it cause when we say "We the people" we mean all of em
I was talking about transexuality, which apparently is non-binary.

About 2/3ds of women, I once read, who explore homosexuality later become heteronormative in behavior and marry men.

All can believe whatever they want, but I think some of the statements are overreaching.
Sexual orientation is a scientific fact, not an opinion. So are perversions for that matter. Gender is another story altogether.
God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their choosing evil.
Mother Nature's meteor showers destroy two of the cities of the plain ( a confederation of 5 cities ) . Why not all 5 ? Weren't they all equally guilty of the sin of inhospitality? ( As was told in the original tale by Ezekiel until Josephus came along and sensationalized the boring allegory. But of course, the religious pushers of " Christianity " chose to go with the sensational version to spread their dogma. ).
Ezekiel 16:49-50
In case you don't know the background story. Salt was worth it's weight in gold back then and these cities were made wealthy by mining it. Every night they closed the city gates because the surrounding countryside was thick with bands of thieves who wanted some of that wealth and attacked caravans to get it. One night an Egyptian royal caravan was so attacked and reached the city gates just after they were closed. They pleaded with the guards to reopen the gates and allow them safe passage but they were refused. During the night the caravan was attacked again and all were murdered. That inhospitality coupled with a freak event of nature lead to the adaption of the story. Which became wilder and wilder as time went on.

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