Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

Of course, you'll deny or minimize the toxic effect that your kind have on society as a whole and especially of your kind grooming young children with your fucked-up perversions, as is now happening in the open. And you cry “HOMOPHOBE!” at anyone who wishes to protect children from your kind.

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Prejudice requires lies to keep it alive and well ( actually sick ).Thank you for proving that once again.
He gave us free will. We can choose to do good or to do evil, to do reason, or to do madness.

By your logic, God made thieves and murderers and child molesters and all other manner of evildoers.
I do not extend that courtesy to real criminals. You have the audacity to say I do. That makes you guilty of the crime of defamation of character. GOD made you but you choose your crimes / sins.
1. Any immoral act affects, weakens, damages ALL of society.
2. Gay sex is the biggest purveyor of HIV.
3. Billions in tax dollars and a burden on our medical system has been caused by easily-preventable AIDs.
4. Gay marriages are less stable than hetero marriages. Those with children are much less stable, and lesbian 'marriages' are much less stable.

So there you go.
And who created the HIV / AIDS virus. The apartheid government of South Africa before it's collapse. They wanted to wipe out the black population ( genocide ) because they feared that was going to happen to them when the government became a free nation. Hatred and ignorance create all the problems in the world. Crazy thing about that bioweapons plant, in it's last days it was guarded by a contingent of U.S. Marines. Everything just disappeared one day. A few years later we have a U S president that is so concerned about Hepatitis spreading among gay people he gives them injections to protect them from it in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. I remember some friends saying it was an unusually warm injection. They are no love anger with us of course.
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Virtually every state was prepared to give homosexual couples equal legal benefits with traditional marriage, but the Gay Mafia insisted that these arrangements be given equal status with traditional marriage, which is bullshit.


Actually states were banning same-sex marriage and civil unions.

Here is the text of the State Constitutional amendment passed in my state.

Please explain, EXACTLY how the same sex couple down the street or in the next town-who are just living their live s, raising a family, going to workm paying taxes and doing all the same things as everyone else- damages traditional families. Bullet points would be appreciated
If you can't figure it out yourself (whereas a 7 year old can)

all the responses to your post would for nothing
1. Any immoral act affects, weakens, damages ALL of society.
2. Gay sex is the biggest purveyor of HIV.
3. Billions in tax dollars and a burden on our medical system has been caused by easily-preventable AIDs.
4. Gay marriages are less stable than hetero marriages. Those with children are much less stable, and lesbian 'marriages' are much less stable.

So there you go.
Nature instructs that the act they engage in is REPUGNANT and perverse.

Romans 1 says Man is without excuse (when he claims not to know God's laws through nature)
Nature instructs that the act they engage in is REPUGNANT and perverse.

Romans 1 says Man is without excuse (when he claims not to know God's laws through nature)
If nobody were to sin then Jesus died for nothing.
Take Massachusetts as an example. This state was the first to allow same sex marriages and it is also the state that has the lowest overall divorce rate. It isn’t a small difference in the divorce rates either. Compared to states that have banned same sex marriage, states that allow the practice have a 20% lower divorce rate.

So there YOU go
Friend, it's asinine to say Massachusetts' low divorce rate is linked to gay marriage success. Washington DC surpasses Massachusetts in low divorce rate. Do you think that's because those fine Washingtontonians, 90% black, profoundly honor the institution of marriage? Or might it be because they don't bother to marry in the first place? No marriage--No divorce. And it's the same with leftwing Massachusetts. Those liberals are shacking up. They aren't bothering with marriage.
If nobody were to sin then Jesus died for nothing.
Actually he did die for nothing, the sin he was attempting to save us from was original sin. Since people cannot be held accountable for what their ancestors did, it was all for nothing. Then the Christian religion got hung up on Old Testament morality and love thy neighbor as they self went out the window.
Or might it be because they don't bother to marry in the first place? No marriage--No divorce.

Reminds me a bit of a scene from the great Gershwin opera Porgy and Bess. A fake lawyer offers to sell Bess a divorce from Crown, so that she can be with Porgy. But Bess was never married to Crown.

FRAZIER: Ah ha, ah ha, Porgy's Bess, eh? Den I guess she'll be wantin' divorce.
FRAZIER: Ef de woman livin' wid you now, she got to have divorce from Crown or else it ain't legal.

(Takes document and shows it to Porgy)

PORGY: How much dat t'ing cost?
FRAZIER: One dollar. Dat is, if there ain' no complication.
PORGY: Bess, you likes to have divorce?
BESS: What you think, Porgy?
PORGY: I'm agoin' to buy you a divorce.

(Hands Frazier money)

FRAZIER: Wait a minute, it ain't legal yet. Yo' name?
ALL: Bess!
FRAZIER: Yo' age?
BESS: Twenty year.
ALL: Lord, Lord, listen what she say. Dat girl's thirty if she's a day!
FRAZIER: You desire to be divorce from dat man Crown?
ALL: Sho' she do, sho' she do, Yes suh, yes suh, sho' she do!
FRAZIER: I'm askin' you.
BESS: Yes, boss, dat's true.
FRAZIER: Address the court a "Yo' honor."
ALL: Yes, yo' honor. Yes, yo' honor.
FRAZIER: When was you an' Crown marry?
BESS: I don't rightly remember, yo' honor.
FRAZIER: One yeah, five yeah, ten yeah, what?
LILY: Dat gal ain' never marry!
FRAZIER: Ah, dat's a complication!
ALL: Dat's a complication. Dat's a complication, Lord, Lord --
MARIA: Dat is a complication.
PORGY: You can't sell her divorce, gimme back my dollah!

(Everybody laughs)

FRAZIER: 'Course I sells divorce. You got no right to laugh, but it take expert to divorce woman what ain't marry, an' it cos' you, ahem, a dollar an' a half.
BESS: Don't pay him, Porgy. Don't let him take you in.
FRAZIER: All right, go on livin' in sin.

(Porgy counts out money and gives it to Frazier,
who signs and seals paper and hands it to Bess)

Good day to you, Missis Porgy. Only dollar an' a half to change from woman to lady.
Friend, it's asinine to say Massachusetts' low divorce rate is linked to gay marriage success. Washington DC surpasses Massachusetts in low divorce rate. Do you think that's because those fine Washingtontonians, 90% black, profoundly honor the institution of marriage? Or might it be because they don't bother to marry in the first place? No marriage--No divorce. And it's the same with leftwing Massachusetts. Those liberals are shacking up. They aren't bothering with marriage.
The state with the lowest marriage rates is Louisiana, a lot of the southern states have this tendency. The reasons for lower marriage rates were given as , the populations are aging, younger people are waiting longer to.marry, gender equality, financial independence and education.
Oh christ,! Where did you come from and why are you just now foaming at the mouth over gay marriage and divorce? . You want to talk about asinine ? What is asinine is your red herring logical fallacy about black people in DC and their divorce rates being a function of low marriage rates without any evidence to support it. Equally asinine is your assumption that “liberals in Mass. Are forgoing marriage in any large numbers which accounts for the low divorce rate

What is also asinine is your seeming lack of understanding of the difference between correlation and causation. I did not say that gay marriage caused a drop in divorce rates . I said that there is a correlation, and that is a fact across numerous jurisdictions. And that fact cuts deep into the narrative that gay marriage weakens the institution of marriage
Mass. also has a low marriages rate, listed as number 2 right after Louisiana.

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