Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

I don't mind being dammed by a religion, it doesn't mean anything
I did say I believed in a Creator Entity, what you falsely and primitively call god. It doesn't care what you think, only that you prosper and become all that you can be. Also what you refer to as god is a collective entity. You and I are not separate from.god but part of it's being. Praise be the ONE.
And, where do you get this idea of a "Creator Entity?" And, praise be the one what? Where did you obtain this creator knowledge from?
He died for our sins sure sound a lot like Trump saying that he was indicted for us.
Let's see, Trump was elected President in 2016 and Jesus Christ followers have been saying Jesus died for our sins since 33 A.D. So, how can Jesus dying for our sins be from Trump? You really have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome now known as a disease.
Let's see, Trump was elected President in 2016 and Jesus Christ followers have been saying Jesus died for our sins since 33 A.D. So, how can Jesus dying for our sins be from Trump? You really have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome now known as a disease.
Trump is mimicking Jesus . If you don't get that, you have no business talking about who is deranged
Oh christ,! Where did you come from and why are you just now foaming at the mouth over gay marriage and divorce? . You want to talk about asinine ? What is asinine is your red herring logical fallacy about black people in DC and their divorce rates being a function of low marriage rates without any evidence to support it. Equally asinine is your assumption that “liberals in Mass. Are forgoing marriage in any large numbers which accounts for the low divorce rate

What is also asinine is your seeming lack of understanding of the difference between correlation and causation. I did not say that gay marriage caused a drop in divorce rates . I said that there is a correlation, and that is a fact across numerous jurisdictions. And that fact cuts deep into the narrative that gay marriage weakens the institution of marriage.

Finally what is asinine is the fact that this is the best that yu can do in response to my post that tore apart your asinine and bigoted bovine excrement that I originally responded to months ago
That's a lot of screaming and yelling over the fact that I debunked your silly claim about a correlation between low divorce rate and gay marriage.
Oh christ,! Where did you come from and why are you just now foaming at the mouth over gay marriage and divorce? . You want to talk about asinine ? What is asinine is your red herring logical fallacy about black people in DC and their divorce rates being a function of low marriage rates without any evidence to support it. Equally asinine is your assumption that “liberals in Mass. Are forgoing marriage in any large numbers which accounts for the low divorce rate

What is also asinine is your seeming lack of understanding of the difference between correlation and causation. I did not say that gay marriage caused a drop in divorce rates . I said that there is a correlation, and that is a fact across numerous jurisdictions. And that fact cuts deep into the narrative that gay marriage weakens the institution of marriage.

Finally what is asinine is the fact that this is the best that yu can do in response to my post that tore apart your asinine and bigoted bovine excrement that I originally responded to months ago
You misunderstand what it means to weaken marriage. What it does when our civilization in America accepts more and more evil is the relationship between God and man are weakened. God is less likely to be on the side of liberty and freedom for Americans. As we turn to wickedness the natural man which is animalistic, we will become more carnal and devilish. We see this in the way we have become politically tribal attacking our fellow countrymen. However, this has devolved into tribes or parties starting to eat their own too.
Marriage in God’s eyes is between only a man and a woman. With out of control abortion and now LGBTQ rights superseding everyone else’s rights the Lord is turning away from us and allowing us our free moral agency to eat our own until enough recognizes this and begin to call on God for help. Most likely, this time the Lord will come in all glory and power wiping off the face of the earth the very evil and coming to save his repentant Israel in all lands. The 2nd coming of Christ.
Mashmont was shot down by ProgressivePatriot and now is on his knees on the ground waving his tiny fist.
Liberals have no reasoning abilities. Thus, they never react or act upon logic and reasoning skills. Instead, they react solely on emotions and thus are ideologs but worse than religions. That's because you have no soul. Lying is good for your purposes.
That's a lot of screaming and yelling over the fact that I debunked your silly claim about a correlation between low divorce rate and gay marriage.
You did not debunk anything, kid.
That's a lot of screaming and yelling over the fact that I debunked your silly claim about a correlation between low divorce rate and gay marriage.
You did not debunk anything , kid. You just made up some aternitive, evidence free reason for the low divorce rate and declared victory. That is call gaslighting. Not working with me.
You did not debunk anything, kid.

You did not debunk anything , kid. You just made up some aternitive, evidence free reason for the low divorce rate and declared victory. That is call gaslighting. Not working with me.
It’s not about the divorce rate. You moved the goal post. See my response to you.
You misunderstand what it means to weaken marriage. What it does when our civilization in America accepts more and more evil is the relationship between God and man are weakened. God is less likely to be on the side of liberty and freedom for Americans. As we turn to wickedness the natural man which is animalistic, we will become more carnal and devilish. We see this in the way we have become politically tribal attacking our fellow countrymen. However, this has devolved into tribes or parties starting to eat their own too.
Marriage in God’s eyes is between only a man and a woman. With out of control abortion and now LGBTQ rights superseding everyone else’s rights the Lord is turning away from us and allowing us our free moral agency to eat our own until enough recognizes this and begin to call on God for help. Most likely, this time the Lord will come in all glory and power wiping off the face of the earth the very evil and coming to save his repentant Israel in all lands. The 2nd coming of Christ.
The fundamental problem here is the fact the we are not living in the same reality. For starters, I do not relate the concepts of “sin” and “evil” I think in terms of behavior and how it effects my fellow human kind. I do not concern my self with ancient text of unknown origin that is now used to control people with fear and superstition, and to justify bigotry and oppression . In addition, I am highly skeptical about the existence of god and the idea that humankind can know the nature of god if she does in fact exist. One thing that I do know is that given the suffering and state of humanity, god could not be both good and all powerful at the same time. It has to be one or the other.
Having said that, you frequently prattle on about god protecting America as though there is some rational reason to believe that any god would have a special interest in any particular country, especially one the historically has treated large segments of the population with cruelty and scorn. Which brings me to your absurd assumption that your god ...who I’m sure you will say created all beings....would consider some to be ”wicked” and unworthy of the same rights as others. If your lord “comes in glory “ some day, you might just find that she is not a bigot and that you have been fed a load of shit that you have swallowed whole and are destined to choke on.
Lastly, you bitch about LGBT and abortion rights “superseding all o other rights which just more horseshit. Rights are not a zero sum matter. It is only in your twisted mind that one groups gain means another's loss.
The fundamental problem here is the fact the we are not living in the same reality. For starters, I do not relate the concepts of “sin” and “evil” I think in terms of behavior and how it effects my fellow human kind. I do not concern my self with ancient text of unknown origin that is now used to control people with fear and superstition, and to justify bigotry and oppression . In addition, I am highly skeptical about the existence of god and the idea that humankind can know the nature of god if she does in fact exist. One thing that I do know is that given the suffering and state of humanity, god could not be both good and all powerful at the same time. It has to be one or the other.
Having said that, you frequently prattle on about god protecting America as though there is some rational reason to believe that any god would have a special interest in any particular country, especially one the historically has treated large segments of the population with cruelty and scorn. Which brings me to your absurd assumption that your god ...who I’m sure you will say created all beings....would consider some to be ”wicked” and unworthy of the same rights as others. If your lord “comes in glory “ some day, you might just find that she is not a bigot and that you have been fed a load of shit that you have swallowed whole and are destined to choke on.
Lastly, you bitch about LGBT and abortion rights “superseding all o other rights which just more horseshit. Rights are not a zero sum matter. It is only in your twisted mind that one groups gain means another's loss.
So, what do you do to justify your bigotry and hatred for those who believe in Jehovah, Jesus, Allah and so on? The fact is, the more people lose their faith in their God, the more our nation is falling a part. Criminals are now victims and victims are now criminals. Men can be women and women can be men. Supreme Court Justices can't define what a woman is. Kids are more lazy and we are having less and less children. The Universe 25 is happening all around you and you can't see it because you don't have a basic belief platform to recognize all that is happening. I do. More and more sin is being accepted. We are losing freedoms as you say others are gaining freedoms. Say 5% of the population is LGBTQ. They have gained some basic freedoms. But, the other 95% have lost basic freedoms of religious belief, free speech and the right to bear arms. That's just to start with. We no longer really own our own property in most states. And, the Government is primed to take away paper money making the IRS able to know exactly what you are using your so-called personal money for. No freedoms anymore. Yet, you can't see these because your ideology doesn't allow you to see them disappearing.
So, what do you do to justify your bigotry and hatred for those who believe in Jehovah, Jesus, Allah and so on? The fact is, the more people lose their faith in their God, the more our nation is falling a part. Criminals are now victims and victims are now criminals. Men can be women and women can be men. Supreme Court Justices can't define what a woman is. Kids are more lazy and we are having less and less children. The Universe 25 is happening all around you and you can't see it because you don't have a basic belief platform to recognize all that is happening. I do. More and more sin is being accepted. We are losing freedoms as you say others are gaining freedoms. Say 5% of the population is LGBTQ. They have gained some basic freedoms. But, the other 95% have lost basic freedoms of religious belief, free speech and the right to bear arms. That's just to start with. We no longer really own our own property in most states. And, the Government is primed to take away paper money making the IRS able to know exactly what you are using your so-called personal money for. No freedoms anymore. Yet, you can't see these because your ideology doesn't allow you to see them disappearing.
Circumlocution, Blatherskite, Jabberwocky and...........

The truth often confounds the wicked.

1 Nephi 16:1-2:
  1. And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear.
  2. And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.
1 Nephi 16:1-2:
    • And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear.
    • And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.

It's natural man that seeks to hide their sins by manufacturing chaos and hatred to steer from their guilt.

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