Zone1 Mormon Church Sells its Soul, Endorses Lyingly-Named Respect for Marriage Law

Prove it!
He made Adam and Eve. Good people. They had children. Some kept the commandments given to them at the time and some didn’t. God didn’t make those who didn’t not keep them. They chose to be bad all by themselves. God therefore did it make bad people. They came out of the womb good and chose evil.
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

I make these points everytime my lesser educated conservative comrades like to call Democrats "commies". Democrats are buried up to their eyeballs in corporate capitalism buying our government out from under us. The control that Democrats impose over the population is for no other reason than to help corporations milk us. Their PLANdemic ruined small businesses while putting the drug companies on steroids. And look how food prices never went down either. The PLANdemic is over but the gouging goes on...
I make these points everytime my lesser educated conservative comrades like to call Democrats "commies". Democrats are buried up to their eyeballs in corporate capitalism buying our government out from under us. The control that Democrats impose over the population is for no other reason than to help corporations milk us. Their PLANdemic ruined small businesses while putting the drug companies on steroids. And look how food prices never went down either. The PLANdemic is over but the gouging goes on...
Covid didn’t cause inflation less educated Democrat. The response to Covid by the spend happy Biden along with his messed up destruction of lower gas and electric prices fueled inflation. The only reason the CPI is lower is because of the FED and sky high interest rates. That isn’t going to fix anything in the long run. Democrats want to keep spending like drunken sailors. Covid is over but Democrats are still at it trying to redistribute wealth as good little commies do.
Covid didn’t cause inflation less educated Democrat. The response to Covid by the spend happy Biden along with his messed up destruction of lower gas and electric prices fueled inflation. The only reason the CPI is lower is because of the FED and sky high interest rates. That isn’t going to fix anything in the long run. Democrats want to keep spending like drunken sailors. Covid is over but Democrats are still at it trying to redistribute wealth as good little commies do.
LoL! Thanks. 😆
But I'm a registered Republican and intend to stay that way indefinitely. Prices went up on food during the PLANdemic, citing "reasons" ranging from a diminished workforce to restrictions on transportation and shipping due to mandates and lockdowns, I know, I was there. I've seen from the inside out. I've been in meat production for 32 years. The prices went up and never came down. Even after the PLANdemic was over the excuses kept coming while the nickels and dimes were nudged up and up and up. Then came the mysterious "shortages" of all kinds of things. Then suddenly they'd come back marked up 20%. The reasons they give for that are bullshit 90% of the time.

Don't presume to educate me. Educate yourself first. The only redistribution of wealth the Dems do is out of the pockets of ordinary folks and into the bank accounts of corporate billionaires. Politicians who help facilitate this process by grooming and corralling the public and cultivating the consumer herd, get kickbacks, gifts and secret bonuses. It's amazing how people confuse this collective approach to capitalism for communism. Corporations and billionaires are buying our government out from under us. It's NOTHING like China, Russia, or North Korea....the true communists. In those countries, "government own corporation". In America, "corporation own government". Different route to control, that's all.

Educate yourself better, then we'll talk.
I make these points everytime my lesser educated conservative comrades like to call Democrats "commies". Democrats are buried up to their eyeballs in corporate capitalism buying our government out from under us. The control that Democrats impose over the population is for no other reason than to help corporations milk us. Their PLANdemic ruined small businesses while putting the drug companies on steroids. And look how food prices never went down either. The PLANdemic is over but the gouging goes on...
Laugh as you will, it’s all true. Biden is to blame for all the inflation. Just like his busy Jimmy Carter. High inflation and high interest rates. Redistribution and helping Soros and the other Democrat billionaires.
Laugh as you will, it’s all true. Biden is to blame for all the inflation. Just like his busy Jimmy Carter. High inflation and high interest rates. Redistribution and helping Soros and the other Democrat billionaires.
The entire Deep State which created the PLANdemic (of which Biden is a slobbering puppet) is to blame, and they were at it while Trump was still in office. Trump threatened to derail this plan and that is part of why they tried anything and everything short of an assassination to get him out of the way. Now that a Deep State puppet is again in office, nothing will be done about inflation. It's not so much what Biden does as what he DOESN'T do which is the problem. He is paid to make his Alzheimer's a public joke while the people who TRULY put him in office cash in while nothing is done.
Covid didn’t cause inflation less educated Democrat. The response to Covid by the spend happy Biden along with his messed up destruction of lower gas and electric prices fueled inflation. The only reason the CPI is lower is because of the FED and sky high interest rates. That isn’t going to fix anything in the long run. Democrats want to keep spending like drunken sailors. Covid is over but Democrats are still at it trying to redistribute wealth as good little commies do.
correction and observation

No 'plandemic" ever existed

"by the spend happy Biden (and Trump}" and the lackluster management by Trump at the beginning of covid helped and contributed to world wide inflation.

Inflation is the lowest in the US of all the western nations.
correction and observation

No 'plandemic" ever existed

"by the spend happy Biden (and Trump}" and the lackluster management by Trump at the beginning of covid helped and contributed to world wide inflation.

Inflation is the lowest in the US of all the western nations.
Trump handled COVID perfectly. He promised a vaccine by the end of 2020, and was ridiculed by the left for doing so. He wanted to keep everything open, then when that couldn't happen, he wanted everything reopened by mid-April of 2020. He was proven right. But as you recall, it was the Democrat governors of CA and NY who shut down their states and caused the economic problems. Then proceeded to blame Trump for the economic downturn in order to harm his re-election.
I make these points everytime my lesser educated conservative comrades like to call Democrats "commies". Democrats are buried up to their eyeballs in corporate capitalism buying our government out from under us. T
Commies are buried in corproate capitalism? My friend methinks that doeseth not mean whats thou thinketh it means.
The entire Deep State which created the PLANdemic (of which Biden is a slobbering puppet) is to blame, and they were at it while Trump was still in office. Trump threatened to derail this plan and that is part of why they tried anything and everything short of an assassination to get him out of the way. Now that a Deep State puppet is again in office, nothing will be done about inflation. It's not so much what Biden does as what he DOESN'T do which is the problem. He is paid to make his Alzheimer's a public joke while the people who TRULY put him in office cash in while nothing is done.
I do agree with a lot of this that it's Biden's handlers that are the puppet masters behind the man. However, Biden has been crooked all his life. He was against civil rights before he was for it. He has been enriching himself and his family all the time he was a Senator for decades. In the past few year is when he has made the most through his son Hunter and the extortions and bribes with the Ukraine, China, Iran and others. I also believe Obama is in on all this as well. His handlers were at one time actual members of the American Communist Party. Of course, most of the former American Communists Party are now in the mainstream media outlets.
The Mormon church will endorse the deceptively-named "Respect for Marriage Act" put up by the Democrats. The law basically endorses gay marriage, and now so has the Mormon Church. Once again, man-made religions fold to the latest fad and change their 'core' principles to suit the leftwing agenda. Notice the left's communist benefactor, Red China, has not budged an inch on its barring of gay marriage. This war on families is strictly for western consumption. The Chicoms know this garbage damages the traditional family unit, and with it, American stability.

I'm just all the more thankful for my Catholic Church, which vehemently opposes this fraud, packaged to look like it's defending traditional marriage. First, mainstream protestants, and now the Mormon Church has sold its soul in order to 'get along' with the PC leftist culture. Big mistake. They'll soon find their numbers going down, down.

Bible prophecy says that at the end of the Church Age and just before Jesus return most organized religions will be corrupted by Satan

Libs cheer each setback for Christians but if they only knew
correction and observation

No 'plandemic" ever existed

"by the spend happy Biden (and Trump}" and the lackluster management by Trump at the beginning of covid helped and contributed to world wide inflation.

Inflation is the lowest in the US of all the western nations.
The rest of the world is still beholden to the American economy. The world is affected by our inflation just as much and for the third world countries even greater just like inflation affects our poor in America. Also, the dollar and stock markets affect the rest of the world as well. When Trump left office, inflation was about 1.4% So, saying 3% is good is stupid. And, the damage that the past couple of years as high as 10% has caused damage that is not reparable at this time. Credit Card debt has jumped over the past couple of years. In May of this year, it was reported that credit card debt is about $1 Trillion dollars up over 17%. in just one year under the Biden inflation increase plan. The average APR for CC is about 22% now, up from 18% before Biden took office. Other debts are also on the increase at the same rate.
I'll agree that Trump's original reaction was wrong. However, no one had gone through this kind of supposedly at the time Pandemic. Saying anything else is pure hindsight. Trump would have put an end to the BS from Fauci and the Teacher Union Bosses. It's sick what Biden did and wanted to continue to do. In fact, here in Californicate, many food businesses still require their food preparers and cashiers to wear masks. It's ridiculous!
Bible prophecy says that at the end of the Church Age and just before Jesus return most organized religions will be corrupted by Satan

Libs cheer each setback for Christians but if they only knew
It will be worse than that. Brother will fight against Brother, Sister against Sister, Families will be torn apart, even the very elect will be deceived. We see this and much more happening before our very eyes. Only, most people simply stick their heads in the sand and cry "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."
It's natural man that seeks to hide their sins by manufacturing chaos and hatred to steer from their guilt.
Oh no!! The wicked I feel as though I have been swept back into the 16th century. Burn him at the stake
I do agree with a lot of this that it's Biden's handlers that are the puppet masters behind the man. However, Biden has been crooked all his life. He was against civil rights before he was for it. He has been enriching himself and his family all the time he was a Senator for decades. In the past few year is when he has made the most through his son Hunter and the extortions and bribes with the Ukraine, China, Iran and others. I also believe Obama is in on all this as well. His handlers were at one time actual members of the American Communist Party. Of course, most of the former American Communists Party are now in the mainstream media outlets.
I think Obama is a bit higher in the chain than Biden. Much smarter and shadier too. And charismatic. And charming. A truly slick salesman. It's not age that progresses through the ranks of a pseudo-mafia, it's loyalty and performance. Biden is basically a dumb shit. He has fallen from his biggest grave which wasn't much and now he's just a stupid patsy and a distraction. The people who REALLY pull strings are the corporate investors and gov't contractors.
Commies are buried in corproate capitalism? My friend methinks that doeseth not mean whats thou thinketh it means.
Methinks you are lost in space.
You're still calling people who ARE buried in corporate capitalism commies. You actually think the Biden administration is trying to take over and nationalize corporations as "state owned"? Corporations and billionaires like Soros OWN that administration. That's capitalism. It's absolutely nothing like the true communist countries which were not funded by globalist billionaires, except for one thing in common they both want CONTROL....and they are collectivist (okay two things). That's what convinces so many simpletons to call it communism. Eventually western corporate entities opened the door to trade with community and former communist countries because they couldn't defeat them. This has made both the West and China the main players in the global economy. It was beneficial to the big-wigs on both sides. But it was and still is a marriage of opposites and it's an uneasy one that will turn the world on its side if the balance becomes unglued or one side screws the other in any way.

Anyway, when you come back down to earth let us know.

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