Mormon gay conversion loon - divorces wife and comes out as gay

The angry, self loathing closet gays always come running to threads like this.... They are easy to spot...

How many times have I been accused of being a "self-loathing gay" because I firmly believe homosexuality is a sin? I've never understood how that logic is supposed to convince me of something.

By the same logic, I must be a secret "gun grabber", because I own so many firearms, right?

Or maybe I'm in reality a "closet Democrat", because I find Democrats repugnant?

Or that I really crave liver and onions, because the thought of it makes me want to puke?

Right. :laugh:
Because history shows.... The odds are not in your favor.
A person is born gay. It's not a choice.
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:

No, it isn't.

But you'd have to admit that homosexuality is a behavior and like other behaviors, we can choose to do them or choose not to.

I love the ladies but being married to one whose feelings I'd never want to hurt,, I choose not to screw around on her.. I also went through a period of crack cocaine addiction 12 years ago, but I choose not to do that any more. Etc.
He was probably drawn to gay conversion therapy as a way of dealing with his own feelings.
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:
Amen to this. If staying within our own gender was the Lord's every intention, why was more than one gender created and why is a union between the two created genders the only way to reproduce?

God bless you always!!!


Your god and the Bible were invented by ignorant people who didn't know any better.

I think it's much more simple than that.

The United States is a secular nation that separates religion from our government. So whatever the christian bible says has absolutely no meaning or legal standing in America. It doesn't matter what any book or any religion says.

Being homosexual is not a disease, it's not a choice and those who are homosexual have the same rights and equalities as everyone else in America.
You have never answered. Why are you so
Obsessed with what happens in the US?
Why are you so obsesses with what he thinks?

I am Curious. He doesn’t live here yet always posts nasty stuff about the US. What are you his lawyer? If I wanted your opinion I d Give you one. Loser.
Clearly you are too thin skinned and excitable for public forums and should stick to private messages.

Clearly? To whom? To you? No one else has ever said that. Did I hurt your sensitive Leftist feelings? Don’t cry. Loser.
Clearly to everyone. It's a public forum. If you are going to go into am embarrassing little tailspin at every unsolicited response to one of your posts, you should stick to making private threads that everyone ignores. That's free advice. Have a nice night!

Ah ah dude. You and I have had many such exchanges. We don’t see eye to eye to put it mildly. You poked the bear and got your ass handed to you again and then started whining. You want to tussle let’s tussle but don’t start something you cannot finish. Take that free advice.
The angry, self loathing closet gays always come running to threads like this.... They are easy to spot...

How many times have I been accused of being a "self-loathing gay" because I firmly believe homosexuality is a sin? I've never understood how that logic is supposed to convince me of something.

By the same logic, I must be a secret "gun grabber", because I own so many firearms, right?

Or maybe I'm in reality a "closet Democrat", because I find Democrats repugnant?

Or that I really crave liver and onions, because the thought of it makes me want to puke?

Right. :laugh:
Because history shows.... The odds are not in your favor.

Sorry, mang. I totally don't understand what that means. "The odds are not in my favor"?

I'm a happily married man. My kids are grown and moved away. I will be straightforward and admit that I did have one homosexual experience in my life, and that was 51 years ago. I didn't not like it, and have no physical attraction to men, whatsoever.

Kudos to me for being honest. It takes a real man to admit that, one who is secure in his masculinity. At least I can say that I'm straight because I tried it and didn't like it.

You on the other hand, will never know if you're straight or what.

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A person is born gay. It's not a choice.
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:

No, it isn't.

But you'd have to admit that homosexuality is a behavior and like other behaviors, we can choose to do them or choose not to.

I love the ladies but being married to one whose feelings I'd never want to hurt,, I choose not to screw around on her.. I also went through a period of crack cocaine addiction 12 years ago, but I choose not to do that any more. Etc.

No, it's not. My sister is a lesbian. We have known she is lesbian since she was 9 or 10. She has never been attracted to men. She is a boy in a girls body and her partner is a gorgeous dancer. They have been together for years and years. My daughters Godmother is a lesbian. She tried dating guys, she is Catholic after all, but found herself repulsed. She then tried women and found her sexuality.

It CAN be a choice, in the case of people engaging in same sex relations for cash. But, in every case i have ever seen of that, the person was mentally ill, either before, or after the acts.

Conversely, there is NO amount of money that would ever get me to have sex with a man. It just ain't going to happen.
A person is born gay. It's not a choice.
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:

No, it isn't.

But you'd have to admit that homosexuality is a behavior and like other behaviors, we can choose to do them or choose not to.

I love the ladies but being married to one whose feelings I'd never want to hurt,, I choose not to screw around on her.. I also went through a period of crack cocaine addiction 12 years ago, but I choose not to do that any more. Etc.

No, it's not. My sister is a lesbian. We have known she is lesbian since she was 9 or 10. She has never been attracted to men. She is a boy in a girls body and her partner is a gorgeous dancer. They have been together for years and years. My daughters Godmother is a lesbian. She tried dating guys, she is Catholic after all, but found herself repulsed. She then tried women and found her sexuality.

It CAN be a choice, in the case of people engaging in same sex relations for cash. But, in every case i have ever seen of that, the person was mentally ill, either before, or after the acts.

Conversely, there is NO amount of money that would ever get me to have sex with a man. It just ain't going to happen.
A person is born gay. It's not a choice.
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:

No, it isn't.

But you'd have to admit that homosexuality is a behavior and like other behaviors, we can choose to do them or choose not to.

I love the ladies but being married to one whose feelings I'd never want to hurt,, I choose not to screw around on her.. I also went through a period of crack cocaine addiction 12 years ago, but I choose not to do that any more. Etc.

No, it's not. My sister is a lesbian. We have known she is lesbian since she was 9 or 10. She has never been attracted to men. She is a boy in a girls body and her partner is a gorgeous dancer. They have been together for years and years. My daughters Godmother is a lesbian. She tried dating guys, she is Catholic after all, but found herself repulsed. She then tried women and found her sexuality.

It CAN be a choice, in the case of people engaging in same sex relations for cash. But, in every case i have ever seen of that, the person was mentally ill, either before, or after the acts.

Conversely, there is NO amount of money that would ever get me to have sex with a man. It just ain't going to happen.

I agree with you partially, but I was referring the the 60's. There was alot of shenanigans going on back then, it was like one big orgy. Even my wife went to a bunch of those feminist "women's retreats" back in the 60's where no men were allowed. There was alot of "hanky panky" going on there, as did in the 60's. But what's in the past is in the past. She's an ultra-straight conservative Christian woman who is the epitome of femininity.

There is no "gay gene". God creates us in His own image, and creates us both male and female. I still firmly believe that homosexuality and other forms of perversion, are "behaviors".
There is no "gay gene".
Oh really? From whence were you divined this information, shaman? Your Bible? Or your colon?

Jesus told us so in Mark 10:4..

"..And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..."

It's also in Genesis 1:27..

"So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female..."
There is no "gay gene".
Oh really? From whence were you divined this information, shaman? Your Bible? Or your colon?

Jesus told us so in Mark 10:4..

"..And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..."

It's also in Genesis 1:27..

"So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female..."

Oh man,how utterly embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you right now.
There is no "gay gene".
Oh really? From whence were you divined this information, shaman? Your Bible? Or your colon?

Jesus told us so in Mark 10:4..

"..And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..."

It's also in Genesis 1:27..

"So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female..."

Oh man,how utterly embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you right now.

How so? I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity that I don't need to prove anything to you, or myself. If you're going to try to use the liberal ploy of "gay shaming", I should probably tell you right out front: It's not going to work with me. I used to be a liberal just like you, so I know all your moves. I'm one step ahead of you all the way, dude.
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There is no "gay gene".
Oh really? From whence were you divined this information, shaman? Your Bible? Or your colon?

Jesus told us so in Mark 10:4..

"..And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..."

It's also in Genesis 1:27..

"So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female..."

Oh man,how utterly embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you right now.

How so? I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity that I don't need to prove anything.
Because you just cited an iron age fairy tale as a scientific source....that is embarrassing. Are you also a young earth creationist? Heh heh

We don't have anything more to say to each other. I can't reason with a person who didn't reason himself into his position to begin with.
There is no "gay gene".
Oh really? From whence were you divined this information, shaman? Your Bible? Or your colon?

Jesus told us so in Mark 10:4..

"..And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..."

It's also in Genesis 1:27..

"So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female..."

Oh man,how utterly embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you right now.

How so? I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity that I don't need to prove anything.
Because you just cited an iron age fairy tale as a scientific source....that is embarrassing. Are you also a young earth creationist? Heh heh

We don't have anything more to say to each other. I can't reason with a person who didn't reason himself into his position to begin with.

Whatever, mang. Free country and all that. You're free to believe whatever you want to. :biggrin:
Being a homo is a choice. A sick choice. But still a choice. ... :cool:
Amen to this. If staying within our own gender was the Lord's every intention, why was more than one gender created and why is a union between the two created genders the only way to reproduce?

God bless you always!!!

Your god and the Bible were invented by ignorant people who didn't know any better.
And you know this for a fact how? What proof do you have that the Lord has never existed?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Since you didn't take a shot at what I asked in my earlier message, I am guessing that you won't take one at what I ask in this one as well?

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