Mortimer starts a weight loss programme now

Do not forget to keep checking your weight . Your sheer enormous bulk might have pulled you down to below five feet if you have not checked for some time .
That would explain why women run away from you and even the Nazis not being keen to enrol you .
luiza, I like your politics Why won't you just be nice and give the guy a break?

I find it great that he's attempting to change and you just have to be so gosh darn mean to him and I haven't seen him be mean to anybody on here yet if they weren't mean to him first. Seriously just leave the guy alone, I'm sick and tired of all the bullying on here towards what appears a really nice man with good intentions.
luiza, I like your politics Why won't you just be nice and give the guy a break?

I find it great that he's attempting to change and you just have to be so gosh darn mean to him and I haven't seen him be mean to anybody on here yet if they weren't mean to him first. Seriously just leave the guy alone, I'm sick and tired of all the bullying on here towards what appears a really nice man with good intentions.

My mistake I meant to put but why and not have the why capitalized and what appears to be a really nice man with good intentions. I really need to learn how to proofread before I post. 🙄
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walk, walk, walk.

Austria, isn’t it? Don’t they have lots of beautiful scenery?

Get a Fitbit watch, set a reasonable daily goal. 10,000 steps is I think what the Fitbit people say, but you might need to start at 5,000 steps a day and work your way up.

Download some good playlists on your phone and enjoy some music and scenery with your exercise
luiza, I like your politics Why won't you just be nice and give the guy a break?

I find it great that he's attempting to change and you just have to be so gosh darn mean to him and I haven't seen him be mean to anybody on here yet if they weren't mean to him first. Seriously just leave the guy alone, I'm sick and tired of all the bullying on here towards what appears a really nice man with good intentions.
I agree, with you Road Runner. We see Mortimer the same way. I think he is smart and friendly with good character and this site keeps him company. If he stays with his weight-reduction plan he will have the energy to seek out more of a real, rather than a virtual, life....a new way to spend his time. He is 5'8" tall and 300 + pounds now. I hope he stops letting his fingers do the walking and applies some energy to those legs for that exercise. I do hope he sees a Dr. first and when he starts dropping pounds he can share that GOOD news with us every day. :eusa_clap:

Good morning, Mortie! We have your back! :up:
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Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

You can do it, Mortimer! :) If you make the decision and set your mind to it, you can do it. 💪

As others have already said, walking is great. Once you get the OK from your doc just start with a little and work up from there.
The hardest part is starting.

Once you start seeing results in the mirror and in the scale, you’ll be motivated to keep going.

And once your body gets used to exercise you start liking, and even craving the walks
Please support me and motivate me.

I packed 7kg since December 2022, that is alot for 8 months and it is noticeable and visible. I dont want to be 300kg, I gain and gain weight and now it has to stop.

I will

  • Eat less
  • Eat more healthy (instead of the chocolate an apple for example)
  • Do a little physical excersise, like climbing stairs, punching the speedball, lifting dummbells

I did that a few years ago and lost 30kg, im still 10-15kg less then i used to be in 2016

Until end of the year I want to lose 10kg. I think after one or two weeks i already will feel better and have lost 1-2kg

I do urge you to exercise and eat the Keto diet. But I also urge you to avoid boxing at all costs.
You are that big and only weight 311 pounds? You must have the muscle mass of a pile of bones.
While getting into shape, work on muscles. Chicks like them and it will boost your confidence.
Some who told me to run, probably want to harm me
No, they're just ignorant. DIET is 80% of achieving your goal. Lose ALL SUGAR AND PROCESSED CARBS. Eat a heavily plant based diet. If you eat NATURAL, you don't even have to worry about counting calories.
I have faith in Morty and I'm really holding back on telling his bullies to go fuck themselves because I've tried to cut back on cussing and most of them I actually like in general... I just can't stand bullies as I've been bullied myself and on here too at that. Mostly by Gracie queen of the bitches.
Another thingy I do when I diet is take SUPER GREENS (nutrition powder).
I get the berry flavor and mix it with fruit juice. It's delish!

What it does for me is give me a boost of nutrition so I really don't crave anything...So when I know I'm hungry because my stomach is empty and growling at me...I don't care if I eat pizza or broccoli. My body doesn't need any more nutrition, it's just that I have no food in me.

I'm just putting something in my I eat the broccoli (or spinach or brussel sprouts, or carrots and apples...etc).
No. At his weight it is true. Until he gets cleared by a doctor, he should be very cautious.

Once he gets cleared by a doctor, then he can start a reasonable cardio program.

I'm not saying he should go out and try and run a marathon.
I always liked riding a bike for cardio,you push it hard for a short stretch and then take a casual ride rinse and repeat.
Eventually you find that those pushed times get longer and longer.
Eat more protein and lower sugar intake. Have sex at least 3 to 4 times a week.

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